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Who needs drugs when you're high off love?


| Vixen's POV

I woke up to loud music playing. I twist and turn, covering my head with a pillow. I wasn't a morning person at all. Who could possibly be blasting that this early in the morning?!

I slap the cover off of me, pulling my legs over to the side of the bed and lift myself up. I did my morning routine then splashed water on my face to somewhat wake myself up. Then, I exit my bedroom in only pajamas. I didn't care.

"We are here today to have a celebration! Today is marked a day of many years that we'll be allowing mating outside of these walls!" A bunch of cheers filled the air.

That sounds like Alpha Torak's voice. The palace doors were open and decorations were up everywhere.

"Today is a change in history!" Alpha Torak laughs, greeting his pack members that continue to flood the hall. "He will be here soon." I heard a woman whisper to a man.

I hid behind a large pillar that held the inside of the palace up.

"I can't believe he's breaking history to allow his daughter to mate with such a dangerous animal," the man exclaims.

"Do not question the alpha!" She whisper-shouted. "You know what happened last time when someone did. He has his motives." She sighs.

He nods in agreement, "You're right."

I decide to return to my room and put on my black hoodie, black pants and black boots. Alpha Torak had someone kindly wash my clothing while I was asleep.

I need to be swift and quick so that I may leave without being noticed. I don't want to be anywhere near this place when he arrives.

They also replaced my damaged bag with a cute duffel bag. For a weird pack, they were generous. I sling it over my shoulder and made my way out.

While everyone was celebrating, I sneak pass. They had some pretty experienced belly dancers. I was almost mesmerized but I snapped out of it. I found a passage way behind the houses which was clear of any lingering villagers.

Piece of cake.

My smile suddenly dropped to a frown once I realized that there's only one way out of this place and that one exit was closed right now.

"What are you doing?" I spun around to find the culprit who dare sneaks up on me. "Apollo." I place my hand over my chest, directly over my heart. "I was just trying to leave. I feel like I overextended my stay."

"No one gets to leave during a celebration," he smirks. "Any luck with finding your mate, kitty?"

"Kitty? Who are you calling a kitty?" I know my face was turning red from how upset I was getting which gave him even more reason to have that quite sexy smirk on his face.

Excuse me?

"I'll have you know that I didn't want a mate anyway," I smile to taunt him.

"It starts off that way," he looks over my head. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Come walk with me," he slides his shirt on over his head, pulling it down. The black shirt hugged his muscles, exploiting his defined body.

I take a look at the closed gate then bit my lip deciding if I should just make a run for it but I know I would never make it far so I follow Apollo.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now