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Taehyung the new crackhead;, a date

Jungkook was leaning against his car infront of Taehyung's college , he can't help but keep rolling his eyes every seconds at the way the students are staring at him . He wish he can plug their eyes out and have it fry for them to eat.

He was having a bad day from the very beginning when one of his partner decided to cancel their deal that day , and his weapon also got stolen by some other gang.

He'll have to snatch it back but he really need to see Taehyung for the moment before going , Taehyung is his lucky charm.

It was two days after his visit to the Kim's house and Taehyung finally agreeing to marry him , grandpa has told him to spend at least two or three weeks getting to know Taehyung more before the wedding which he easily agree to.

He won't ever say no to anything that had to deal with Taehyung, positively.

Taehyung was casually walking besides jimin who was rambling to him about the lecturer that had been eyeing him one way or the other , he really doesn't pay mind to whatever his soulmate was blabbing about , he knows jimin's is naturally dramatic so .

Jimin raise his brow at the unexplainable chaos infront of the entrance and without thinking twice , he drag a protesting Taehyung along with him.

"What the heck jimin" the pretty male hiss under his breath which was useless to jimin who was busy dragging him roughly and keep pushing through the students who starts cursing at him , but really jimin doesn't really give a fuck.

He had to catch the sight of what other are watching.

When they finally get to the front after pushing through the whole crowd , they catch the sight of the man leaning against the car that was causing all the ruckus.

"Damn dude is hot" Taehyung was going to go on scolding spray on jimin until he really catch the sight of the person that was causing ruckus infront of his college and it no one other than his so call husband. Well soon to be husband.

"Hubby?" While Jungkook eyes went wide both in happiness and amusement, he had to bite his lips bite to resist the urge to scream out loudly over the world , he's more than happy.

Hearing Taehyung call him hubby infront of his other mates makes Jungkook forget about all the bad day , they meant nothing to him now.

Jimin and other students are trying to make sure their ears are still working just perfectly, did the school famous prince just call this hot man hubby ?.

"It's really you" Taehyung shakes his head stepping forward to Jungkook who was smiling widely at him , the man look so much happy like a kid that just got his favourite snacks.

"Yes my world" Jungkook softly mumble and was confused on what's next , he has seen Taehyung now and so what's next ?. He didn't think of anything else the moment he knows he have to see his baby.

"Soulmate what's going on?" Taehyung is afraid Jungkook neck might break with the speed he snap it up when jimin step ahead and wrap his arms around Taehyung's waist from the back , Jungkook's eyes flick and jimin can't really gulp and retreat his hands away from Taehyung body.

The pretty male shriek when he pull softly closer to Jungkook , the mafia boss eyes was still glaring deadly at jimin as he wrap his arms around Taehyung's waist possessively , he really doesn't want to touch Taehyung without his permission but this human microwave infront of him just dare to touch his husband?.

"Keep those shorts hands to yourself, he's mine" Jungkook hissed out and Taehyung was just freeze in his hold , he was still trying to understand whatever is going on right now.

"Hubby , what are you doing ?" Taehyung frown slipping himself out of Jungkook's hold and glare at the mafia boss who was now pouting at him , fucking pouting after almost giving his precious soulmate an heart attack.

"But he was touching you , I don't like it " Taehyung have never roll his eyes so much till now , he can't believe this , Jungkook got to be kidding him.

"He's my close friend and you just speak to him nonchalantly , apologize to him" Jungkook click his tongue , his eyes wander to his disguise guards that are just standing besides their parked car opposite , he knows one thing they can hear whatever is going on at the moment , Taehyung wants him to apologise to this boy?.

"Bab-" one glare was enough to shut Jungkook up , he can't believe this.

"Like right now Jungkook, or I'm going to cancel whatever I might have agreed with before. He's my childhood friend and you have to respect him just like you'd do with me" jimin really wasn't dumb enough not to catch up with whatever is going on , this man standing must be the Jungkook that's going to marry his bestfriend.

On that must be why he's so fucking scary , Jungkook is only human that can get away with insulting jimin's height but hey , who wants to argue with a fucking mafia boss.

"Baby don't call me with my name" jimin raise his brow amusingly , he doesn't want to be call with his name ? Then what did he wants to be call ? Master ? Sir ? Boss ? , How did his lovely soulmate end up with this man?.

"Then apologize to him" Jungkook would've throw tantrum if only they weren't been watch by other students that haven't study minding business in their days in school.

"I'm sorry for not addressing you politely but I am definitely not sorry for pulling him away from you , don't touch him too much" Taehyung sighs rolling his eyes even tho he knows jimin won't really take any offence out of Jungkook's words , but he can just mess around with his limit with the man can't he ?.

"Now meet park jimin , my soulmate from very first day and jimin this is Jungkook" jimin smile politely bowing slightly to the man who bow back to him , they both exchange pleasantries and jimin was glad he wasn't being murder by those deadly glares anymore.

"Why are you here , trying to show off your appearance like you did with my mum and got my dad scared maybe you're trying to snatch his wife?" The pretty male suggestively wiggle his brow at Jungkook who chuckle slightly.

"Do I have to show off what's so already hard to ignore ? I'm just here for you but it's normal, it's not Everytime you see such a yummy sight like me" jimin make a puke sound instantly, what the hell?.

"Too much cocky" Taehyung roll his eyes and Jungkook shrugs.

"I've got the most beautiful human in the world with me so , I've the ticket to be cocky for all i want . My world can this peasant ask for a little bit out of your very precious time to take you on a date , please say yes it took me two fucking days to pick up my courage" Taehyung make a thinking face for some moments before speaking up.

"Since my hubby ask nicely then ,yes"

Jimin was left to question his life choices , his soulmate become a crackhead just by spending a day with Jungkook?.


Sorry for mistakes

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