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Happy new year 😂💜💜 (finally get over my writer's block about this story. The way I only planned 40 chapters for this story and now here we are😂)

Marriage should be a beautiful word, with a beautiful experience and beautiful feelings that you'll never get tired of.

But why is tae's fill with miseries? Yes miseries. And that misery started just a day ago when he has confirmed his pregnancy to his husband... One might guess taehyung is being dramatic but honestly he'll like to defend himself against that guesses.

To begin with. God bless him with everything, like obviously he's the only perfect angel that existed right after his husband but why does it seem like everything he was gifted with suddenly turn useless.

Like hands, legs and many part of his body. Nothing is making sense right from the beginning but so his taehyung's husband!.

The pretty male is only a second away from pulling his hairs away or even smash his own head against the wall, he isn't handicapped okay? So why's jungkook keeping him away from even lifting up a fucking cup he wanted to use to drink a fucking water.?.

Yes , he wasn't even allow to lift a single cup in the house since the last day. Jungkook has always care about him long way before their marriage and the mafia boss never been less caring even after their marriage but it seem taehyung has only get to see half of those caring but now that he's seeing in full motion. Taehyung feels suffocated.

It was cute at the start but now he's just feeling suffocated and he's frustrated about that. Honestly, he'd be happy that he have got someone like Jungkook but taehyung has always been someone who gets his things done by himself..... His introvert ass can't even let anyone into his safe zone and jimin is a condensed product of a friendship. If you get what he means.

But then jungkook came in , all over him. His comfort zone, his shits and even depriving of his right of using his part of his body.

Yes , taehyung is not even allowed to walk down their stairs, yes it's that worst.

He doesn't even know when tears made it way down his cheeks , he was sitting on their bed with his legs folded under his thighs. Jungkook has left when taehyung asked him to get some juice , taehyung doesn't need any juice. It's a way to get jungkook away from him so he can breath.

His little tears turned into full sobbing crying section and that gives jungkook an heart attack immediately he steps into the room only to be met with crying taehyung.

Carelessly dropping everything in his hands he run towards his husband, eyes fill with nothing but full worries.

"Hey... My baby , what's wrong--- are you feeling any pain? Should I call the doctor, no? Please don't cry , I'll call the doctor now.... Is it your tummy? Little candy is stressing mama---

With every questions of jungkook's, taehyung cries only get louder and jungkook was close to bursting into tears himself. The doctor didn't inform him about this crying part while talking about the pregnancy antics he's likely to face. And that's reason why jungkook will be making that doctor's head to be the doctor's body enemy soon.

He's not even joking around now.

"I am sorry baby , please don't cry.... Please ,I am sorry if I have offended you in anyway---- please hit me but don't cry, it might be dangerous for our baby and your health please....

Jungkook sighs defeated , and that moment he felt useless staring at a crying taehyung. He wasn't aware when tears make it way down his cheeks, he quickly wipe them getting his phone from the nightstand to call the doctor just in case the pretty male was in any pain.

He just growl at the doctor to be at his house in five minutes or have jungkook murder him in the most painful way , he went towards taehyung back immediately after hanging up the call. The boy's cries never decreases or seem like it'll be stopping anytime soon.

"P-please stop crying, do you want me to get you anything? Or is it hurting somewhere?---

And again the mafia boss questions are left to linger in the air and how much jungkook just wish he has got some black magic to see what's wrong with his husband.

His head snap back when their bedroom door was pushed open by grandpa, the man smile also fall off at the scene infront of him.

"Hey ,hey pretty. What's wrong?" Jungkook seem hesitant but still move aside for his grandpa to crush down infront of taehyung, the pretty male blink hiccuping slowly as his cries finally dies out and jungkook finally puffed out a breath--- feeling relieved the boy was not longer crying.

" suffocating me, I want to breath" jungkook blinks, once, twice and continuously trying to understand tae's word but suddenly it seem like he wasn't thought well.

Because, when did he ever suffocates the boy? He just breaths and care about his husband but he's suffocating him with that? How?.

Even his grandpa seem taken back by the accusations, he knows about jungkook's over protective services but the younger being suffocated has never crossed his mind.

"Oh dear, is that why you're crying?" Taehyung nods his head still stiffing, this isn't really one of pregnancy antics but his real feelings. He was just trying not to snap since the last day.

"Do you want him to step out? I mean or---

Another nods and jungkook had to bite his lips back to resist any sound of surprise that'll leave his lips, he silently walk out of the room before he was even asked to. He didn't expect to meet jimin in their living room.

"Oh, why do you look like you're about to murder someone?---

"Because I want to!" A growl make jimin flinch slightly, if it has ever skipped his mind that jungkook is a mafia boss--- this is a quick snap to his mind.

"Okay ,okay... Did grandpa snatch your husband again?" Knowing about jungkook's jealous acts , jimin question carefully.

"No , wifey said I am suffocating him" oh okay , jimin didn't really expect that now.

"Hmn, that comes later than I had expected" jimin shrugs and jungkook gives him a blank look , like he was waiting for him to elaborate on his statement.

"Look jungkook, taehyung was never be the one to let others into his zone even I get chased out some time. But sorry to say you're all over him, I am not saying you shouldn't but take it slowly and he won't end up feeling suffocated" jungkook only sits trying to settle jimin's words into his ears.

Meanwhile with taehyung and grandpa.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Taehyung nods his head wiping his tears.

"You should talk to him you know , he probably wasn't aware of how you feel about this--- he just want to look after you" Mr jeon stated calmly and taehyung just keep staring down at his laps.

"I know, it----- just get too much...

Mr jeon slowly place his hands over taehyung's own in comforting manner.

"I understand pretty , just speak to him okay? You know he's too stupid to understand---

Mr jeon insult to his grandson brings a small smile to taehyung's face.

"Okay so, why are you pregnant for that dummy? I thought you're mine?"

And taehyung has never laugh out loudly this much.


Sorry for mistakes

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