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"You can't drive with injure arm Jungkook, I can manage to get home— it's just 7pm" Jungkook sighs not seeming sure of letting the pretty male go back to his house all alone , as Taehyung mentioned it wasn't that late but Jungkook just doesn't appreciate the thought of the boy making his way back home all by himself.

He knows Taehyung doesn't appreciate outside and probably rarely go out all by himself at this point , he was about to say something when Taehyung throw him a glare that clearly stated he doesn't want to hear another words from his mouth.

Left with no other choice , Jungkook decided to keep his mouth shut and just step forward and wrap his arms gently around Taehyung's waist— the two are standing inside Jungkook's living room.

"Call me when you get home okay? And please remove me from your blacklist and also— don't forget to give us a last thought hun, I love you and I really do" Taehyung nods his head silently then bring his hand on to gently pat Jungkook's back before they finally pull away from each other's embrace.

"Don't worry , I'll call you once I get back home-- and also rest well and take your medicine" the mafia boss nod and still follow Taehyung to outside, he keep waving at the boy who was walking down his street until the petite figure wasn't visible to his sight anymore , he sighs getting his phone out of his pocket.

"Keep eyes on him until he get back home safety , he get hurts? You loose your head" he mutter into the phone before hanging up the call then slip his phone back into his pocket, then enter his mansion back slightly nodding at the guards who bow their head in respect as he walk pass them.

He already expected his two friends questioning eyes immediately when he step back into the house , he mentally roll his eyes then take a seat on the couch— hoping to ignore the gawking eyes on his body but he knows he won't be able to breath well without giving explanation to this humans right infront of him.

"He's Taehyung, my fiance-- well if he's still on the same route with me. He was present when some rivals attacked me weeks ago and I shouted on him , he realized he doesn't want this life but I guess he also saw the news of me getting shot and ended up here out of worries" the young mafia boss briefly stated the situation down to his new friends who frown slightly then exchange look among each other.

"Isn't he too young ? I mean dating is fine but fiance already? Man you're still a kid yourself" one of the man who goes by the name Jung hoseok , but also known as jhope jokingly commented but when he meet Jungkook's gaze-- he press his lips into thin to make him understand enough. The young CEO definitely doesn't appreciate his dead ass joke at all.

"I still look like a kid to you? Why don't you follow me to visit a new world below this building and ready to tell me how much of a kid I am , if you make it out alive---

Jungkook knows he was really overreacting to the man's comment but he was just tired of everyone telling him about his age , there are thousands of countries all over the worlds that get their kids married at age below eighteen.

And Taehyung is over eighteen, this isn't against his choice and he have a take on the matter— he just want everyone to stop making it seem like he can't make his decision by himself.

If he can build a business at seventeen, then why can't he build a family at the age of twenty?. Besides, is there something call family school that every intending family man have to attend?.

"Hoba , you need to start reading present and face if you plan to survive in this world— you should've notice in his eyes that he won't take any jokes concerning that boy that just left" the second man ,Kim seokjin commented which causes hoseok to roll his eyes but mumble out a sorry to Jungkook either way.

"So back to our discussion before your wifey arrived" Jin tease but they both was surprised to see the young boss turning red instantly and try to hide his face behind the cushion.

"Oh you're definitely having a dirty thought about your wifey , anyways--- should we send warning out to them or attack them?" Jungkook rest his back against the couch and make a thinking face for some moments.

He found out his attack from the airport earlier came from the gang of the gang leader he had killed some weeks back , even tho he has already got the whole gang under his control --

There are some stubborn ones who had left and becomes rebellious and still trying hard to kill him , they'd have get that earlier if Jungkook didn't notice the strange man earlier and dodge the bullet to hit his arm-- it was originally aim at his heart.

He also found out they work with two thugs , who doesn't belong to any gang but all ready to work for whoever come with money.

"Those two guys , buy them to our side secretly without those rebellious idiots knowledge--- let's make them a pawns in their own game" Jungkook announce and Jin and hoseok exchange look among themselves before nodding their head.

"I love the way you always think calculatively , the previous leader can't relate-- hobi sighs and Jin can't help but nod his head along with him.

It's really dumb and stupid of Jungkook to accept the two males who belong to the gang who he had just killed the members and leaders so close to himself.

But heart choices can fail , infact your brain can fail some other times too but your gut ? They never fails as far you trusts them.

His gut told him he can keep them around just like yoongi has also accepted them , he just hope he wasn't setting his own roof on fire while going to sleep.

"When you use aggressiveness , be already to always pay the price--- that's what happened the day I killed your former boss, I had acted out of the initial plan and almost pay with my life" Jungkook stated and the male's dramatically bows their head at him which causes the young leader to roll his eyes.

"Now time to hunt those money suckers bitch down-- we already spending much and didn't even get our shipment yet" Jungkook chuckle hearing Jin whines as the two walk away from his living room.

He heard ding from his phone and his face automatically light up as he think it might be text from Taehyung informing him he had gotten home.

But his smile wipe off his face instantly when he open the new message which came from his men who are supposedly to be guarding Taehyung.


Boss , we lost the taxi that carried him and it wasn't going towards his house Sir..


Sorry for mistakes

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