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Welcome 💜 ( I'm back early 🥳💜)

Taehyung was wary of the strange presences around him, hoseok was seated opposite him and even though the said male eradicate all types of brightness, the pretty male still couldn't help being conscious in his present.

Even when Jung hoseok has been around his husband for years, Taehyung still find it hard feeling calm around him. He heard the male only work for money and the man he got married to nature isn't helping with his overthinking.

What if someone offer hoseok money higher than Jungkook's one day and the man decided to attack him and the kids instead of protecting them?.

He sighs when a messy spit filled kiss make contact with his cheeks, a small smile make it way to his face knowing his babies notice his attention was diverted from them for a second and they couldn't take it. They ways wants their pretty mama attention on them undivided, they don't even want to share him with their own father.

"Pa-pa ?" Soobin babble and the call of their papa also catch yeonjun attention, it amuses Taehyung how his twins always ask for Jungkook whenever he's away only to bully the man when he comes home.

"Papa is working right now, he will be back with a lot of gifts for his bunnies later" trying to distract himself from hoseok's burning gaze, he talks to his baby trying to imitate kid voice.

"I don't know why you hates me, I mean---- I haven't cross path with you before meeting Jungkook right?" The pretty male body went stiff a bit at hobi words, he is not sure maybe he's comfortable enough to have any conversation with this man right now but where are his choices.

He knows he'd have make Jungkook aware of his distrust over hoseok but he can't add more stress to his husband list, if Jungkook trusted hoseok enough to look after them then Taehyung don't think he'd doubts their safety in the hands of his dear husband.

But he can't just help the thought in his head.

"I don't hate you, I just don't trust you" he murmur loud enough for the other male who sighs before shaking his head.

"I know you heard about how I work, but that was before I met Jungkook. I've got friends in these circle and there's no amount of money that'd buy loyalty from Jungkook, if can't trust my words. Just trust your husband choices" hoseok didn't take offense from Taehyung not trusting him , infact he was impressed how Taehyung is conscious of his surroundings as a mafia partner.

So he just smiles seeing the pretty male getting lost in his mind and the twins babbling nonsense to gain their mama attention.

Such a family full of cuties.

The pretty male sighs for the countless times that night, he watched the twins keep turning around on their bed. Usually, they'll be long gone into dreams land at this time but whenever Jungkook is not at home they get a little bit cranky and won't really feel calm until they set their eyes on the big bunny with tattoos.

The same goes for Taehyung, he keep glancing at the clock on the wall while he silently wish for his husband to come back healthy and not with a gatch wound on his body. He wonder maybe there will ever be a day he'd feel calm with Jungkook out doing his mafia works.

"Taehyung?" The pretty male raise his head up only to see hoseok peeking his head into the kid's room, he hums.

"Jungkook's on his way back, we'll take our leave now since he's close. Goodnight" throwing a simple smile at the pretty male, hoseok retreat back after seeing Taehyung bowed in gratefulness to him.

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