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Jungkook has make sure to keep himself out of taehyung's sight for the rest of the day, he did sent breakfast and lunch for the pretty male but he sent it in through jimin as taehyung also keep himself in the room probably because of the older jeon present.

It was late in the afternoon when the older finally emerged from the couple's room ready to leave for his own house and jimin instantly follow him , does he look like someone that wants to be stuck in-between couples argument?.

Time for dinner comes, the maids has prepared everything the mafia leader has requested of them.

With the tray in his hands, jungkook makes his way towards their room.

Taehyung snap his head up immediately their bedroom door was pushed open , he look down at his laps the second he made eye contact with jungkook.

The mafia boss gulp.

"Can I come in love?" Taehyung bites his lips at the question, jungkook is taking permission to enter his own room , in his own house.

"Yeah" a small smile made it way to jungkook's face , he quickly step inside the room using his leg to shut the door.

The mafia boss carefully place the tray down on the small table besides their bed before sitting at the edge of the bed, keeping a decent distance between between him and his husband.

"Do you want me to feed you ? Or you still feel suffocated with my presence?" Taehyung haven't realized the weight of his statement until he hears it from jungkook's mouth now, he really said that to his husband?.

"I am sorry" jungkook frown confusedly, trying to understand why the boy is apologizing to him.

"For? Sit up a little bit love" taehyung sits up properly giving jungkook space to move closer to him just a bit enough to be able to feed him.

"I mean , for chasing you out earlier---

"Why are you sorry for stating your mind? I mean shouldn't I be the one apologizing for making you uncomfortable?" Taehyung would've believe jungkook is messing around if he did not see the clear confusion on the mafia boss face, and that only makes him feel bad more than before.

"You're just looking out for me and I messed it up, I am sorry okay?" Jungkook smiles tenderly at the cute pout that take over his husband's lips and he couldn't resist poking the male's nose.

"It's fine really love, next time you feel like that then you'll let me know immediately. I am too stupid sometimes to understand shits" taehyung press his lips together with a plain expression on his face.

"Sometimes? Hubby you're stupid most of the time" jungkook gasps offended and dramatically place his hands over his heart like he's hurt.

"Ouch , that's rude my pretty wifey---

Taehyung shrugs.

"The truth hurts so it's okay to feel hurt"

It was jungkook's turn to pout now , the mafia boss huffed folding his arms against his chest then turn away from taehyung. Leaving the said boy to wonder where he really pick up a lost puppy again.

More like a lost bunny. But okay.

"Such a baby" taehyung grins and bite his lips back to resist laughing out loudly at the way jungkook snap his head back when he heard him addressing him as a baby.

"I am not baby"

Another scoff from taehyung.

"You're my baby" the pretty male stated as a matter of fact and who's jeon jungkook to argue over that?.

He's nobody.

If taehyung says he's his baby then jungkook is tae's baby. Do you remember his middle name? Jeon taehyung's baby jungkook. Google it.

"Okay! I am your baby" taehyung laugh softly because he already expected that reply , his husband is so much in love that he won't even go against his words.

"Can you feed me now, i am really hungry" jungkook instantly comply with the request.

Not like y'all have anyone to look at you or even think of complying with y'all request and mind you🌚 jealousy is a disease. And I have one😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ( Sue Coke company, they be mixing much drugs in their products now).

Anyways, taehyung was almost done with his meal when he suddenly felt a lump forming in his throat. And before he'd even form a sentence, the whole food he had were already running back and boop. All over the bed.

And jungkook froze.

Tears made it way to taehyung's face instantly as he hurriedly get off the bed running into their bathroom to get a bowl and towel , cleaning the splash that have get on his husband body while the said male sits down still frozen.

"P-please get up , I'll clean the mess sorry" that seem to snap jungkook out of whatever daze he has went into. With the disgusting mess over his trouser, jungkook carefully stands up and remove his trouser--- the tension in the room totally didn't make that act seem more than normal to the two.

After that , jungkook drag taehyung gently with him into the bathroom and just hand the confused male a toothbrush after applying the toothpaste on it.

"Brush your teeth love" gulping slightly at the nonchalant reaction of his husband like he didn't just empty his stomach in his presence and that too on him, if that isn't the most disgusting sight ever.

But nevertheless, he complies with his husband requested watching as the mafia boss walk out of their bathroom.

When he was done , he rinse his face before walking back into their bedroom only to be met with sight of jungkook setting another bedsheets on their bed. The dirty one and the leftover dishes are no where to be found in the room, he guesses jungkook must have taken them out while he was brushing his teeth.

"I'll call the doctor, you're not feeling any pain in the stomach right? Come and lie down , don't stress yourself"

Taehyung blinks.

"A-are you not angry?" This question might become his pick up line soon or later if jungkook continue being perfect like this.

"Why should I? The maids probably add some new ingredients which might have triggered that, I'll make you something else to eat---

Jungkook puff out a breath when the pretty male suddenly jump on him , hugging him tightly.

"I love you" jungkook smiles at that patting his husband's back in lovely way before pulling away slightly.

"I love you more sweetheart, so come on---

Taehyung let jungkook guide him to lie down because he can't also ignore the little tiredness building up within him.

"I'll be back okay? Gotta find you something to eat-- no empty stomach" jungkook's voice was too calm and sweet for taehyung not to melt, so he nods his head.

"No empty stomach" the young CEO laugh at the younger repeating his words cutely, he peck tae on his forehead then lips before going out of their room.

Immediately the door shut behind him , his smile drop.

And his voice make the maids hearts flies out of their chest the moment he reaches downstairs.

"Who made dinner?"


Sorry for mistakes

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