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Welcome💜 (I'm in very sour mood, I guess this chapter is good enough to release my stress)

Heaven on Earth ?: Is this an angel?.

The older Jeon pressed his lips into thin as he watch his son-- no grandson dress up for work , his twenty years old grandson . He had lost his real son and his wife in fatal accident some years back when Jungkook was still a little boy .

The incident was too much tragic for him that he has only Jungkook to hold on to , it was hard but he was able to raise the boy to the point he's at the moment .

But-- his son just happened to be totally different from any other kids , too much different that some times Mr Jeon can't help but wonder maybe- there's something unstable about the boy's existence .

And he confirmed his instinct when the boy start making business establishment just at the age of fifteen , it all seem like a blantad joke to Mr Jeon until Jungkook sells their house saying he have got some business to invest to .

The man was flabbergasted , he was lost on crying and chasing Jungkook away from him and just accept his harsh destiny that he won't have anyone with him at such old age , but as well can't help but try to put a little bit trust on the boy .

Jungkook invest their house money on a bankrupted company at the age of fifteen getting almost close to sixteen , before the selling house diaster . Jungkook has take over their medium size living room saying it's his office and the man never realise how much serious his grandson was until he sold their house .

But the boy didn't rational took such harsh step without having a great set up plan for them , the plan is moving down to a smaller house in a more cheaper environment .Mr Jeon will like to call the place a cave instead .

He'd scold Jungkook everyday asking him for the outcome of such harsh decision , he was slowly giving up .but Jungkook didn't , the boy will wake up as usual going to his school then divert to where soever he said he has invested his money late in the night .

But he was on shocked just two months later when Jungkook told him his investment has indeed yield and he got almost triple of his money back , older Jeon was so happy and insisted they should finally get a good house back but when did Jungkook starts listening to him ?.

Instead , the boy just press his lips into thin line at his suggestion telling him , he already have the money invested in a dirty work and almost give the Jeon and heart attack .

His precious boy has joined gangster but not only that , he also invested his money into shipping weapons in the country and can get quadruple of his investment back .the man didn't even understand how Jungkook got himself so much tangle into that part of the world but indeed Jungkook wasn't never around , the boy like exploring even if it's dangerous .

And the boy was only seventeen when he already make a great alley with a great mafia in another country , Mr Jeon knows he's probably close to his grave .

He won't understand how infront of his eyes , and almost unnoticeable his precious little bun was making a place for himself just at the top , the company he invested into tries to cheats on him thinking he's a kid .but mr jeon knows the boy had always been smart since he was young , the man is still trying to understand how Jungkook manage to snatch the company from the owner and become a CEO at just nineteen .

Now the boy is just twenty , just twenty yet the last time small company has starts growing more than anyone has ever imagine , they moved into new house and more comfortable now. Not rich but can't be call poor as well , Jungkook has dump school but sometimes take online classes here and there and have a car- well not an expensive car but still a car.

"You added another tattoos to your arm".Mr Jeon cracked his already getting wrinkle face as he stare at his son all inked arm , the said boy just shrugged pushing his hair back with his hands .

"Grandpa , I told you tattoos doesn't mean I'm a bad boy or something. You didn't even wish me good luck yet when I told you we have a client who is willingly to colab with us in coming investment since I couldn't take it up all alone- and this could fetch us millions of dollars , then I can get you a car too and also we get a bigger house- i also want to make a shipment into the country with the rest-". Jungkook pause sighing loudly when he sees the disapproval look his grandfather throws at him .

"I am still not in support of you dealing with illegal work , you are gradually becoming part of mafia and you don't even know because you were all thinking about the money you fetch from there".the older man scolded and Jungkook can't help but to mentally roll his eyes , this man doesn't understand life is all about risk .

Someone has to understand this world is war , you either come loaded or end up been held down by people that came loaded. He's trying to secure a comfortable place for himself into the future and when was the best time to start if not now ?.

He believes he can do it and he'll do it !.

"Grandpa, I don't resell the weapons to criminals but rather military zones so basically, I'm not technically involving in illegal shits-- if the coming deal sort out I'm thinking of taking full step into the underground world grandpa".the younger male chuckle when the older man glare at him before smacking his head .

"You won't dare".Mr Jeon stated sternly but Jungkook didn't reply , he knows the man won't have choice but to support him whenever the time comes . Been a billionaire is Jungkook's dream and he's not going to stop until he achieved that !.

"Byeee ,and good luck on your meeting !".

Jungkook smile softly waving at his grandfather who was standing at the door step like he usually does everyday whenever Jungkook's going to work , he loves his grandpa too much .

He was just bumping his head along to the low song as he drive along the busy road when his stomach growl making him mumble thousands of curses under his breath , gosh he should've listen when his grandpa asked him to eat .

Needless to say , he decided to drove down to the small restaurant besides the university just minutes drive away from his current location , he can still spare few minutes before going to his meeting.

Anytime he comes to the restaurant, he can't help but always wonder how it'd have feel like to be able to attend school like every other students here , but again he knows no one dreams the way he did so he sighs as he continues eating his food .

But as he way staring outside the transparent Glass, he couldn't believe what his eyes are seeing .it's either he's hallucinating or angels does exist in anyways .

There stand a black haired male- no angel , with a wide smile spread across his face as he seemly to waving at some students who are walking into the other side .

Did he visit heaven in his dream or there's probably heaven on Earth?.

Sound cliche but no one can tell him otherwise if he says he can hear his heart loud thud against his chest , father Lord the only time he felt like this is when he made his first million.

Guess , a new list is about to be added to his dreams anyways .


Sorry for mistakes

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