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Taehyung has been extra giddy since the very moment he had woke up this morning, finally after roughly a month--- his exams came to an end and he'd finally have his husband dramatically scream in joy when he'd reveal their long due honeymoon plan.

But somehow , he felt like Jungkook was just drained out of happiness since the last day. The pretty male don't really want to be annoying but he couldn't help getting worried when jungkook has left home earlier than he usually does today , without even completing his morning routine of dropping his husband off at the University.

Taehyung was drying his hair when jungkook has silently walk up to him just to peck his cheeks , eyes void of any emotions and he just force a smile when taehyung has requested what's wrong.

The pretty male mood naturally turn sour because of his husband strange act even tho he tried hard to convince himself jungkook can't just be carefree all days, there'll always be that not so fine day.

His heart get more gloomy when jungkook didn't show up to pick him up later on th evening like he usually does , taehyung has waited for hours and later ended up settling for bus even tho jimin tried to drop him off--- he just wave the said male off saying they're facing different route.

"Maybe he's extremely busy at work" taehyung grumble under his breath, he felt somehow scared all alone by himself inside the bus full with strangers but he was glad to get off without nothing going wrong.

Walking into their home for the first time without jungkook makes taehyung feels somehow suffocating, he'd almost sits just infront of their building waiting for jungkook but he decided against that.

"It's just today , don't be too clingy Kim taehyung" it takes him all self affirmative to step into their house , instantly greeted by the maids who are also somehow confused on taehyung appearing all alone.

Even tho it has only been a month they started working for these two , they know jungkook will never let taehyung out alone--- he doesn't even let him stay alone in the sitting room or kitchen in their presence. So worry more about plain strangers.

"Should I bring your lunch up?" Taehyung halts his steps at one of the maids question.

"I'll wait for hubby , you can go on with your things-- I'll serve us when he comes back" taehyung replied and continue walking away without even waiting for the staffs reply.

And he waited. The times tickling by untill 11pm in the night and taehyung was almost pulling his hairs out out of frustration, he'd called jungkook countless times with no reply , multiple messages sent out and even call the older jeon-- sneakily questioning the older male without making him worry and oh the way he was so close to loosing his mind when he found out jungkook wasn't with his grandpa.

He stands on their bedroom balcony desperately hoping to see that familiar car emerging from the darkness of their estate and when he did sees the car , he almost stumble over his face running down the stairs but he took a pause the moment he steps outside and sees his husband in hoseok's hands--

His heart beats faster at the sight , jungkook didn't mention about any mission-- he blinks , there's no single blood on the two maybe this isn't all about mission.

So lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize when hoseok was standing infront of him. Eyes apologizing for something taehyung couldn't understand.

"Uhm- I'm sorry you had to see this--

A loud bulp from jungkook cuts hobi words halfway and the said male closed his eyes in something taehyung understand as embarrassment.

Hoseok sighs once again not daring to meet taehyung's confused gaze.

"He's really drunk---

Taehyung tilted his neck, he suddenly found it hard to understand meaning of being drink for a moment. Jungkook got drunk? That sound almost impossible to his ears, of course, he knows jungkook drink alcohol--- there's even a shelf for that in their house but he had never witness jungkook taking more than a shot once a while and suddenly he come home---

No , he was brought home dead drunk.

Taehyung just nods his head moving to swap his shoulder with hoseok's.

"Thanks for bringing him home , you can stay over--- i mean it's late already" hoseok chuckles softly at that.

"Thanks for caring but I think I am the reason parents warn their kids against staying out late" taehyung doesn't find hoseok's words that ear pleasing but since the said male has said it with smile over his face. Taehyung will like to think of it as a joke.

After bidding byes to hoseok , he help jungkook up to their room which was a little hard on him.

He puff out a breath twisting his arm after laying jungkook down their bed , he then helped the mafia boss out of his shoes then shirts-- deciding to leave him only on his trouser. He went to sleep totally forget he haven't ate anything through afternoon.

Jungkook shot out of his sleep when he felt some unpleasant bulps forming up in his throat, he didn't wait another second or care about his headaches when he make a run for the bathroom and empty his throat-- he rinse his mouth flushing away his mess.

He stares at his own reflection in the mirror when the last day events finally soak in his brain--

"Fuck!" He exclaim running out of the room and his hands tremble a little when he sees taehyung sleeping peacefully on their bed. He glance at the clock, it's almost 4am in the morning.

"Gosh! What have you done you failure" he grimace at himself, he'd have settle for smacking his own head against the wall if only it wouldn't disrupt taehyung's sleep.

He slid down the wall besides the bed embalming his face deep into his palms , he have his knees folded up as he curl himself against the wall.

He had shown up in his house drunk! Fucking drunk out of his mind. He doesn't even know how his husband was able to get back---

He felt terribly stupid.

"What have I done?"

He can only keep chanting those words over and over again.

Jungkook didn't realize when he fall asleep in that position and was only shaken out of it when he felt light tap on his shoulder, he gulp when he open his eyes only to come face to face with taehyung's blank face.

"Go sleep on the bed" the pretty male grumble before turning around to walk out of the room but halts at jungkook call for his name.


The mafia leader gulp when taehyung snap his gaze towards him , he instantly move closer to the male hugging the boy's waist whilst he pushed his face against taehyung's laps.

"I'm sorry...I am really sorry--

"Uhm what are you apologizing for?" Taehyung sighs when jungkook only keep mumbling sorrys all over again.

"Just take your bath , you stink really bad-- let's talk when I come back home okay? And do reflect on your actions before then" even tho taehyung voice was surprisingly calm , jungkook could feel little harshness in it.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business"


Sorry for mistakes

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