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My body is your party.


| Vixen's POV

I woke up, feeling someone heavy on me. I automatically assumed it was Piper but I'm sure she wasn't that heavy. I groan, lifting myself up. "Ugh, Piper this isn't-."

I glance down, seeing Sloth laying on my lap as he breathes lightly. For some reason, I wasn't shocked nor disappointed. Piper was no where to be found and I was actually glad that he was here.

I place my hand on top of his head, playing in his soft hair. "Sloth, I need to get up." I lean down to whisper into his ear. He groans, pushing his palm into the bed as he lifts himself up. His bed hair was roughed up as he looks up at me. "Mornin'."

"Good morning." I shyly say. "How long have you been here?"

"All night. Your friend begged me to put her to sleep so I did because she was very annoying." He rubs his tired eyes.

"Why do you sleep a lot? I thought immortals didn't need to sleep." I was curious.

"I have to sleep to replenish my energy." He yawns. "Which is why I've been so tired lately." He nonchalantly says.

"You're like a bear constantly hibernating." I tease.

"Hibernating doesn't sound too bad." His dark eyes found mine as he removes himself from on top of me.

His scent was so sweet and addicting. I bit my lower lip as I start to blush as unholy thoughts began to invade my head.

"Why did you come sleep with me?" I ask.

"I heard you yelling about no one in the world would be willing to sleep with you." He answers as if he knew that question was coming.

"You heard that?!" I put my hands on my face, dying of embarrassment.


"You think I'm weird, huh?" I chuckle.

"I don't understand mortal's emotions so I can't really answer that." Sloth lays on his back, folding his arms behind his head as he closes his eyes.

I glance down at my hand, realizing that the cover was rising slightly. I blush tremendously as I prayed that he didn't smell my arousal. "Well, I'm going to get up and y'know." I laugh nervously, debating if I should get from under the covers but since his eyes were closed, I thought I could.

That was until I looked back towards the sin whose eyes were now open, staring up at the ceiling.

Holy fudge popsicles.

"Y-You okay?" I asked, scared that he noticed. I haven't had a chance to release my frustration out in a different matter since I've been so constantly stressed about Thierno and Tiberias.

"I think you should go." Sloth sat up with his elbows as his eyes were glazed over.

I didn't want to go but I desperately knew that it would be wrong to take advantage of the mate bond.

"I-I understand. I can't... take advantage of you." I breathe a little heavier.

"It would be the other way around." He corrected me, closing his eyes once more.

A part of me wanted to be ravished by the demon but I knew that would only lead to problems in the end. I immediately remove the covers then head for the door.

All the blood rushed to my dick as I felt extremely hot. I speed walked towards my bedroom, opening the door to find Thierno standing there. He turns to look at me, "I've been looking for you."

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