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"What do you mean by they're not listening to you?" Jungkook growl into his phone as his driver just parked infront of Taehyung's house , today was the day he was finally blessed enough to have his long due second date with the pretty male , as his doctor has backstabbed him and become Taehyung's man instead.

Jungkook really can't blame the man , I mean it's Kim Taehyung we are talking about , the same man joy will be willingly to sell his siblings just to kiss his shadow.(fuck you Jeon).

His stay in bed was long delay that he ended up spending two more weeks in sick bed until his wounds are fully healed , no one in the small mansion can believe a small college boy was just able to control their mafia boss without even trying hard.

Even tho Jungkook was new to the mafia game and just growing his gang , it's not a new scene to them to understand he handle his business like a grown up man would ,so his age most of the times sound absurd to their ears.

The news of him reached other high gangs after the last stunt he pulled which almost cost his life , he make others felt threatened.

And maybe he has unknowingly or knowingly build a strong hate clan for himself, but really he doesn't give a fuck at the very moment.

Back to the present time , he was speaking with yoongi on the phone , the said male was informing him about how the men of the dead mafia which was killed by no one other than Mr Jeon Jungkook had been throwing tantrum and refused to submit to the new boss.

"Hyung , this isn't time to act like a leader with them , let them know you're their boss at the very moment. Don't speak human language where you were meant to speak only violence" the mafia leader hiss through his gritted teeth before angrily punching his thumb above the electric box device to hang up the call , he sighs ruffling his hair frustratedly.

He can't just come out of his house today and loose his opportunity to have his moment with Taehyung, the pretty male will also be busy in the coming weeks as he informed Jungkook he has got some assignments to work on.

Somehow Jungkook wish he could find a way to make the younger study but without that his stressful assignments and all , but he knows that's impossible.

He sees that as more motivation to work harder so he can be able to provide the best that his husband deserves in the coming Future ,there's no chance for him to slip out of his focus now.

His guard snap him out of his sudden thoughts.

"Mr Jeon , what's different between being boss and leader?" Jungkook raise his brow at the man's question before slipping his phone back into his pocket and chuckle slightly, he relax in his seat before folding his arms right above his chest.

"Leader doesn't rule but they lead their pack to good destination, they don't make decisions on their own without seeking advices from their followers but boss? They tell you what to and you can't so no , do you understand now?" The man nod bowing slightly to Jungkook before alighting from the car to open door for their leader , the said male take last deep breath before coming down from his car.

"Damn , it feels like I haven't been here for hundred years" Jungkook grumble under his breath leaning against his car to awaits the arrival of his baby , the pretty male has spoke to him on his way here telling him to wait outside for him.

Taehyung run down their stairs with his shoe in his hands , he had make Jungkook wait outside for more than twenty minutes when he was busy dressing up , and the fact that he knows that the mafia boss won't complain about it make him feel more bad.

He stop infront of his parents and jimin who are busy staring at him with their mouth ajar , he shrugs their expression away and speak up.

"Mama , how do I look ? okay for a date or I should get change ?" He ask his mother who was busy mobbing the boy with her eyes , not that jimin and Mr Kim are not doing the same thing.

"Mama ! Please I've delayed Jungkook enough, just tell if this is bad and I'll get change!" Taehyung growl cutely at his mother who finally manage to snap out of whatever daze she has disappeared into earlier.

Mrs Kim dramatically clears her throat before speaking up.

"You're looking--

"Fucking beautiful and pretty and sexy and so fucking unreal , dude ! What's this behavior? Do you think it's okay to flaunt on us like this?" Jimin dramatically cut Mrs Kim off fanning his face with his hand and Taehyung roll his eyes turning to his father , he really doesn't have time to mess around with jimin at the moment.

"Please papa , can you tell maybe my outfit is okay or I need to get changed?" Mr Kim chuckle slightly knowing Taehyung had thought jimin was messing around with him , while the said male had made a hurt face as he knows he was just stating the fact of what he was currently seeing.

"You're looking great bear but , I don't think Jungkook will allow you go out with him in this outfit ? It's kinda revealing but if you like it , it's fine" Mr Kim honestly commented and Taehyung just nod his head at the 'its great' part letting the rest of the words escape through his left ears as it enter through his right ears.

He quickly put his shoes on and step forward to peck his mother cheeks and then his father before squeezing jimin's cheeks to piss the said male off and he escape outside while yelling out a bye to his family , the three figures exchange looks among themselves before sneaking after the pretty male.

They want to see Jungkook's reaction to Taehyung appearance.

Jungkook smile widely when he heard clicking from the door and his smile has never drop so fast when he take in full appearance of his future husband, the guards around choke on nothing but their own breath but instantly look away.

Taehyung definitely wish them death for stepping out like that.

"Hey hubby , sorry for making you wait I was busy styling my hair" Taehyung smile sheepily stepping forward to stand infront of Jungkook who was still busy raking his eyes all over his body , his eyes blank off any emotions that got Taehyung scare...

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"Hey hubby , sorry for making you wait I was busy styling my hair" Taehyung smile sheepily stepping forward to stand infront of Jungkook who was still busy raking his eyes all over his body , his eyes blank off any emotions that got Taehyung scared for a moment maybe the mafia boss doesn't like his outfits.

He really thought Jungkook won't mind him switching it up but the said male reaction wasn't really as he had expected.

He had expected Jungkook to display one of his dramatic roll play again and not stare at him blankly like he was currently doing.

"What the fuck are wearing ?" The pretty male flinch back slightly from Jungkook's cold voice.

Oh shit


Sorry for mistakes

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( My Kofi account link is in my bio ,for my new story 'fire and water' and updates about my future works and also Oneshots request slots. Thanks for supporting 💜💜).

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