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The couple look dumb staring weirdly at their little babies in the crib , the two have confused expression over their faces as they examine their kids like some pieces of arts in the museum.

"So... Who's yeonjun and who's soobin?" Jungkook frowns , head tilted a bit as he was just confused like his pretty husband. Now they seem to catch glimpse of the dilemma of having identical twins, how are they going to differentiate their babies now?.

"The one on the left? I think soobin suits him the most but how do we differentiate later? They look like copy of each other" a sigh left taehyung's lips , he keep staring between the two babies kinly. There has to be something to tell them apart and a smile break to his face when he finally notices something, the little thing that  almost went unnoticed but tae did manage to catch on.

A little mole under the kid lips just like his father's, the kid is one jungkook suggested to be soobin.

"Soobin has a mole like you " taehyung smiles at the way his husband face light up immediately he did confirm his son has a mole right under his lips just like him, tae's heart boom with happiness watching how his mafia husband was holding back fr squealing loudly like a kid. His happiness seem to lack limit knowing his kids has took after him.

Sincerely speaking, taehyung has thought about the possibility of jungkook being disappointed if he finds out they're not having princess as he has wished. One of the reason of keeping the gender of his babies a secret and even hide the fact that they're having twins.

He knows jungkook won't be like but those dark thought are elevated by the pregnancy constant mood strings.

He's grateful he have got someone like jungkook and if he was giving chance to choose again, it's definitely jungkook again and again and again over again.

"Ohhhh wifey , soobin is awake... What do we do? Should I keep staring at him? Do I need to lift him up---- oh i--i can't do that , what if I break him?" Taehyung pressed his lips into thing line scanning jungkook from the head to toe , now that the male has mentioned about it. Taehyung notices his husband is much bigger than how he was year ago, the words that says happy moment passes by faster is really True.

While jungkook goes on panic trying to figure out how to go about the little creature , taehyung spent his time getting lost in his head and wondering again how he gets so lucky. But before jungkook passed out really, the pretty male decided to steps in.

"I honestly don't know.... You're older than me so you should know what to do dummy" that's when Mrs Kim and jimin who have been watching the couple from the door decided to steps in , you should never let kid have kids.... Look at the outcome now.

"Chim!" Taehyung leaves jungkook with his problems, putting his attention on his best friend and mother instead.

"You should be on the bed resting" taehyung mentally roll his eyes at his best friend statement, he should be resting yeah. He'll just wake up to his dumb mafia husband throwing their kids out of the windows because he believes kids are angels and they can fly.

"W-what should I do with him mum?" Jungkook's main attention was placed on soobin , his eyes not leaving the cute little boy for a second. Until Mrs Kim steps closer , deciding to help the male out before he loses his mind.

"Have you hold your babies before?" Jungkook shakes his head , seemly terrified even of the idea.

"Take a seat , I'm going to put the baby on you " taehyung chuckle slightly at the amount of fears that runs through jungkook's eyes the moment Mrs Kim places their little bean in his arms , the fears existed for more seconds before they were slowly replace with glittering happiness in the mafia boss eyes.

Tears brims as jungkook held his son for the first time , two years ago--- if someone told him he'd be holding his first son at the age of twenty-two ,he'd have laugh loudly at the joke but here's he's at the age of twenty-two... Not with only a child but two son with an amazing wifey.

"Hey what's wrong" Mrs Kim who notices the tears get alarmed, jungkook sniffed not daring to wipe the tears streaming down his cheeks. He was still holding his son delicate body against his chest softly, almost holding his breath as he's afraid the baby might cry if he breaths too much around him.

"J--just Happy" jimin scrunch up his nose at the snort on jungkook's nose , if it was other moment jimin would've make a video of this scene and use it to blackmail jungkook for the rest of his life but then he remembers... This is jeon Jungkook.

Abort mission.

"Do you name them yet?" Jimin asks leading taehyung to sits on the bed , he expected taehyung to be on bed but his soulmate think just walking around is normal after pushing out two kids. Whoops... imagining it gives me chills , not gonna lie.

"Yeah. The one hubby is holding is jeon Soobin , jeon yeonjun is sleeping" with the way taehyung proudly announce the name of his kids , Mrs Kim and jimin can tell already he's the one that named the babies.

They just shakes their head smiling until the peaceful silence was disrupted by yeonjun's cries.

"Oh why is he crying" jimin and Mrs Kim exchange looks before shaking their heads.

"Because he have a mouth to cry?" Honestly confused , jimin answered but press his lips into thing line when jungkook's dark gaze fall on him.

"Hold him , I'll prepare his milk" taehyung nods letting his mother prepare the baby milk , while jungkook feels his heart going berserk every second and minutes.

Is this how the father responsibility starts?.

"Who let this kid have a kid?" Yoongi question eyeing the mafia boss who was pouting in the corner of taehyung's room , the aforementioned male was busy dressing the babies and jungkook was going to help but instead get scolded by taehyung because he wasn't doing it right and that's why he ended sulking in the corner. Not caring about the presence of others.

"Him being a mafia leader at young age is more imaginative than him having kids , this seem like a dream" namjoon sighs still pinching himself but it turns out this is reality.

As they were busy bullying the poor mafia boss , the older jeon steps into the hospital room with a blank expression over his face.

"Why is the baby crying?" Mr jeon asks and taehyung sighs, he replied thinking the mafia was talking about the babies.

"Soobin wet his diaper"

"I am talking about that dumb baby at the corner , did you told him you're marrying me already? Because I'm here with a diamond ring" jungkook was on his feet the next second standing infront of his grandpa, taehyung just smiled and continue what he's doing.

"Grandpa stop hitting on my husband! You can't go against the jeon Jungkook old man" jungkook smirks and others were just staring between the grandpa and grandson who are literally up each other throat because of taehyung.

"Yes i can, you're broke now and I see it as perfect loop hole for me to crawl in" the mafia boss smirk fall off his face instantly.

"Wow , it'll be your blood......

"You're broke?" Taehyung asks , and when jungkook look away from him nervously... The pretty male knows his husband definitely bought something that'll make taehyung force him to sign a divorce papers tonight.

"Yes pretty. He spent all his money on buying a private jet in your name..... So how about you give this oldie a chance?" Thw first statement was the only thing every ears in the room registered.


Yes jeon, what!!!!


Sorry for mistakes

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