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I've said this before but I am going to repeat it for the last time , don't mention anything about this story sequel in the comment section— it's purely spoiler for people who are reading this before the actual sequel, this is the last warning because anyone with that mistake again ready to be mute. Thanks for understanding 💜

One week passed , two weeks passed and three weeks has passed.

But still , Taehyung has refused to give Jungkook any audience even tho the mentioned male show up at his house every single day , either he's on his way to work or he's coming back from his work.

Countless missed calls and messages that Taehyung was forced to block the older male contact when he couldn't take it anymore, he's hating how this is going.

No matter how much he had tried to over look the situation of that night— he just couldn't, not when he was forced to remember it every single time he close his eyes to have short nap.

He snap his head up when he heard someone calling out his name and he wasn't surprised to see jimin walking toward him among the loads of students at the hallway , he just smile softly at his soulmate and they both continue walking outside the college.

"Do you want to come with me to club today?" Jimin ask but roll his eyes when the pretty male instantly shakes his head before the question was even asked finish , he already expected that and was just trying to push his luck further.

Jimin fish his phone out of his pocket as they step outside the college just casually strolling through his feed when a news catches his attention, his eyes went wide in shock.

Young CEO, Jeon Jungkook was shot at the airport earlier today when he reportedly arrived from Spain after meeting with his business partner.

Jimin gulp before looking at taehyung who was staring ahead with his usual resting face , he decided to let the male know.

"Jungkook was shot at the airport today" jimin stated calmly and already expected it when Taehyung head snap towards him , he show his phone screen to boy whose eyes went wide terrified.

And jimin was left to scream after Taehyung when the boy suddenly pick a race and run absolutely opposite way to their house.

"And I'm left alone" jimin grumble under his breath as he continues walking to their house, he guess Taehyung is probably going to Jungkook's house.

It was the moment he stop infront of the mansion that Taehyung finally realized how stupid he might look running for twenty minutes long when he could've take a cab , decided to worry about his stupidness later— he step forward and knock on the black gate impatiently tapping his foot on the ground as he awaits for the gate to be open.

And it was open just seconds later by a man dressed in all black and the pretty male didn't fail to notice the gun stripe around the man's waist, he guess the security might be tight than before now their leader life seem to be in danger.

The man stare at him from head to toe before frowning slightly as his hand automatically went to hold his gun that was on his waist , Taehyung mentally roll his eyes at that.

"I am here to see Jungkook, tell him Taehyung is here" he calmly stated even tho he was getting impatient, many thoughts are running through his head and none of was pleasant enough to imagine— Jungkook was shot , this is second time the male got shot under the few weeks they've known each other and that's exactly the life Taehyung doesn't want to step into.

The life of fear , no feelings can be worst than living your life in constant fear— you can be laughing at this minutes and the next second found yourself laying on the hospital bed , hopefully alive or worst dead.

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