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Too good to be real : just imagination

The pretty male sighs getting dragged downstairs of their house , he just breath deeply allowing himself to be move along by his soulmate, park jimin .

"I don't want to go anywhere chim".the pretty male whines and jimin scoff loudly follow by Mr Kim chuckles, he knows there's no a moment his son ever want to step out of his room unless he's going to college.

He never understand how someone like his son befriended someone like jimin , the two are like two parallel that no one would've thought will meet .

Taehyung is calm, extremely calm and hardly get angry , hates going out or even communicate with friends or parties just like teenagers around his age would have and jimin on the other side is everything opposite Taehyung. Jimin can't sit still for a second without thinking of a party to attend.

"You know he doesn't like going out".Mrs Kim commented watching Taehyung who was struggling for his life jimin harsh grip , the said male scoff at Mrs Kim words .

"I know but he volunteered and promise to follow me to the mall today , so stay out of it .you two can't save his dirty bitchy ass today".jimin stated and Mr and Mrs Kim raise their hands up surrendered, Taehyung stare at his parents with pleading eyes but they turn away from him trying hard not to laugh .

"I hate going out chim ! everyone stares too much!".the pretty male whines and jimin make a fake annoying cooing sound to piss Taehyung off .

"Awwn my little pretty thing doesn't like attention- then maybe you should tune down your beauty a little bit".jimin deadpanned and Mr Kim bites his lips to stop himself from laughing out loudly when Taehyung turn to glare at him, somebody save him.

"Chim please".jimin roll his eyes , he is not going to fall for his soulmate trick again, he didn't stole his father's car the last day to rescue Taehyung from the other students eyes because Mr Kim was busy and couldn't pick the boy up as usual .

"How are you even my soulmate? You don't want to go outside on normal and won't even attend any party- at this point you're going to die single soulmate".jimin frustrated groan while Mr and Mrs Kim just enjoy the usual drama between the introvert and extrovert , nothing can be more entertaining than watching those two trying to balance their differences.

"You party and almost turn to a alcohol bottle which never missed any party yet you're single , lesson of the case- don't preach out what you don't have to others". Taehyung deadpanned and Mr Kim can't hold back his laughs anymore , he burst out laughing while jimin place his hand on his hips glaring deadly at his bestfriend.

"This bitch act like the most innocent little shits you'll ever witness but his mouth , how can you speak so casually?".jimin challenge removing his slippers from his feet and Taehyung nervously smile taking steps away from the other male .

"The truth hurts but you gotta say it".and with that the younger make a run upstairs with a furious jimin behind him .

"Taehyung is very no fun at all".Mr Kim laugh and his wife can't help but agree with him. That boy is too boring .

"So you're telling me you got a nose bleed just by watching him from far away ?".Mr Jeon have his arms folded on his chest giving his grandson a look that says a lot and Jungkook's was too engrossed in talking about his Future husband to even give a fuck about the judging look he was receiving from his grandfather.

Jungkook nods his head , confirming the story he had laid out for the older Jeon again .

"I told you to stay away from those underground shits , now you're taking drugs and loosing your mind- how can you do this to me you brat ! I didn't raise you to turn out like this".older Jeon roll the news paper he was reading and starts hitting Jungkook with it , his son is going out of his mind .

"A-h grandpa stop , I am not lying. Do you want to see his picture?".he asked and Mr Jeon give him a suspicious look before nodding his head and Jungkook fish his phone out of his pocket , he doesn't have to search around for long as he already made a special files for the pictures he had took the last day .

"you can't just pick a random pictures from online and claim you fall in love bunny , does he even exist ?". Jungkook wants to cry , does this man think he'd leave his schedule so early in the morning just to rant to him about someone that doesn't exist ?.

Maybe he'd have also thought the same if only he didn't took those pictures by himself , staying honest to himself that boy is indeed too good to be real.he won't also be much surprised if he wake up one day and realise meeting that boy was all a dream or maybe his hallucinations of the day .

"Grandpa trust me , I took this picture myself .he was standing there opposite the college down the road , I guess he's one of the students and I took those pictures myself . grandpa I want to marry him".Mr Jeon would've laugh out loudly if he didn't see the seriousness in Jungkook's eyes , the same seriousness he have in his eyes the day he sold their house years ago .

"W-what are you talking about bun , first to start with- you're too young to think about marriage and second to all ,he doesn't even exist and even if he exist do you think because your attraction towards him is enough to just decided to get marry? Don't be stupid bun , it's just crush and hypnotizing of his beauty and I'm very sure you'll get over it soon".Mr Jeon calmly stated and Jungkook stare at the man for a second before sighing out loudly .

Could his grandpa be right ? , Is he really going too fast to think of getting married to someone he only saw yesterday?. Maybe his grandpa is right , maybe it's only attraction that'll fade away .

But hold on.

"Grandpa but I've seen a lots of beautiful people-, even tho no one matches his own , but still- I never feel this way towards them. Grandpa it can't be only attraction".the man chuckle patting his grandson shoulder , it's probably his hormones.

"Give it time".the man mumble and Jungkook's decided to drop the topic , he have to confirm on his own maybe it's indeed ordinary attraction or more , and what other way can he get that than stalking the boy.

"Before I forget grandpa, I finally adventure into the underground world now and I'm planning to form my little gang with one of my college friend who have the same interests as me".and Mr Jeon spat out the water he was drinking , Jungkook press his lips into this line as he already expected that .

"D-do want to murder me ? God why me ? Why are you so fearless and always taking risk?". Jungkook chuckle allowing the man to smack his shoulder to his content , the man knows he can't ever stop him from whatever he had decided.

"Grandpa life is all about risks grandpa , gotta secure a safe and wonderful world for my future husband and kids". Jungkook mumble slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"I can't stop you , can I?".the older jeon ask defeat and Jungkook chuckle before hugging the man .

"No Grandpa, but you know in every situation I'll always keep you safe and healthy, you're the only one I have right now well- until I secure my husband" the young CEO mutter standing up as he was getting late for work , he have to meet his friend about the mafia shits before proceeding to his office.

"I know but your safety is definitely priority too and stop day dreaming about someone that doesn't exist".the man roll his eyes but Jungkook just shrugged.

"If he's indeed real , grandpa promise you'll make sure he become my husband".Mr Jeon raise his brow at his son sudden seriousness again but nevertheless he nods his head before linking his pinky promise to Jungkook's .

That boy is too good to be real anyways .


Sorry for mistakes

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