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Jungkook was sitting with a big pout on his lips , older Jeon can't believe whatever he's witnessing at the moment , he really can't believe Jungkook is sulking right now . His same son that he has been taking care of since baby , the same boy that has always been fearless to face all risk is the same one sulking right now.

"He told me to go home that he'd come and visit me today after his class but he's no where to be found now, I'm going to go to him if he doesn't show up in a minute--

Jungkook was cut off by another voice.

"And I will make sure my slippers do a better job on your face" the two Jeon's turn their head and one face light up with smile while another one went wide in shock.

"My baby!" Jungkook dramatically exclaim opening his arms widely as he waits for Taehyung to step closer to him , he won't even dare to move an inch away from his bed because he doesn't want the pretty male slippers on his face.

"Good day Mr Jeon?" Taehyung bow to the older Jeon mumbling a greeting under his breath before he step ahead to finally hug the big baby on the bed , he Chuckle when Jungkook aggressively nuzzle his nose into his neck.

"That's enough, you're going to stress your wound again" Taehyung mumble slightly pulling away from Jungkook who has refused to let go of him and just stare up at him like a kicked puppy.

"You told the doctor to give pills that can make me sleep , that's unfair my baby , and I'm not even allow to leave the room ? That's another cruel punishment when I had done nothing but preach the peace of world , I am nothing but a diligent man who wish everyone nothing but peace- well except people who has done something's wrong to my world-" Taehyung had to cover the mafia boss leaking mouth his palm.

He shakes his head before chuckling slightly when he felt Jungkook kissing his palm but his face mobbed into disgust when the older male went ahead to lick his palm , gosh .

"What the heck hubby!" Taehyung exclaim pretending to smack Jungkook's head but in reality he was just patting his head and Tae smile softly when the older male make a dramatic painful sound , God! He's stuck with a full time drama king.

"I've missed you , fuck that dead soul I even lost my chance of taking you on our second date , that's why you need to run away with me to a very far place from every humans, I felt like the whole universe is against me" it's Jungkook seriousness whenever he's spitting bullshit that always left tae speechless, this man was supposed to be a mafia boss?.

The mathematics isn't mathing at all and Taehyung would like the scientific to explain how possible duality can switch so fast.

"I've raised him since he was young and I can confidently tell you he's not good for you , you can't marry him" Tae and Jungkook head snap towards older Jeon and they finally remembered there's another figure in the room.

The two stare at the oldie confusedly with thousands of questions going through their minds, isn't this same man that has come to his house to ask for his hands in marriage on behalf of his dumb stupid grandson , Taehyung wonder as he tilted his head confusedly at the man.

"What I'm saying is , you only deserve that best and that's me!" The older Jeon stated calmly and Jungkook press his lips into thin line while Taehyung let out a surprise exclaimed.

"The day I came to your house , I was supposed to ask for your hands in marriage for myself but you know old age , but now please marry me and forget about this good for nothing but demon in human form and let's live a happy life" the man dramatically bow his head infront of Taehyung who was too stun to even speak up .

He tries saying something but end up closing his mouth as he found himself too speechless to even compose a sentence.

"Grandpa stop it! He's my man ! Go and find oldie like you" Jungkook whines pulling Taehyung softly and make the boy sits down on the bed before securing the boys waist with his arm , he knows everyone is against them , even his grandpa?.

When he says this man will be the greatest villain in his love life , he wasn't really capping.

"You see what I'm talking about ? This is more reason why me and you need to run away , you're so precious that Everyone is thinking of snatching you away from me and what am I going to do without you?" Jungkook make a crying face pushing his face aggressively against a frozen state Taehyung neck.

The older Jeon scoff as he folded his arms against his chest.

"Without him , you'll be busy torturing everyone you dumb idiot, come on pretty boy , you're too precious for this rebel small boy and you just need a man like me not a whining kid" Jungkook glare at his grandpa that was about to take tae's hand and make a growling sound.

Taehyung was helplessly watching between the grandpa and grandson duo arguing over him.

"I am a man ! I've got two fucking mafia gang under me , I'm not whining baby" Jungkook pout and Tae wants to laugh and say something against his words but instead he mentally Chuckled and decided to enjoy the family drama, he knows Jungkook had to got his acts from somewhere and heaven knows he doesn't have to look far away.

"Oh a man but can't even take injection? Pfft you're a baby , little kookie , bunny bunny" and that's the last straw for Taehyung who burst out laughing loudly when older Jeon starts making a funny face to piss Jungkook off , he doesn't understand the need of TV inside this house when Jungkook and his grandpa exist.

The two are like siblings who never support each other and always just go against each other just to piss off.

"Baby, I'm your only baby right?" Getting defeated by the old bullies , Jungkook clutch unto tae's shoulder and the pretty male just stare at him for some moments then back to the older Jeon who was staring at Jungkook with a smile on his face but the smile was replace with another funny face when Jungkook look up , he can't help admire the bound between the two.

"Of course , you're my very big baby" Tae chuckle when Jungkook smile widely before tugging his tongue out at his grandpa causing the old man to scoff.

"Pretty boy, your taste in man-- not man but babies" older Jeon shakes his head unamused.

"Old man do you know my full name? It's Jeon Taehyung's baby Jungkook, I am a certified baby , add baby to my name"

The room was fill up with Taehyung laughs again.


Sorry for mistakes

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