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Love story.


| Vixen's POV

It has been a few weeks since Tiberias was last seen. He was gone when I woke up and I haven't heard a word from him. The first day was hard. I cried silently in my bed for hours, hugging my pillow until I grew a headache and fell back asleep just so I was able to withstand the pain in my chest.

Most days I didn't want to get out of bed but I knew I had to in order to stay healthy for my baby. I was due any day now and Mercy offered to give me a c-section today. I didn't know what I wanted at the time so I just agreed but a part of me hoped to see Tiberias back for the birth of our baby.

I would occasionally ask Thierno if he knew anything of his whereabouts and he'd reply the same thing; that he hasn't heard anything from his brother as well. I just wanted to know if he was safe or not. I didn't mind if he felt the need to stay away for our safety.

Today I was going to have my baby once Mercy arrived. I gave everyone the due date since they so badly wanted to be there for my firstborn.

Nowadays, I would just remain in my garden and plant new seeds. It helped me remain calm whenever I grew needy. I found myself wearing Tiberias' clothes often just to smell him but it was never enough.

But that's not all that has been on my mind. My pack has been mourning the loss of their warrior. They wanted me to return for questioning but I couldn't find myself to. I didn't want to because it would just remind me of that day where Tiberias left my life and never returned.

I dreaded that day. I found myself wishing I never went there to begin with and we'd probably still be together right now.

I wanted Tiberias back.

I needed him.

But I couldn't have him...

I lie there in bed while staring up at the ceiling, resting my head on this fluffy pillow. This entire bed smelled like my missing mate and it allowed me to sleep comfortably at night but I hated waking up.

Thierno tried his best to be there for me but he was never the comforting type. I felt like I was missing a piece of my soul.

And I was.

If only Tiberias understood that I would've helped him through this hard moment in his life. I would've stood by his side and helped him find the correct treatment for his mental illness.

For he was always perfect in my eyes. He didn't have to put on a facade because I would've loved him regardless. I would've showed him great love if I had known he was suffering in silence.

But the only person keeping me together was Thierno. He kept me sane and I will always be grateful. He remained by my side during those nights where I couldn't stop crying and I would shake from the intense wails.

There has been countless nights where I would beg whoever was listening to send my mate back to me but I still felt him through the mate bond which allowed me some type of closure.

I would try to force the link open but nothing would ever be on the receding end. Not even Nitro would respond to me.

I needed to stop thinking about him before I cried again but I couldn't help myself. I wanted him to hold me and comfort me once more.

My heart yearned for a man who was afraid to hurt me and fled in order to protect his baby. I couldn't be selfish in this matter. I knew it had to be a hard decision to leave but I found myself begging him to stay even if it meant that I would be in danger.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now