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Taehyung felt unbelievable watched even in his deep slumber , for some reasons he felt so much uncomfortable that he couldn't help cutting his sleep short even tho he'd still like to sleep for like more hundred years for how much tired he was.

He tiredly blink his eyes open, slowly taking in the room he was and flinch slightly when he heard jungkook's voice.

"Good morning" taehyung snap his head towards the man who was sitting with his back against the headboard, but his eyes were fixed on taehyung who shuffle struggling to sits up properly.

Now , he understands where the feelings of those creepy stares comes from.

"Morning" the pretty male grumbly  says out as he sets his foot down on the floor , mind processing his last night activities along with the fact that he's married , like married married.

"Sorry , I slept too long" jungkook raised his brow at the sudden change in taehyung's face and mood , he shuffle closer to the boy pulling him to cage into his embrace.

"What was the apology for? hun" with his jaw rested on taehyung's shoulder , the mafia leader question softly.

"We're married now , I should've wake up earlier to take care of our house" taehyung stated as a matter of fact.

"Ehn? What rules are that?--

"Dummy , it's not rule but arrangements"

"Sound like a total bullshit, I'll repeat this again wifey. I don't give two fucks about how married people should live because this is our house and we'll live only in a way that will benefits you, I don't care about whatever bullshit. You're my wife and I'll you like my wife" taehyung glance over his shoulder, the way jungkook can make him feel like the best human in the world just with his words never fail to leave his heart going crazy.

"But still I can't possibly just be your wife without doing anything--

"The maids were employed for that love , forget about it. Did you slept well? Didn't tire you out last night right?" Taehyung cheeks turn red at the mentioned of their last night activities, he knows jungkook wasn't being mischievous like his usual self but taehyung just can't help pinching the male's thigh softly.

"Slept well and no I'm good" he replied quickly slipping out of jungkook's hold but wince slightly at the really slight pain he felt the very moment his feet met the ground.

Jungkook was was quick to get hold of the male staring at him worriedly.

"Love , should I call the doctor--- forget, I'd really call him" taehyung frown at jungkook who was helping him back to sits on the bed.

"Uhm doctor for?"

"You're in pain---


"I mean you're hurting, I probably went to hard---

Taehyung instantly pick up the pillow throwing it against jungkook's face , how can this man speak so nonchalantly about their bedroom activities and not get shy like taehyung. Never mind , he's stuck with a pervert mafia leader.

"First I'm not hurting , just a little bit probably because you know--- and can you stop talking about last night?" Taehyung ended up whining with his eyes looking everywhere except jungkook's eyes. It took jungkook long minutes to guess his husband must be shy about their last night activities, he'd have laugh out loudly if taehyung wasn't glaring at him.

So with his pressed together, he raise to his feet before picking taehyung and make the boy wrap his arms around jungkook's neck and legs around his waist.

"I have class in about two hours---

"I really can't believe you'll be going to school just second day of your wedding , what should I be doing at home all alone?---

"How about you go to work?" Taehyung suggested but jungkook only sigh, it won't seem so good of him appearing at work just hours after his wedding.


Taehyung blink his eyes when he remembers something as jungkook starts walking out of their room.

"And stop calling me your wife! I am man---

"Wow my perfect man-wifey" the pretty male could only sighs and keep quiet letting jungkook's taunting chuckles fill up his ears , he's really going to make this man sign divorce papers soon.

"Sara?!" Jungkook call out gently puting a confused taehyung down on the couch , he'd hear some noise from the kitchen which indicates someone else apart from them is inside their house.

The said girl soon walk in with apron on , her eyes going wide a little at the sight of taehyung. But she didn't stare at him for a second before looking away.

She definitely remembers jungkook's rules very well when he was employing them.

The more seconds you stare at my husband, the more chances you've got to die Young.

"Good morning Mr jeon" she greeted politely bowing to the newly wed couple, taehyung smile softly acknowledging her present while jungkook only scoff under his breath then glares at the poor girl.

"You think you've got it all because my love is smiling at you?--- pfft--


Sara exclaim honestly confused and shocked at the same time , taehyung can only press his lips into thin line.


"Shut it! Set up the dining for him and tell others to gather around here in about twenty minutes, he needs to get ready for uni" the girl nods her head firmly but gulp when jungkook raise his brow challengingly at her.

"I understand Mr jeon" she quickly added before walking hastily before her boss have another thing to say , why's this man so scary?.

"Why are you bullying your staffs hubby? , That's not nice of you at all" jungkook scoff before pouting then huff turning away from taehyung who blinks his eyes rapidly trying to understand whatever is going on.

Is this the married life his mother was telling him about or he had ordered the wrong product?. Probably, or maybe something went wrong with the product manufacturing.

"Why are you smiling at her?" Taehyung snap out of his thoughts when he heard jungkook's voice again , the man was facing him with his eyes staring intensely into taehyung's.

"Do I need permission to smile?" The younger male asks honestly confused but jungkook shakes his head.

"You can only smile at me---

"Oh--I'll be late for class" taehyung exclaim ruining upstairs only to groan at the pain on his back.

"Don't run around, you'd get hurt baby!!"

Jungkook was behind him yelling worriedly.


Sorry for mistakes

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