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( Guys , if I make any mistakes with any information that has been passed in sequel don't worry about it much , like I mentioned before . This can be read as a separate story and same with the sequel thanks 💜💜💜).

His world : Taehyung's decision

"Did you just say mafia ?" Mr Kim question trying to make sure he didn't misheard the boy that was sitting in front of him , Jungkook nod his head blinking his eyes rapidly at the Kim's .

"Yes , but not a big one but don't worry we'll be a big one in the future which add to my advantages , I can protect him against everything in the world" Mr Jeon mentally facepalm , being mafia was supposed to be advantages? He didn't realise till now .

His grandson was talentedly dumb .

"So you kill people and do illegal works !" Jungkook give Mrs Kim a look that explains, ' what do you think?'.

"Don't look at it in that perception mom , imagine a man who's extremely rich but was living on poor people life and sweats especially kids and he had believe nobody can go against him , if I killed someone like that and take all his money- it's really not a sin but anyhow let's the God judge in heaven later" he nonchalantly stated and Mr Jeon has the same expression as the Kim's , this boy is definitely on special drugs !.

"Okay I'll explain everything along with your occupation to Taehyung and whatever he says will be the decision " Mr Kim really doesn't want to think much about whatever discussion they're having right now but when he said he'll discuss it with Taehyung he meant it .

"That'll be highly appreciated , we have to know the boy decision so the jobless mafia boss can stop stalking him" Mr Jeon roll his eyes when Jungkook almost broke his head while snapping his head towards him , this boy act like he can beat him on a fight battlefield.pfft .

"If he reject me , I'll just resume as his life time stalker but I doubt he'll , I know he's out of this world but I am also beautiful and handsome- I put extra efforts in my appearance so I can also impress you guys that I can protect him, let me show you my body" Jungkook stands up ready to starts unbuttoning his shirts before Mr Jeon throw the throw pillows against his head , his grandson got to be kidding him right now .

"W-what ?" Mrs Kim stutter while Mr Kim was still trying to process whatever just enter their head , if his son even accept the so called proposal , will Taehyung survive this amount of crackhead? Definitely no.

"O-h sorry I got carried away , so I don't know what he likes because he always dress casual everytime so I just bought random things for him" with that he sprint towards the entrance commanding his men to bring the things inside the cars , the Kim's watch as men dressed in black suit step inside with different package.

"You said you'll by me a car but end up spending the money on everything for Taehyung, I can't wait to meet the boy that's my rival " Mr Jeon dramatically exclaim while the Kim's are still trying to process the load of gifts that was now pile up inside their living room , too plenty.

"Are these for the whole city or?" Mrs Kim asked confusedly and Jungkook frown slightly , is it too small ?.

"No , this is for my world- I mean Taehyung . this is little because I don't know his likes yet but I'll definitely do better whenever I'm coming back" Jungkook calmly stated his earlier dramatic aura is no where to be found , this boy just keep changing character right infront of their eyes .

"Are you trying to win us over because of money?" Jungkook scoff at Mr Kim question before shaking his head .

"I bought those things because I have the money , and I will empty my whole life savings to get him anything I think he'll like .I am not trying to impress him with these things , I just want him to be impressed by my behavior and attitude .nothing more" Mr Kim eyes the boy suspiciously but nevertheless nods his head , funny how their usual anti- social Taehyung still manage to caught a mafia boss attention.

Guess staying at home doesn't affect his love life like them and jimin has always predicted.

"Don't you have work or class to attend today ?" Mrs Kim question after some moments that they have settle down back , the gifts still where they are .

"I do but coming here is the most important thing to me , I'll drop everything if it's about Taehyung"Jungkook confidently stated and the Kim's really doesn't know a day like this will come to their life , man like this only exist in drama.

"Coming late , but do you care for a drink ?" Mrs Kim chuckle dryly when she finally realise the Jeon has been inside there for almost an hour but yet they haven't offer them any drink or even water .

"No thanks , giving us opportunity to speak with you is enough drink for us . we'll start going now because I have to starts gathering up my courage- you know to meet Taehyung tomorrow" Jungkook wasn't being dramatic with that , he'd really have to prepare his mind and soul before meeting Taehyung tommorow . that's his chance to impress the boy and he can't loose it .

"Alright then Jungkook, see you tomorrow and it's nice having you here, Mr Jeon also thanks for the gifts" Mr Kim exchange handshake with older Jeon and Jungkook before they see the boy outside and wait till they get into their cars and drive away from their house .


"Unbelievable" Mr Kim completes his wife words but nevertheless, they waited till Taehyung come back from the college and was going to disappear into his room as usual if only he didn't come across the gifts in the living room .

"What's this mama?" He question checking the bags of luxurious brands fill with different types of clothes , shoes and jewelries .

"Your husband brought them" and Mr Kim couldn't resist the urge to laugh loudly at taehyung expression, it worth everything .

After laughing he decided to explain the situation to the boy .

"You mean the stalker came here ? And said he wants to marry me ? And he also the one that brought all these and also he's a mafia boss ?" Taehyung briefly repeat the long story that his parents had tender down for him and can't really find anything to comment on the case , he's shocked.

"He's too shy to speak to you but he'll be here tomorrow morning , so we're just informing you and not telling you what to think about it .if you will meet him tomorrow and decided either you'll get to know him then that's your choice , just do whatever pleases you" Mr Kim calmly stated and Mrs Kim also hum , agreeing with her husband.

"I-i don't know what to say , but let me meet him before anything?".

Yeah let's meet your future husband


Sorry for mistakes

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