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"where are we going hubby?" Taehyung ask staring outside the car , Jungkook has been driving for more than twenty minutes and they're yet to reach wherever they're going and the pretty male is getting impatient if you'll ask him.

Jungkook chuckle slightly and took a quick glance at his baby before focusing back on the road.

"We're close my world" Taehyung groan shrinking down in his seat as he received the same answer the older male has been telling him for the past minutes , he decided to just keep quiet about their destination as it seem like he won't be getting his answers until they get there.

"And o-h , why do you even fixed our date to evening ? I mean the sky is even getting dark" Taehyung grumble under his breath looking at Jungkook who stare at him just for a second before he laugh softly.

"Uh-m you know there are something that can only be done in the night , you know--" the mafia leader suggestively wiggle his brow at taehyung who can't help gasps loudly when his head finally register what the older was trying to say.

"W-what are you saying?" Jungkook frown- a fake frown as he stop at the traffic light which was showing red.

"Are you that innocent my love? You know- we're going to get marry and --

He was cut off by Taehyung.

"Stop talking please" the pretty male wish he could just disappear and varnish from the whole world , why is Jungkook like this?.

Even tho they were to be in the position the male was referring to , does he have to spell it out to his face like this?.

"Are you shy ? Really ? If you're shy now , what are we supposed to do when we get to the dark place we are going ? We won't be able to do that" Jungkook laugh loudly when Taehyung unbuckle his shoe and hold tiny shoe sole ready to hit the mafia boss with it.

"If you don't stop talking I'll make sixty-nine holes in your head-" the pretty male press his lips into thin line as awkward silence take over the car but it didn't last long because Jungkook's loud laughter once again disturb their peace , Taehyung just sighs shaking his head as he watch the mafia boss laugh to his content.

And he wonder how someone can look so cute just by laughing.

"O-h my baby isn't that innocent then , no problem we can get into 69 position anytime you wish-- okay ! I'll stop" Jungkook raise his hands up surrendered when Taehyung try to unlock the car to get down.

Jungkook smile as he starts driving again , it's cute to see his baby getting flustered by something he wasn't even thinking about , he was just trying to keep Taehyung entertain until they get to their destination.

He hesitantly place his palm on the younger male laps and wait, hoping for any discomfort movement from the said male but he smile more widely when Taehyung place his own hand above his instead , he was more than happy.

"We are here" Jungkook announce focusing on parking his car while Taehyung roll his eyes dramatically, this dramatic man could've just told him they're coming to the beach instead of keeping him curious for long minutes.

He stay still in the car as Jungkook alighted , he knows the mafia leader will be all ready to throw tantrum if he wasn't able to open the car for him , he use the moments to buckle up his heels again and smile softly when Jungkook hold his hand out to help him get down from the car.

"Isn't that tiny sole making it hard for your ankle ?I mean are you comfortable- like really comfortable in that?" Taehyung chuckle with the way Jungkook was eyeing the heel he was putting on , he nod his head nevertheless.

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