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Bewildered isn't enough to describe whatever feelings has strike through Jungkook's spine at the raise of Taehyung's voice, the pretty male was naturally blessed with a deep voice which really didn't appeal is calm and cool appearance.

Never in three hundred years has Jungkook imagined himself been in position where he'd be scared of someone but here he's trying not to flinch away from Taehyung's cold gaze , but he lost when he look down at his feet . It's obvious the pretty male extremely angry for a reason Jungkook doesn't think he was aware of.

When Taehyung stump inside , he was follow right by Jungkook who was still Trying to understand whatever he has done wrong.

The amount of anger in Taehyung's body won't have allow him to listen to Jungkook and accept to stay over if he'd have decided to take a irrational decision.

Taehyung like a very well reserved atmosphere, he won't shout on anyone for any reason and which is why the easier way to get on his nerve is raising your voice on me .

And Jungkook stepped over that boundary.

When they enter the mansion , the pretty male didn't acknowledge any other present and just settle down on the leather sofa before raising his one leg and place it on the other one.

His body was vibrating from anger with millions of thoughts running through his head , Jungkook has raised his voice on him without thinking twice just weeks after knowing each other and their second time out together.

Then, what are the possibilities of casualties he'd likely to face when they get married? , Can someone who can't even control his anger under minutes be able to lead a peaceful life for him.

And for the first time , he agreed he might have been so unthoughtful for agreeing to marry a total stranger.

He really shouldn't have judge Jungkook so fast at a glance, people are more than what they shows outside them.

He sighs running his fingers through his hair before resting his back against the sofa , he just need to wait some hours before escaping to their house.

"Baby what's wrong?" He mentally roll his eyes at Jungkook's worried voice , but didn't react to the male in question words.

"Love , why are you so angry ? I didn't do anything wrong or do I?" Taehyung sighs opening his eyes and stare directly at Jungkook on the eyes .

"You did nothing wrong Mr mafia , it's in your nature to shout at everyone right ? Just let me know when your rivals are away so I can leave" Jungkook raise his brow confusedly at the younger male tone , he didn't shout at anyone or did he ?.

The mafia boss quickly settle down Besides the pretty male but keep enough distance to make sure he doesn't touch the younger , he really won't want to hear the raise of that pretty voice again.

"I am sorry baby , I didn't mean to raise my voice on you- I was just frustrated for not being able to keep you safe by myself" Jungkook spoke looking down at his laps guiltily but the younger scoff loudly before rolling his eyes.

"So you'll basically starts shouting on my anytime you're frustrated? , I mean when shouting isn't enough anymore what else are you going to do ? Hit me ?. You know I hates noises , was it my fault that people in your business line are after you?- you made me hold steering with loud gunshots, can you fucking imagine how terrified that was for me?" Taehyung's loud voice must have wake the older Jeon up as the man confusedly step down the stairs.

Mr Jeon frown deeply seeing Jungkook who was staring down at his laps and Taehyung who look like he'll puff out smoke from his nose and ears in minutes , the man exchange his gaze between the two males as he mentally wonder what might have gone wrong.

"What's wrong pretty boy?" Taehyung sighs bowing respectfully to greet the older man , his anger was directed at Jungkook and he won't use that to disrespect the old man.

"Nothing Mr Jeon , i just think we should've second thoughts on this marriage of a thing. I don't think I am ready in a any form" Jungkook head snap up instantly at that as his eyes nervously dart between a shocked Mr Jeon and Taehyung who was looking casual with his words.

The mafia leader nervously Chuckle

"W-what are you talking about love? We are not rethinking anything here baby" Jungkook stated firmly making Taehyung raise his brow at him questioning, he really wants to know what the mafia boss can do to go against his choice.

"That's my choice to decide and you can as well use your cruel influence to force yourself on me--" the pretty male spat and felt his words bitterness on his own tongue but his anger was too much to care about that right now , the facts that he might have to live his whole life- expecting to get attack at any moment finally settle in his head.

Jungkook isn't just a member, he's a leader and that too new one who haven't even understand fully how these things works. His one carelessness of killing another leader still lingering around for weeks then what was expected to happen when he becomes fully known inside the underground world?, He's basically like a weakness to Jungkook.

His life won't be at hundred safe anymore, he won't be able to step outside anytime he wishes again without people guilding him.

Taehyung hates the thoughts, he blame himself for not thinking fully about his decision in th first place.

Did he really want to spend the rest of his life like this? , He doesn't want to.

He need to stop whatever craziness he has started by accepting Jungkook's proposal in the first place because they'll never get to lead a peaceful life with the older male line of interest , Taehyung made a decision at that very moment.

"I can't force you into anything baby , I promise nothing like today will ever happen again love" Taehyung let his gaze with Jungkook's for a second before he chuckle dryly.

"Let's cancel this marriage"


Simple understanding will highly be appreciated but since some people just don't read to understand but always like things fall in their place , here is the update

Hope you're happy now ?

Sorry for mistakes

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