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"Wifey?" Jungkook knock on the bathroom door calling out on taehyung who has been inside for more than fifteen minutes which get jungkook worried for some reasons , right on time---- the bathroom door was pushed open and taehyung steps out in white robe.

"Uhm I thought you left? Did you forget something?" Taehyung asks moving past jungkook as he starts drying his hair with towel , but he pause turning to face the young CEO back when he doesn't hear any reply from him----- that's when he notice jungkook's attention wasn't total  on him, well his face but rather his exposed thighs.

He snap the male out of whatever dirty thoughts he might be having by smacking the towel against his face.

"What are you staring at?" He asked with his arms folded against his chest , but he knows he shouldn't have ask when jungkook grins back cockily at him.

"My dinner for tomorrow, I mean having a taste is tempting right now but kookie is a good good boy so I'm going to wait like a very good boy i am till tomorrow" jungkook utters calmly with a smile like he's saying some shits ears should really hear every fucking time , for the first time in his lifetime--- taehyung consider murder and it's not about jimin.

"You're speechless again?" Instead of replying the pervert of a human behind him , taehyung settle on dressing up for the day.

A smile invade his face when he remembers his parents and jimin reaction the last day when he finally told his parents about what has happened in the last days and how he's literally getting married tommorow, for a minute they'd have thought it was a joke if jungkook doesn't speak with their outfits designers for their wedding outfit in their presents.

So that's how jimin found himself running around for the day to set up--- whatever theme wedding taehyung really isn't aware of as it was only discuss within his parents and jungkook's hyungs/friends.

His thoughts however was cut off when he felt jungkook snaking his arms around his waist from behind , pushing his face over taehyung's shoulder just to stare at his face.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung glance at man who was busy nuzzling his nose against his neck , and again taehyung couldn't help but wonder where exactly he had picked up a stray cat.

"Tomorrow, isn't one day too small to plan a wedding? how do you even get invitations through all guests before tomorrow?---

"Why are you worrying about that? Grandpa and mum said they'll take care of it and appa joined Chim with hyungs to monitor the decorations--- while I'll take care of our outfits today---

Again taehyung decided to ignore how jungkook address his own parents like his, guess he doesn't need the usual words like 'feel comfortable' when he feels like the owner already.

"Then what should I help with?" Taehyung asks staring at jungkook, this is his wedding and he wasn't even appoint any post?.

"You can help with dressing up now and follow me to office then we'll go to fitting in the afternoon, wow such a hard work for my pretty wifey" jungkook utters with unmatched seriously and press his lips into thin line when Taehyung glares at him, wow what a hard work indeed.

"I never tell you the exact clothes I'm going for" the younger male deadpanned.

"Don't worry , they're making at least ten dresses and suits each-- you just have to pick your choice from there" taehyung stares at jungkook like the man has really grown out hundred heads , he's speaking about making twenty different outfits for occasion where he only really need one outfit and he dare be casual about it?.

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