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Strangers like me.


| Vixen's POV

"So, Greed, you're actually not in love with Stheno?" I was holding my satchel over my shoulder as we walk between familiar mountains. We were kinda close to my pack which made me wonder if I could possibly stop by there before we head back to the mansion.

"No." Greed scoffs. "Stheno is a partner, not of romantic interest."

"But you kissed his head-."

"I can kiss you on the head, does that mean that I love you?" Greed asks.

"I guess not but I just assumed since you two were in a relationship." I shrugged. "Who is this Dina person?"

"She's a spirit." He answers, holding a object into the air. "Hmm, if my guess is right, there's going to be a storm in approximately five minutes."

"Huh? Wait, what? Why are we here again?" Standing on top of this mountain brought back unwanted memories as we watch the river flow peacefully.

"This is why you're here Vixen. There's going to be a opening in the river soon as the storm gets more aggressive. That's where you'll jump in," he turns to me. "Do you have your scuba gear?"

T-That's why I brought these.

"G-Greed, I don't think I can.. do this." I began to hyperventilate until he places his hands on my shoulders, steadying me. "Vixen, you have less than three minutes to change into your gear and then you must jump. I won't let anything happen to you." He took a tanzanite colored gem stone from his back pocket, placing it in my hand. "Squeeze this and I will rescue you. There will be enough time to get you out of there. I just can't teleport in on my accord, do you understand?"

I shake my head, staring the sin in his dark eyes. I was trembling, struggling to get into the scuba gear.


I made sure I was secured in the suit, laying the satchel down on a rock. "Y-You said squeeze this and you'll be able to come get me?"

"Yes." Greed glances up into the sky as the clouds began to darken; lightening and thunder scattering throughout the sky.

This is how I lost Piper. My mates cave was around here somewhere but my heart was beating out of my chest as I placed my mask on, making sure my oxygen was leveled out and stable.

"Sixty seconds. You'll be obtaining a gem similar to that one I gave you. Once you have it, you need to signal that you're ready to get rescued. Immediately and don't hesitate."

Each second passing felt like a moment too short to catch my breath. I stood on the edge of the mountain, seeing a whirlpool begin to form.

My moon goddess, there's actually an opening.

Rain began pouring like back then. Everything felt like a dream as I felt like I was suffocating in this mask. My body was trembling too much as I slowly approached the cliff of the mountain.

The river was clashing and devouring everything in its path while the whirlpool widened, consuming everything as a whole. It was like a vacuum.

"Go! Now!" Greed shouts.

I took a leap of faith, jumping off the mountain as I fixed my posture into a diving position but the rain consistently cascaded into my mask, blinding me.

I said a silent prayer, closing my eyes tightly.

I shield my face with my arms while falling into the whirlpool. It spun me in a circle, devouring me entirely. I submerged under the water, sinking down to moon goddess knows where.

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