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Taehyung blink his eyes open when the sunlight reflection hits his morning face , he then shuffle on the bed but only for a second before his eyes get wider in realisation that he's not inside his room. Reflecting back on the last day and the unexpected drama , he sighs sitting up with his back against the headboard.

Just as he was at the edge of wondering how he was meant to act in someone else's house, the room door was pushed open by no one other than jungkook himself. The mafia leader was holding a cup of probably coffee or tea in his hand.

Taehyung only watch as the man smile softly when he sees him awake.

"Good morning pretty , i was just about to wake you up--- how was your night?" Jungkook questions gently placing the cup he was previously holding down on the night stand before leaning over and kiss the pretty male's forehead— letting his lips linger on the younger head for few seconds.

Taehyung felt his heart swell up at the same adoration act of the mafia boss , his brain was only able to register jungkook's question only when the said male retreat his lips from his forehead.

"Morning , it was fine" jungkook hums , eyes taking in the pretty boy appearance. His messy hair and cute morning face which did nothing good to his heart because he just get the urge to keep the boy away from everyone else gaze.

"Here , morning tea" taehyung mumble out a thanks under his breath as he take the cup from jungkook.

"I don't know what you'll like to have but the maid has made a lots of meal, you just have to make choices and don't worry--- I have jin watch over the maids so it's safe" taehyung honesty wasn't thinking about the part of the food being spike by a maid but now that jungkook mentioned about it , he can't help but get nervous with the thought.

"Anything is fine by me" he decided to reply, a not so comfortable silence take over the room , tae was busy taking glances at jungkook here and there while the said male only stare ahead blankly at nothing particularly which causes the pretty male to sighs out loudly.

"Uhm , I'm sorry about last day-- I seriously never meant to make you feel bad" jungkook move his gaze to the younger who was now fumbling with his shirt sleeve, looking every where in the room except jungkook's face.

The mafia boss chuckle softly.

"I've told you already love, I understand your point of view and it's really not that hard" jungkook shrugs giving a small smile to taehyung who finally muster up his courage to meet the older male gaze.

"Can you try and Uhm-- forget about what I said? We can still make this work right?" Tae bite his lips nervously when jungkook just keep staring at him without any readable emotions on his face, he knows he's probably once again making a very rash and hot decisions.

But he was never the type to loose something before knowing the value of it , without any argument— the people who are after him already know about him , either he later ended up with jungkook or not. It's a fact that they won't ever stop coming after him so why not take the full risk?.

We only get to leave once , he might not know everything but one thing was certain--- the feelings he get when jungkook somehow hint about letting him go wasn't a bit pleasant to his mind or body.

"Don't bring my hopes high again pretty, I'm already at the edge with you--


"Let me speak please , you know what happened in the past days can repeat themselves over again well except the part where I raise my voice on you , that definitely won't ever happen again. Are we going to keep going over argument Everytime for that?---

Jungkook words are once again cut half way by taehyung who shifts closer to the male placing his one hand on jungkook's thighs.

The mafia boss stop talking moving his gaze to tae's hand before sighing out loudly.

"Before you say anything my world , I know this might sound insensitive while having a serious discussion but I think little jeon might get excited if you keep your hand like that for another few seconds" jungkook calmly stated blinking his eyes simultaneously along with tae who was probably trying to understand the information the man must be trying to pass.

His eyes went wide in shock when he finally did and didn't even hesitate to smack jungkook's head , not harshly but he already expected it when the older scream and dramatically fall back on the bed while holding his head.

"What the hell? Seriously? You just have to say that in a serious conversation?" Taehyung glare at the man who was still pretending to be in pain.

"The problem is you don't even care about your husband who's in pain , don't be like this wifey--- ahhh I think I'm dying but I think kiss would be all I need to stay alive. Safe your hubby baby" the pretty male can only press his lips into thin line at the man that keep blinking his eyes so so so innocently at him with a fake pout on his lips.

"I'm so done with you" taehyung shakes his head unamused and was going to get off the bed when he get pull into jungkook's chest , the mafia boss arms instantly snake around his waist.

"How can we be done when we haven't get started in the first place , we gotta get rids of clothes to starts so how can we be done with clothes still on" jungkook only laugh loudly at tae's disbelief gasps , the pretty male really smack his head this time and finally able to get off the been

And glare at jungkook who was trying hard to stop laughing, tae's expression just worth everything right now.

"You're really----

"Amazing?" Jungkook finish the words for taehyung who roll his eyes.

"Come here my heart" the pretty male can only stare at jungkook suspiciously when the man sits up properly and patted his laps for him to come and take a seat , when he notice there was no hint of teasing in the man's face. He walk closed again, gently sitting down on jungkook's laps.

"So what are we saying before?" Jungkook ask in soft voice and starts running his fingers through the younger's hair.

"I mean , why don't you teach me how to live in your world?---

"you serious don't need to live in my world baby, just stays in your comfort zone and I'll be the one getting out of mine to watch over you---- there might be some misery incidents over time but I can assure you'll always get out safe and sound-

Jungkook stare at taehyung when the younger turn his head swiftly to meet his gaze.

"Why don't you accept me into your world instead baby?"


Sorry for mistakes

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