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Damn papa you a rare breed.


| Vixen's POV

The way that I stood in front of the bed, undressing myself before my mate's eyes left me feeling all sorts of emotions. He watches me while he sat on the edge, gripping the mattress to control himself. "T-Tonight I want to take control. I want to feel.. powerful."

The way his beautiful curly hair fell over his lustful eyes while they scanned me from head to toe made me want scurry back into my shell and never come out.

But I needed to do this. Lauv told me that the best way to keep a man interested is by being confident. I suppose that went for everyone.

After my clothes fell down onto the floor, I managed to spread Tiberias' strong thighs and used my finger to tug at the hem of his waist. He lifts himself slightly off the bed, allowing me to rid his bottoms. "I'll allow it." There was a slight hint of humor in his voice.

"C-Can I tie you to the bed?" I cleared my throat. "I-I mean, l-lay down and I'm going to tie you to the bed."

My mate eyes were slightly wide as he studies me. "Will this make you happy?"

I nod once. "And take off your shirt."

He pulls his shirt over his head, ruffling his hair while doing so. He exposed his wide shoulders and impeccable toned body. He had abs for days which would take me years to get. "Close your mouth while staring. I wouldn't want anything to fly into it." His eyes were wild with temptation as he stood up, yanking his briefs down, exposing his bulging thighs and erect cock.

I gulped, memorizing the sight but what made me blush was the fact that it looked completely identical to Thierno's minus the dick piercing.

"Sit." I demanded and he obliged. I knew this had to be awkward for him since I would've been bent over and fucked by now but I wanted to take my time with this.

"N-Now lay on the bed." I point towards the middle. He chuckled before hoisting himself up, falling back onto the bed.

The way he lays there with his cock sprung out, fully awake now made my already hard shaft twitch. I circle around the bed, grabbing the chains from underneath the bed.

Yes, I was prepared.

He lifts his wrist up to the side of the headboard while watching me with dark cloudy eyes as if challenging me to follow through.

And so I did. I chained his wrists down, allowing his legs to be kept free. "I never took you to be into BDSM. Daddy's little omega is full of surprises."

A blush covered my entire cheeks as I climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. I placed a blindfold over his eyes so that I won't get distracted.

He smirks, throwing his head back against the pillow while his muscles flexed; turning his wrists in the chains.

If I didn't know any better, I'd assume Tiberias found this... exhilarating.

I bent forward, wrapping my small hand around his shaft, engulfing what I could fit into my mouth; the tip, before I gagged. My eyes watered as his breathing hitched and cock flinched.

I ran my free hand up his thigh, feeling the sparks constantly through his skin.

Closing my eyes, I made sure to focus on breathing through my nose while I licked the tip from the base to the tip, aligning my tongue with the pulsing veins.

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