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Everyone has inner demons.


| Vixen's POV

I was back in reality, seeing the flames no longer around me, however, Thierno stood there, staring at me.

Everything has changed for me. I couldn't believe that they'd keep this from me. I had every right to know what I was getting myself into. "So I have to die in order for you two to separate?"

"That won't be happening." Thierno says.

"I'm not saying I'm doing it. I just need to know what are all of our options." I sigh. "How about you explain to me why she thinks you and Tiberias killed her son?"

"His name was Arcas." He says. "Arcas was considered one of the most beautiful men back then. He could have anyone he wanted if he tried. He was spoiled, selfish and controlling."

I look down, becoming a little jealous but I pushed that feeling away as I listened to him. "He was infatuated with my brother and I. Selfish and wanted both of us."

"Unfortunately, by that time that I found out that he had feelings for my brother, I had developed some type of emotional connection because I felt like he understood me." Thierno explains. "I never loved him though. He could've walked out of my life the very next day and I wouldn't care."

"Why did Hera think you two were in love with him?" I ask.

"That, is unknown." He says in a strained tone.

"Have you ever loved anyone before?" I was cautious in asking, knowing that my heart would fill with a jealous feeling but I was curious.

"No, I have never loved another before and I don't plan to." He said with such a straight face that I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart.

"Not even your mate?" My voice was so soft that I barely heard myself ask that question.

What was I doing? I'm the one whose been avoiding him. I shouldn't care since I've been treating him like a monster.

"Vixen." He calls my name, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yea?" I ask.

"I'll protect you and provide for you but..," he shoves his hands into his pockets. "I have no means of a romantically driven relationship."

"Then what's the point of a mate bond?" I ask. "Thierno, I know I haven't been the best and I feel like I understand you more now. I'm not afraid of you."

He shifts on his foot, avoiding eye contact with me. He had to be really uncomfortable since he has never once did that.

"What Teivel said wasn't true." A part of me was starting to fall for the brothers and I had no control over it. Maybe it was my omega instincts kicking in, wanting to be enough for my mates.

"When you were little, the world stripped you of your-."

His eyes darkens. "I don't need your sympathy, Vixen. You're overstepping your boundaries." He warns.

"Sorry." I sigh, biting my fingernail. "No one deserves to be alone."

"I'm not alone." Thierno laughs with no emotion in it. "I'm never alone. Ever since I've been here."

I guess I set myself up for that one.

"And truthfully, I'm new to this. I didn't know I would be gay or whatever you call it. When I first met you, I didn't expect you to even swing that way." I half heartedly chuckle.

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