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Welcome💜( another update 😘 vote and comment a lot)

And if Taehyung said he wasn't intimidated for a minute then that'll be a total white lie , a big lie at that too. The look on Jungkook's face was so fiercy that almost got the pretty male stumble on his feet , now he really feel like a mafia boss is standing infront of him.

But he suddenly shriek loudly when loud gun shot rang through the air and follow right by one of Jungkook's men loud scream of pain , he was shit directly on his knee.

Jimin and the Kim's that was peeking through the slightly open door can't help but flinch back badly and fall on the floor- on top of each other.

Jungkook was glancing at the crying male with his side eyes.

"I don't have to spell it out to you to keep your eyes away from him or do I? , what the fuck are you planning to look at?" Other men froze where they were standing , none of them was bold enough to even step ahead to help the still groaning male.

Taehyung was staring at the man bewildered , he step forward playing to check on the shot male but he couldn't even walk pass two steps when Jungkook catch his wrist

"And what are you wearing ?" Taehyung press his lips into thin line still trying hard not to pass out with the fact someone has just been shot infront of his two eyes wide open , Lord , he seem to be trying hard to get his brain to understand this might be part of his lifestyle the moment he get marry to Jungkook.

He didn't think about this very much well , or did he ?.

"I--- I " the pretty male couldn't even form a full sentences as he try hard not to meet Jungkook's stern gaze , gosh what even makes him think Jungkook will like his outfit.

Jungkook sighs breathing out through his nose , he have to control his anger before he does something he might regret later on.

But no matter how fucking sexy the younger male was looking at this very moment, Jungkook still find this outfit like a villain of his life.

Anyone , he means anyone could literally see the outline and curvy shape of the younger just by a glance and the thought of that alone wasn't appreciated in Jungkook's head or mind , Taehyung is really aiming at his life.

Was he suppose to control with the scene infront of him?.

"I----- will just change it" Taehyung stutter out gently slipping his wrist of Jungkook's hold and was going to walk away when the mafia boss get hold of his wrist again.

"Do you like your outfit ? I mean it pleases you right ? , You didn't wear it because you're trying to impress me right? , Are you comfortable with it?" Taehyung frown confusedly at Jungkook's question but nevertheless nod his head still staring up at Jungkook confusedly, the said male seem to be in wat with himself inside his head.

"Okay then , you don't have to change-- only eyes that look at you more than a second will just have to pay for it" the rest of the words was grumble behind Jungkook's mind , Taehyung doesn't look convince with the older male words but when Jungkook smile at him , he was left no other choice than to smile back.

"But damn baby! you sure you're not planning to make the rest of us feel useless with your appearance? aren't you one special creature? Everything about your body is---" Jungkook pause dramatically making Taehyung twirl around by holding the pretty male hand up.

"I'll have to reach out to dictionary makers to find a better word to describe you , but for now ? All words aren't doing the justice but I must say , you're really really extremely and extra higher and out of my imagination" Taehyung bite his lips before rolling his eyes at Jungkook but his gaze fall on the man who still silently whimpering on the floor.

"Jungkook you have to get him treated " Taehyung grumble pointing to the man and Jungkook roll his eyes before bringing his phone out to call a contact and Taehyung didn't even manage to catch whatever he said into his phone but a black car soon pull up infront of his house just minute later, Taehyung watch as men dressed in black suit alighted from the said car and bow to Jungkook who just nod at them.

"Take him back to the office and get the doctor to treat him and you guys go with them , I'm driving" the mafia boss stated and collected his car key from the driver that has drove him here earlier , he turn to Taehyung with a smile after his men car has disappeared from his view.

"You know papa said you won't allow me to go out with you in this outfit" Taehyung mumble as Jungkook was holding the passenger side door open for his baby to get inside , the older male nod.

"Yeah , if I'm to act with the voice in my head then nothing in hell will make you step out with his outfit on you but since you're comfortable and happy with it , what choice do I have?. You don't worry my love" Taehyung feel like Jungkook's smile was sinister , he couldn't even read whatever was going through the man head through his eyes.

The only emotions Jungkook's eyes give out the whenever he's with him is adoration , love and love.

So he just nod entering the car before Jungkook close the door and turn towards the slightly open door to wave at jimin and Taehyung's parents , the said poeple flinch back from the sudden act again.

They felt internally stupid for thinking Jungkook won't notice them , he wasn't a mafia leader just for no reason.

They watch as Jungkook's car drive away and disappear from their view and just minutes later , when they were still standing in the same position trying to understand whatever they just witness ,

Officers car drive in high speed and they stare at each other confusedly and close the door fully but act naturally when they heard knocks on their door , Mr Kim motion for jimin and Mrs Kim to go back inside while he take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Good day Mr , sorry for any inconveniences but we received call some minutes ago about how some robbery is going on here and gunshots was heard" one the officer said and Mr Kim make a confused face looking around the most confused expression he could come up with , he knows they're talking about Jungkook's shot earlier.

But how will it sound if he just tell the officers like 'oh it's not robbery , just my son-in-law who's jeolous shot his own men and he's also a mafia boss' . It sound so awesome right ?.lol.

"Maybe it's a prank call? Nothing as such happened here" he stated calmly and the officers roam their eyes all around the place but nothing was really unusual in the place.

"Are you sure sir?" Another one ask again Mr Kim nod his head firmly holding a thumb up to the officer who bow to him and apologize for any inconveniences their appearance might have caused before they drove away.

Mr Kim let out the breath he didn't even realize he was holding.

Jungkook will be the death of them.


Sorry for mistakes

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