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Wounded : worried Taehyung

"Someone has been getting a tiny little crush on a certain crackhead?" Mrs Kim wiggle her brow at taehyung who has been sitting in the living room for the past moment, checking his phone every second here and there , it was a week after his date with Jungkook which has went successful and he can't deny it was indeed nice to hang out with the male , even know Jungkook never misses his chance on making him blush by throwing comments here and there.

But that was it ! Jungkook's contact has been off for the past three days after the boy had told him he's going for a snatch because of his shipping that got stole by another gang , he doesn't even know he was starting to enjoy the company and not seeing any texts or even a call from Jungkook for three days left some uncertain feelings in his stomach.

Expecially when there's possibility that boy might have got hurt during his snatch or whatever shit he might have called it but Taehyung really isn't in mood to dwell on that at the moment, he just badly wants to receive a single text or call from Jungkook to make sure that latter was indeed okay and alive.

He has snap on his father earlier for not even knowing any other way to reach the Jeon's aside from phones and the man just press his lips into line knowing the boy was just in the moment and decided not to pissed him off than he's , seeing Taehyung getting worked up for something rather than his college is a quite a sight the Kim's has never imagine they'll witness in their life but here they're.

"You can't be looking at the phone every second Taehyung, he probably doesn't take his phone along to his mission to avoid distraction , didn't he tell how many days it's going to take?" Jimin calmly stated but he was also surprised seeing his bestfriend so worry for someone he had met just two weeks ago but really , he knows Jungkook was just hard not to like.

He can't forget how happy Taehyung look when he comes back from his first date with Jungkook and how happily the boy was calming filling him up about how the date went from details to details , Taehyung isn't really much of a talker but a lot have been changing the moment Jungkook come along.

"He said two days , so basically he was suppose to text me last night that he has arrived back home and he said he's going to take me out today but this is already 5pm and I wasn't even able to reach him for the past 48 hours" Taehyung explained still keep calling Jungkook's contact but it keep going voicemail , the pretty male sighs carelessly throwing his phone on the table angrily before stumping upstairs.

"Don't break your phone dummy and I'm very sure he'll reach out to you soon" jimin call out but Taehyung ignore him walking away causing the latter to sighs and pick up the phone walking after Taehyung, he knows the boy was definitely piss , probably at himself for worrying so much about someone he just know ot probably at Jungkook for keeping him worried.

"Don't you think he's liking the boy so fast?" Mrs Kim grumble out watching Taehyung and jimin's retreating figure , Mr Kim sighs shaking his head.

"I don't think so , but really it's really understandable seeing him so worried , Jungkook didn't go to a causal trip but to fight and that too with a gun so there's definitely a lot of scene going through his pretty head at the moment , I just hope that crackhead is okay" Mr Kim sighs and Taehyung's mother can't help but mentally pray for the boy to be okay.

She mentally wonder how the boy grandpa must be feeling at the moment when them , that aren't even that close to the boy was so worried about his whereabouts, what will the old man be feeling at the moment?.

She sighs.

"Should we try to trace his house ?" Mrs Kim ask and her husband sighs , he had also thought about like that but it won't be easy for them since they aren't Jungkook the stalker , the only option they have got is waiting patiently for the boy to show up.

"Let's keep praying for his welfare" he mumbled and that's how the Kim's household become glooming because of a certain mafia boss.

"I told you to always be careful!" Jungkook close his eyes nodding as he let the older Jeon scold him for as long as he wishes , well he deserved that after showing up with a knife wound on his thighs and gun wound on his shoulder , fuck that , he was brought here unconsciously and he doesn't want to imagine what his grandpa must have felt seeing his cold body that was dragged in.

The field was more dangerous that the boy has expected , the other rival gang are well trained than his team and even outnumbered them but Jungkook wasn't discouraged because of that , it makes him hungry to have more and more power in the underground world so he did something that was never on his plan.

Sneak in to kill the gang boss even after his men had managed to get hold of their stolen goods , it was really deadly to try and murder a well trained mafia leader but Jungkook did it , and of course with himself falling unconsciously right after.

But he was happy , the giddy feelings inside his body is unexplainable , he has killed a gang leader which automatically makes him the leader of that gang , he knows there's probably going to be a lot of chaos from some members of the gang and he's already ready to put anyone where they belong.

If they refused to act well , he'd act them well and teach them how to behave , he Had already stepped in there's no any need for him to starts thinking of backing away options.

But he wince and open his eyes when he felt a pinch on his naked nipples and smile nervously seeing his grandpa glaring deadly at him , he knows the man has definitely notice he wasn't listening to any of his words.

"You're going to stop this your deadly job and that's the final you brat , you almost gave me an heart attack because of your stupid risks taking" Jungkook raise his brow at his grandpa words before clearing his throats dramatically.

"I'm a leader of two gangs now , my own and I killed a leader of a gang last night which automatically makes me the leader" and Mr jeon choke on nothing but his own breath.


Sorry for mistake

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