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There's a problem.

While taehyung struggle to keep his sanity aware of everything that's going on between jungkook and the doctors, the baby inside the tummy just seem impatient to visit the world as the cramps become unbearable for him but for a moment he forget about his pain when the situation going on finally gets cleared for him.

If he wasn't in pain he'd have laugh loudly but the situation didn't permit him to do that.

"You--- you are going to lift his clothes under and see him? I mean see him in a way I could only see him?" The doctor unconsciously takes steps back from jungkook's dark voice , they didn't think about this clearly and the doctor should have seen this coming.

"The position of your head despise your interest? Wants me to make it roll besides your legs?" And chaos almost erupted in the labour room when jungkook pull out his gun , taehyung will like to know exactly what his husband was thinking by bringing a fucking gun into the labour room.

Even with his unbearable pain he's currently going through, he knows he needs to gets jungkook under control before things get out of hands.

"Hubby?" There , jungkook's attention was snatched instantly and the worries that has previously left his eyes come running back , he immediately gets hold of taehyung's hands.

"Let get you to another hospital love , I can make this building cease existing later....

"Nooo.... It's not a big deal hubby. This happens everywhere, can't you see I'm in pain? Just let them do what they need to do. Just get out if you'll keep throwing childish tantrum, your baby keep kicking me and you're here kicking my sanity out. Do you fucking wanna sign those divorce papers now!!!" Even tho taehyung started off with a sweet voice, he ended up bursting on jungkook who flinch back slightly from the sudden outburst.

"But baby---

"Shut your mouth or shut your life! Ahhhhh" and jungkook shut his mouth hesitantly moving back for the doctor and nurses to perform their duty but he never for once let go of taehyung's hands , not even when the boy nail scratch his wrist deep drawing a blood for him.

"Can't you fucking do it properly! He's crying or do I need to fucking blow your head out" and tears almost leave the doctor eyes when jungkook have his gun pointed directly at his head , with the look on the man's face--- he doesn't seem like the type that'll hesitate from shooting out.

"W--e a-re doing it pr-operly Mr jeon" the doctor and nurses sweats instantly matches with taehyung's, if anyone should witness whatever is going on right now. They'd have thought the doctor and nurses are the ones in pain and not taehyung, taehyung wants the divorce papers ready the moment he gets out of this room.

The first cry of baby makes jungkook froze for a second before he realized what's going on, that's the cry of his baby. He is a father , he have a kid now----

"Mr jeon ,just once again okay? The second one is almost out" jungkook snapped his head up at the doctor statement, the second what?.

The doctor seem to notices the look and speak up before the gun that was hanging loosely between jungkook's fingers get point back at him , not in his seven years experience he have thought he'd be in a labour room with a fucking gun pointed to his head.

"You're having a twins Mr jeon" jungkook didn't get out of the trance until the cries of his second baby hits his ears , taehyung puffed out a breath slapping jungkook's hand weakly to snap the man out of it.

"Congratulations hubby" jungkook blinks once, twice and thrice before he notices the babies the nurses are holding.

"Are you okay? Is it painful anywhere? Hey what's wrong?" Jungkook gets worried when taehyung suddenly starts closing his eyes.

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