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"What what? You don't want to marry me again?" Jungkook ask feeling offended at the younger male reaction.

"Of course I want to but we're having serious conversation right now" taehyung grumble out with a pout , trying to understand jungkook is like trying to understand why Joy's readers grades fall dramatically---- it's hard.

"I know , marrying me is a serious conversation so let's continue having it" the mafia boss stated as a matter of fact.

"You found it weird----

"Of course but I'm sorry your beauty is so blinding that I can't even see your flaws, so wanna walk down the aisle in days with me?" Taehyung can only keep opening and close his mouth back , he was speechless.

Just whenever he thought jungkook was done showing himself, this man will just blow his mind in another way without even trying hard.

"Why do you want to marry me seriously, I mean I should really ask now" jungkook pause titling his neck a bit as he make a thinking face.

"Should I be honest? Or you want a package lie?" The pretty male instantly roll his eyes at the question.

"The truth of course"

"First It's because you're pretty , have been seeing beauty but you're just on another level" taehyung snorted as he wait patiently for the older male to continue his list on why he desperately want to get marry to him. Can't relate, everyone is just desperately trying to run away from me. Life of a potato.

"Second you've got a pretty ass , it's a very bad temptation----

"You're getting marry to me because of my appearance?" Taehyung asked bewildered at the male who was just saying shits seriously like it's most normal thing to say in the world.

"I mean that's what attracted me to you , you don't want me to say low lies like 'i love the person you're right? Sorry can't lie" taehyung can only sighs before getting off the bed ready to walk away but was stopped mid way by jungkook who hug him from behind--- with his jaw now rested on the younger male shoulder.

"Are you angry? I said that's what attracted me to you but don't you wanna hear why I am getting more crazy about you everyday?" Taehyung snorted turning his head slightly to just to glance at the older male.

"I don't know maybe it's because I've never met many people in my life but your calmlessness is just so fucking attractive, the way you got shy whenever you get my whole attention---- and now you won't meet my gaze because you always try to hide your smiling whenever I decided to be real with my feelings---

"The happiness out of the thoughts that I have you is another thing I'm trying to understand, I feel like we're really meant to be----

Taehyung hums spinning around to face jungkook.

"What if we have a not so fortunate marriage?"

"I don't know because I don't think about it----- but I promise to be your nothing" jungkook stated wrapping his arms around the younger waist just to pull him more closer to him.

"My nothing?"

"Yeah, I heard nothing last forever--- so I'll be right by your side every seconds, even on days you don't need me. If one day you decided to end whatever we're having , I'll be in shadow but still right by your side---

"You're like my dream , the one who I'll always look forward to fulfill--- if I have only three words to say before my last breath. I'll say 'I love you'" taehyung can only keep staring at jungkook, what was he supposed to say in the first place?. I honesty don't know too tae....

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