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Jungkook was patiently sitting on the bed inside their bedroom as he awaits taehyung to step out of the dressing room, the younger seem ro be taking his precious time and jungkook don't have a single complaint about that. I mean , the boy could take all the time he needed in the world and jungkook will just keep waiting.

His name?.

Jeon 'keep waiting' jungkook.

He snap his head up at the calling of his name only to have his breath knocked out when his gaze fall on taehyung who was walking towards him , dressed in a back dress. His slightly wet hair now curled smoothly with some strands falling over taehyung's eyes , giving that seductive view of taehyung's eyes.

Jungkook bet his husband never meant to show up looking so much like a walking distraction but jungkook did accept the boner in his pants graceful--- he'd have feel like a god if he doesn't get affected by taehyung's appearance.

and he fall on his knees earning both confused looks and surprise sound from taehyung, the pretty male doesn't seem and will never understand jungkook and his antics.

"W-what are you doing?" Jungkook who had shut his eyes closed finally blink them open , his hands clapsed together hold up infront of his face. Like he was praying.

And oh--

"Praying to regain my faith" taehyung could only blink his eyes. Once. Twice. Thrice. And continuously, the heaven get to be kidding him right now for real.

Now that he think about it again , his wedding is just a day due right? He'd be able to reverse his life choices now right? . You wish sweetcheeks.

"You've faith?"

"Nope! Just trying my luck maybe I'll be able to survive seeing this god everyday, my love call ambulance--- and it's for me" and taehyung was left to watch jungkook dramatically fall on the floor with his hands pretending to crutch his heart like he was in severe pain.

Taehyung look down at his appearance again , trying to pin point exactly what's so sexy and sight worthy in his appearance as jungkook was reacting. Or maybe his husband was just being dramatic as usual. His husband? Sweet!.

I wasn't going to make my readers suffer by dropping pics but again, didn't I get off from their pains? So yeah.

The dress was indeed simple but it turns extraordinary the very moment it was on taehyung's perfect body figure--- pig joy and her pig readers can't relate

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The dress was indeed simple but it turns extraordinary the very moment it was on taehyung's perfect body figure--- pig joy and her pig readers can't relate... LMAO.

"Stop being dramatic,---

Jungkook offendedly gasps at the younger's words , he sits up looking at taehyung with the most puppiest look he'd come up with leaving taehyung no other choice than to just give up.

"Come here wifey" even tho taehyung mentally roll his eyes at the nickname his husband has settled for just hours after their wedding , he did find it somehow cool--- and yes he's a man but being address as wifey doesn't automatically makes his dick disappear now or does it?.

He sighs taking steps closer to jungkook but shreik when he was pull into jungkook's Laps , the Mafia leader arms purchasing his waist almost instantly.

Taehyung blink severely at the blank wall when jungkook slowly rests his jaw over his shoulder, his hot breath hitting the younger's cheeks softly. It makes his skin almost crawl against him and the thoughts that were crossing over his mind was definitely no good to him , he gulp turning side way  a bit to meet jungkook's gaze but melt against the mafia chest when jungkook peck his lips almost instantly like he'd expected him to turn his head.

Taehyung didn't notice his tense body until jungkook softly starts rubbing his palm around his waist in a comforting manner , the younger visible felt his skin easing under jungkook's hold--- not gonna lie , everything seem good under hours that it's starting to seem strange.

Was he supposed to have it all easy like this? ( No you're supposed to have it rough like joy life but you're Kim taehyung. The first God's angel to ever existed among humans so you got a pass my Lord.).

Jungkook's nose nuzzles his nape just seconds before he heard the boy sighing relieved against his neck.

"My baby wifey" taehyung could hear the smiles on jungkook's voice , he slowly find himself relaxing more into the said man's hold and oh-- he feel like a kid in his mother's care.

"You look pretty , beautiful, ethereal and mouth watering with this outfits but---

Taehyung frown at jungkook's long pause and he almost turn to enquire the silent man until he heard the boy sighing loudly again.

"I am supposed to sits at home peacefully knowing there might be some assholes out there looking my husband in a way they shouldn't?, And oh those are also my own problem right? I can't stop you from wearing what you want but know I'll be stalking you all day"  taehyung blink his eyes trying to understand and get the fact that jungkook had just said he'll be stalking him for the day. What the heck.

"You'd just tell me to change the outfits" the pretty male mumble trying to sits up but that only makes jungkook's hold on him tighten up.

"We don't dictate for our lover here darling---

"That's what you're trying to do hubby" jungkook would've take offense off taehyung's words but how can he? When non of taehyung's ears stays in his ears apart from the sweet name his wifey has called him. Hubby makes his heart goes...... He can't explain.

"Let me help out with your shoes" jungkook announce standing him effortlessly with taehyung still in his hold , he gently make the student sits on their bed before he, himself sits down on the floor infront of taehyung.

Jungkook lifts taehyung feet to place on his thighs , he slowly lifts the boy's left leg up and place a lovingly sweet peck over the younger's feet before he go on with helping tae to buckle up his sandals.

Taehyung can only watch with a smile hidden behind his face , he felt giddiness over his body with his husband little bit sweet acts.

"That's dirty" he grumble slowly causing jungkook to slowly lifts his head up to meet his gaze, a soft smile over his face.

"The only thing here dirty is my mind , in this position I only want to kiss your lips" taehyung puff out a breath , he had almost smack jungkook's face because he thought the man was about to make a sexual joke again but hearing that his husband only wants to kiss him make taehyung smile widely--- but that smile turn horrified when jungkook finishes up his sentence.

"I'm not talking about the lips on your face darling"


Sorry for mistakes

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