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Jungkook leans his body against his car that was parked in front of his house as he waits for taehyung to come out of the house , his eyes was unconsciously scanning his men they were standing around the mansion as his security---- he really wasn't trying to be negative but he felt something is wrong somewhere.

The sound of the door being pushed open and the loud sound of heels clicking against the floor snap him out of his thoughts, for a second----his breath left him all alone when he turn to catch taehyung's appearance.

Guess asking his dear hubby to step out of his house today is really a bad idea , yeah it's definitely one.

Taehyung oblivious to jungkook's battle against his inner demon desires to lock this beauty up somewhere far away from the world but safe for his eyes only, he walk closer in hurry thinking the younger mafia boss might be piss off with the amount of time he has wasted on dressing up.

"Sorry for delaying you" he apologized immediately he was standing beside jungkook who was busy staring at him blankly from head to toe, the pretty male look around nervously but frown when he notices none of the men are facing their direction.

Just as he was about to decide on apologizing to jungkook once again , the said make words snap him out of his day dream.

"You know you're really selfish right?" Taehyung frown at the coldness in jungkook's voice , he wasn't that late for jungkook to be this mad. Or was he?.


"Keeping all these beauty to yourself alone , no sharing or even blessing the world with it! This level of selfishness is sick don't you agree with me my world" jungkook asks seriously, his eyes not taking a break from running all over taehyung's figure for a second.

The younger male gasps his surprise, for a moment he can only keep opening and closing his mouth back---

Nothing much , jungkook is just fulfilling his mission of making him speechless every single time---- he should really dead the idea of getting use to this man and his words anytime soon.


"This type appearance want me to lock you away from the whole world" taehyung pout pushing jungkook's aside to open the passenger side door.

"Why are you being so dramatic when you bought this for me to wear---

His words were cut half way by jungkook immediately.

"Yeah I did but never told you to look this good in it, tell me why you're so pretty?--

"It's not my fault okay!" Taehyung dramatically exclaim totally fed up with jungkook and his antics.

"Oh yeah right , I know whose fault was that-- but I'll keep my questioning for till I reach heaven" taehyung snorted instantly at jungkook's reply as he walk over around to get into the drivers side but not before helping taehyung--- the help wasn't needed if that was needed to be mentioned but either way.

Jungkook help him get into the passenger seat and close the door before he walk around to get into the driver's side.

"You really think you're gonna make it to heaven? Like you haven't shot someone in my presence?" Taehyung asks jungkook who shrugs but leans forward just to help taehyung buckle up the seatbelt, he then peck the pretty male's nose when he was done before leaning back properly.

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