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God's Menu.


| Vixen's POV

Waiting around for my mates to come back took a toll on me and I was tired of waiting for them to come get me so I decided to leave. I exit the room and approached the stairs until a horrid smell hit my nose.

Probably not a good idea, Kuro said.

"What is that horrible smell?" I asked my wolf and started making my way towards the stairs that lead to the living room until the sight before me caught me off guard.

I couldn't believe it...

All of the air in my lungs evaporated as my mouth flapped open about to let out a scream as the sight of all of my friends laying with their bodies covered in each other's blood came into focus.

There was blood everywhere; on the walls, the furniture, the kitchen, and on the floor.

All of the sins and virtues heads were decapitated and their bodies were tossed aside all over the room.

Bile rose in my throat. However, that wasn't the terrifying part. Three people stood at the bottom; in the center of this blood bath.

Mythos and Death stood on each side of Thierno; all three of them looking up at me as I stood at the top of the stairs with my hand covering my mouth, tears shamelessly flowing down my cheeks. "T-Thierno, what have you done?"

Blood was splattered everywhere, especially on Thierno; his face was drenched in it, covering his body to the point where he's barely recognizable.

Mythos sent a spine-chilling smile up at me before he leans forward, lips inches from Thierno's ear as his lips moved into a whisper while his hazel eyes remained on me.

In that slight moment, my eyes drifted to the body that was currently underneath Death's black boot; he rests one foot on Tiberias' body while inhaling toxins from the cigarette.

Tiberias was laying on his stomach, eyes lifeless as he stared forward with a purple rash covering his face. He was in shock moments before his death.

After Mythos finished whispering into my mate's ear, Thierno lifts his tatted, bloodied hand up to his mouth and licked the remains. His eyes were glazed over as if he was hypnotized...

I was about to run for my life until a baby's cries caught my attention. I glanced around the room to see a baby sitting on top of Basim's body with blood painting his dark hair. The baby had similar features to my friend and his eyes were glued shut while he continued to cry.

I can't leave a baby behind..

I was about to make a run for him, even if I had no chance of making it to him until Death gave me a taunting look, daring me to try and save him.

"D-Don't hurt that little baby, please." I stuttered.

Death's eyes were pinning me in place or I was too frightened to make a run for it. Either way the god kept a devilish grin.

"Thierno, finish the job." Mythos says tiredly before turning his back to me, walking out of the door.

Death took one last puff of his cigarette before flicking it to the floor. The floor instantly rose up in flames, consuming every body it touches. All of my friends began to burn to ash.

Piper was lying on the floor with half opened eyes that dimmed; only light in them was the furious flame that started to consume her body. Her throat was slit and multiple cuts were present in her arms and legs.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now