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Ever since I met you, no vacancy.


| Basim's POV

There was fear radiating from poor Vixen. He was trembling and trying to prevent himself from crying but I saw through the facade. He was truly a good soul and I hated that he was brought into this wicked world of ours.

Howls from different wolves were slowly surrounding us and I knew Envy and Wrath were finding joy in this. That's how all sins work.

Something I didn't want to tell Vixen was that every time we die, a new person takes our spot but their sanity is never the same. Corruption happens.

As wolves began surrounding us, I tilt my head. I wonder why mortals picked fights that they can't win. I internally sigh to myself as I stare at Wrath.

Being too close to him for awhile made my heart lurch. It's been many centuries and he hasn't given in to the bond.

Does he hate me that much?

What am I on about? This isn't about me. This is about helping Vixen until master returns which won't be too long. I've been keeping him updated with everything but he's furious and will be returning sooner than I thought.

Let's just say Gluttony will soon be third generation.

I needed to stay focus. This is unlike me. I was always attentive and observant. I was trained as one of the best and I planned to keep that title.

But I couldn't help it.

A male appears as his eyes analyzed all of us. His dark brown eyes stopped a second longer on Vixen and I didn't like that.

"Who is responsible for the death of Myles?" He asks, impatiently waiting for an answer.

I took a glance at Wrath who was currently smirking, wanting the mortal man to accuse him. I knew him all too well. He knew no one was more powerful than him amongst the sins. Some virtues would even have a problem against him.

He's reckless.

Vixen stutters, "I-It was an accident."

"He's shredded to pieces!" The male shouts. "I know it wasn't you. You smell weak." His eyes averted to me. "You."


"And what makes you think I did it?" I place my hand over my heart, shocked by his accusation.

"Your smell is the strongest in this area," he says, approaching me.

I wouldn't do that.

"W-Wait, it wasn't him." Vixen says, attempting to keep the peace but we all knew that wolves were tempered creatures.

I've had my fair share of encounters.

But this man had none of us fooled. He was scared like the rest but he kept up the act because his alpha was quickly approaching.

"Take them to the jail and lock them all up. Alpha Loki will soon deal with them." He stops before entering my space.

Wrath was deadly quiet as he watched the mortal's every step. His temper rises with each step he took closer to me. I can't afford to lose another life for Vixen's sake so I play the innocent act.

I sigh, "I didn't kill him. Your own blood did."

Vixen's eyes widened at my display of the truth. He knew what that meant for Theo.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now