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My love : strong enough to let you go

"You are beautiful" Taehyung raise his head up at the older male words as they were currently at his house dinning table , his father and mother was also sitting along with them.

Well they were eating while Jungkook was busy admiring the best view in the world, his words.

"I--- you are suppose to be eating?" Mr Kim said more like a question as they were left bewildered with the sudden compliment that left the young mafia boss lips unprovoked , this boy is a goner.

"I'm jeolous!" The young CEO whines and Taehyung sighs dropping his spoon on the table before resting back on his seat to drink water , but he regret that decision soon.

"And why is that? And what exactly are you jeolous of?" Mrs Kim honestly question out of curiosness , she can't really understand the boy.

"Those spoon, they get to kiss his lips while I can't. Life's so cruel to me" and Taehyung spat out the water he was drinking instantly and Mr Kim froze with the spoon slipping out of his grip , Mrs keep has never want to unheard words so bad.

Taehyung raise his head up when he felt hand rubbing his back softly trying to calm him down , he doesn't have to turn around to know who it's since he can felt the tense and stiff body behind him.

"Becareful" the pretty male wants to smack Jungkook's face at those words , becareful? When he was the main reason he was choking in the first place . Marriage proposal his ass , more like death proposal.

Earlier when the two was about to embark on their serious discussion, Mr Kim has call both of them to the dinning room and Jungkook as usual has make a dramatic expression about he was so blessed to have breakfast in the same table like the love of his life ,the kims never know they'll meet someone more dramatic than jimin.

"I won't have choke if you didn't make such absurd comment in my parents present , where is your shame?" Taehyung scowl when Jungkook look towards Mr and Mrs Kim who are blankly staring down at the table , is there a way to die without actually dieing?.

The young mafia boss smile sheepishly and rub his nape.

"Shame is overrated , I'm sorry I won't make such a comment in your present again but really , I was really and extremely jeolous of those spoon including the meal that make their way down his throat" and Taehyung get on his shutting the pervert man up with a spoon of rice , God please kill him now .

"It's nice having a very nice breakfast with you" Mr Kim stand up taking his plate and leave but not before shaking his head at Jungkook, this boy is a disaster.

Mrs Kim also stand up instantly and that makes Jungkook's eyes to went wide , are they planning to leave him alone again with Taehyung?.

"I think it's also the best for me excuse myself, I mean I don't want to have nightmare with whatever is leaving your lips" the woman press his lips into thin line walking away and Taehyung sighs , dropping his head on the table while Jungkook was still froze where he was standing.

Did he say something wrong? But he was just stating the truth on his mind , he shakes his head maybe the Kims just need an excuse to enter and do their own shits.

"Have your seat back Jungkook" Taehyung calmly stated after going through inner breakdown caused by Jungkook's unfilter mouth , the said mafia gulp slightly but take a seat anyway.

His shaky hands hide under the table right on his laps , he was grateful earlier when Mrs Kim has called out for them because he wasn't ready to hear the pretty male reply to their proposal.

He knows the boy might be thinking about it weirdly one way or the other , I mean who the fuck get marry at the age of eighteen?.

People around the boy's age are probably busy making big dreams in their head , and the ones that are busy trying different bad things around. Or the ones that believe this is the best season of their lives.

Seriously adulthood sucks.

"My mom told me reason why you came here yesterday" Taehyung started and Jungkook swallow harshly, he nod his head not trusting whatever will be leaving his lips .he was calm earlier because Mr and Mrs Kim was present but now leaving him alone with Taehyung again makes him realise just how much effect the boy have on him.

"Uh-m she said you wants to marry me ? But why?" That's the point and Taehyung can't seem to understand it , if Jungkook were to starts listing the reason why he wants to marry the male then the world comes to an end and he'll keep listing it because everyday he sees more than millions of reason to marry the boy.

"Because I love you" piling all those feelings together , he put them all together in those simple words. But again love is nothing but bunch of feelings that comes with pain and series agony and Jungkook was all ready to be broken if it's about Taehyung.

Taehyung rest his jaw on his palm , using the table to support his elbow. He personally doesn't think the love is enough reason for someone to propose marriage to him.

Love is a strong word but at the same so weak that it could weaken anyone it wishes , feelings change and the feelings of love isn't special- it specialness isn't enough reason not be able to change.

Human change and Jungkook is no exception , and Taehyung sure know personally he can't tell what he'll feel tomorrow or years to come.

Marriage is a strong word , seem like Jungkook isn't thinking about this enough.

Sighing out loudly , the Younger ruffle his hair with his free hand before speaking up again.

"How old are you Jungkook" he decided to ask , maybe his parent didn't mention about the boy's age or he just forgot about it. But he decided to ask either way .

"I'm twenty , I turn twenty months ago" and if the pretty male wasn't amused then that'll be a lie , Jungkook is a CEO at the age of twenty ? And also mafia boss?.

Taehyung can't even be a boss of his own life at the age of eighteen, no doubts he's God's step son.

"See , we are both extremely toooo young to discuss about marriage. I am only eighteen and just second year in the university , which was fast because I manage to skip some junior classes back then. I have a big career planning in the future and you think I'll give them up because of you?" Taehyung honesty pour out what he was thinking about the marriage so call thing.

Jungkook nods understandingly with a smile.

"I know , and I am not planning to stop you from doing any of your things. I just want to be able to call you mine , you'll go to your school , graduate and continue whatever career you chooses and if ever in the future you think the marriage isn't working , just tell me and believe me when I say my love is strong enough to let you go even if I'd regret it for the rest of my life" Jungkook stated totally ignoring the pang he felt on his chest when thinking about Taehyung going away from him.

"So what do you say Taehyung?".


Sorry for mistakes

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