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A pack is nothing without the wolves.


| Vixen's POV

The next morning, I packed a bag to last me for awhile. It's finally my birthday and I feel nothing. I would've thought I'd feel some type of tingles or something. I guess it only occurs when you find your mate.

I checked the time and it was seven on the dot. I needed to go before my parents woke up in the next hour. I put on black pants, black boots and a black hoodie. I had to go unnoticed while it was still somewhat dark outside.

I grabbed a pen and piece of paper. I wrote, "I know you and dad did a lot of preparation for my birthday but I won't be back for awhile. I already informed the alpha that I won't be back for my birthday but in reality, I won't be back until I'm ready. Thank you both. I love you both so much. Your son, Vix." I folded the note neatly into a square and quietly slid it under my parent's door as I made my way out.

Well, this is it.

I took the route that Alpha Zylon gave me. I saw two wolves on post this morning. They stepped out of my way, watching me leave. I guess Alpha Zylon already informed these two of my departure.

One of the wolves sniffed my bag as I pass them. As I walk further, I turn around to glance back at my home.

The Storm Forest pack, led by Alpha Zylon, I wish you farewell until I return.

I sigh, getting a better grip on my bag as I turn to continue moving forward.

I wonder where I should venture first. I should probably try visiting some packs further down south. If I go eastern, I'd have to pass through his territory. If what he said was true then I won't risk putting my family in danger.

I decided to visit the Blood Rose pack first. They're closer and their women are of divine taste. Strong genetics flow within their bloodlines. Many years ago there was an alpha who only did selective breeding and they've kept his lineage going for many centuries.

Finding my mate there would be of low chance but I have faith.

I traveled for two days until I managed to come across their borders. There was walls built high and no entrance except one. They lived in a more modern way compared to other wolf packs.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" A man stood on top of the double gated door. His skin was more of a olive skin tone and his long hair was pure white. He styled it in a tight man bun. He jumps down, landing in front of me. He had a war tattoo on his shoulder and he was only wearing black pants that stopped to his calf. His v-line showed and I tried my best not to stare.

"I-I'm- Uh- My name is Vixen," I spoke quickly as more men began to show themselves, aiming arrows at me.

"And where do you come from? Which pack?" His accent was strong. He surrounds me, studying me from the toes up.

"S-Storm Forest pack," my heart was racing with each step he takes. He came to a stop in front of me as he looks at me with disgust.

"Alpha Zyloon?" He asks.

"Zylon," I correct.

He squints his eyes, "And what brings you here? We have no means in becoming allies with such a corrupted pack."

"I'm not here on behalf of Alpha Zylon. I come here on my own seeking to find my mate."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now