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"Say ah baby" taehyung frown slightly at the mafia boss words, they're all sitting around the dinning table to have breakfast. And Taehyung can vividly remember his hands are still functioning just good, so why is this dork human trying to feed him?.

"Uhm I can eat by myself?" He mumble out staring at jungkook who scoff under his breath when he heard his grandpa chuckling slightly.

"I know love and I don't give two fucks, so come on" taehyung sighs and just decided to comply with the older male request, arguing with jungkook will only make him wish to block his ears anyways so he open his mouth allowing the boy to feed him.

"How is it?" Jungkook ask smiling at the boy who was chewing with pout , the pretty male give jungkook a thumb up wordlessly telling him the meal is just fine.

"Too cute for my heart" taehyung smiles at jungkook's dramatic exclamation, he can hear both hoseok and Jim snickering under their breath.

"Stop it we are not alone" the pretty male mumble out to jungkook who chuckle amusingly at the boy.

"Trust me my world , if we're alone— this isn't type of conversation that's going to take place, I'm sure you understand me" of course, taehyung has spent hours with this perverted human not to understand the undertone of this perverted mafia boss.

Fortunately enough for taehyung to save his sanity , his phone starts ringing and he instantly pick it up when he realized it was jimin calling.

Bitch I swear if you don't come out now, this stone looking dude is going to shoot me------

Taehyung eyes went wide instantly at jimin's terrified voice , how can he forget the guards will probably think of his soulmate as an enemy.

"Hubby , jimin is outside and they're not allowing him on--- I need to go and get him" just as taehyung was about to stand up , jungkook gently place his hand on the said male's laps giving him a sweet smile.

"You're eating love , let me get him for you" taehyung bites his lips staring down at his plate then jungkook's plate.

"B-but you're also eating?" The pretty male mumble confusedly and frown when jungkook laugh softly.

"My innocent baby, I'm never going to focus on eating in your present because little jeon won't allow me------ so let me get that human microwave for you" taehyung glare at jungkook before moving his gaze to older jeon and jin and hoseok, they also make a disgusting face jungkook who was already walking out laughing loudly.

"I'll believe there's a fault in his making--- jin shakes his head unamused.

"Agreed!" For the sake of his image which is almost getting tarnished because of a pervert husband--- he meant future husband...animal husbandry.... See , whatever shit you wanna call that horny carrot eater human bunny----

(I'm saying joy is drunk and it's not even sarcasm this time).

"You'll get use to him over time" taehyung really want to disagree with Mr jeon words because he personally think , that mafia boss have many dorkness in him and will keep unleashing new ones everyday, but really before he could say anything jimin loud voice reach his ears. As the mention male step into dining room with jungkook trailing behind him with unimpressed look.

"Soulmate, you never told me this husband of yours is Rich and rich and rich---

"He's not yet my husband Chim" taehyung deadpanned rolling his eyes at jimin habit of not feeling a little shy in strangers present.

HIS POSSESSIVE MAFIA✨[KOOKV]Where stories live. Discover now