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Taehyung really doesn't know what he was suppose to expect from his parents as their reaction to his marriage cancelled , he has been the one who told them not to worry in the first place and blindly accept to marry a stranger because he like the behavior.

He drag his lower lips between his teeth as he awaits his father or mother to say anything about his announcement, jimin was also sitting beside him silently as the male was already informed about it since last night.

The two soulmate are definitely nervous from the Kim's quietness but still bound to wait patiently for his parents reply.

Mr Kim take a deep breath before speaking up.

"I- really don't know what to say to this , you are just a kid and Jungkook is also not a very big adult- he's twenty right?

Mr Kim ask raising his brow at taehyung who nod his head almost instantly.

"He's young too , but the responsibilities on him makes him seem older than his age. both of you -- sincerely I don't know what to say" Mr Kim concluded before turning to his wife who was also sitting silently, the sudden change of Taehyung's words really did catch them unaware.

"I'm also confused on this but if that's what he wants , I don't have say in this. It's his decision" Mrs Kim stated calmly and Taehyung smiles softly at her , the smiley face change into confusion when they heard knocks on the entrance door.

Jimin was already on his feet to check on the visitor and he can't deny he wasn't much surprised to see Jungkook at their doorstep , he sighs stepping aside for the man to step in without asking any of the figure inside the house.

The Kim's seem suprised to see Jungkook after the announcement from Taehyung, they are confused on how to act with the young male from the moment.

But Jungkook bow to greet them as usual , except he usual shining eyes are looking so dull that got Mrs Kim worry for a second but she kept quiet.

"Can I have a moment with you Taehyung" and the pretty male and never felt his name sound so awkward from someone until Jungkook says it out , he realized hearing his name from Jungkook's mouth should be ban.

However, reacting to the male question. He look up to meet Jungkook's gaze for the first moment the male has step into their house , he almost let a negative answer slip out of the tongue but seeing the young mafia leader's face , he ended up staying yes and lead Jungkook to his room.

Jungkook silently follow Taehyung into his room and stand awkwardly in the middle of the room as Taehyung close the door , he felt his hands shaking immediately Taehyung turn around to face him.

"What do you need to talk about?" The pretty male ask politely as he take a seat at the edge of his bed , he watch the older male take a deep breath before speaking up.

"I overheard your conversation with your parents earlier, c-can't you really give me second chance to prove myself to you ?" Taehyung try hard not to meet the older male gaze as he doesn't want to be melt with those admiration eyes.

"If I give you second chance and you repeat the same thing over again , what should I give you ? Fifth chance?- you'll probably find someone fit into your life to marry , I don't wanna live my life on fear" Jungkook felt stupid for thinking Taehyung will even so easily become his , he can't help but wonder maybe his old man was right all along.

Maybe Taehyung is nothing more than just his imagination, the imagination he'd never have.

"Can you rethink your choice again ? I know I did wrong by shouting at you but I was worried and frustrated with myself- I thought I won't be able to keep you save that moment , I just don't want you to get hurt but actually hurt you in the process. I am sorry please , the second and last chance and I promise such mistakes won't be repeat again---

Jungkook was cut off by his own phone loud blasting , he look at taehyung before slipping his hand into his pocket to fetch his phone out.

He turn off the phone when he sees the caller.

"And the attackers are not from my complicated work , it's from a company that I've been dragging some deals with-- just go over your decision and give your answers when you're ready. Please baby" Taehyung was still sitting at the same spot while he watch Jungkook walk out of the room , he let a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding before falling back on his bed.

He's confused.

The older Jeon was sitting in the garden with a newspaper in his hand when Jungkook drive into the building which causes the man to raise his head up , then watch his grandson alighted from his car before making his way towards him.

Jungkook didn't come back home last night after he had left to take Taehyung to his house but thankfully, the man had received texts from yoongi saying Jungkook was drunk and will be spending night at their base.

Seeing the boy looking so dull and out of himself naturally got Mr Jeon worried , he doesn't like this Jungkook at all.

"Do you visit Taehyung today bun?" Mr Jeon ask immediately Jungkook walk closer to him and he already can predict the situation when Jungkook nods his head.

"Yeah , he had told his parents his decision once again but I had to beg him- I hope he listens. I never meant to raise my voice on him and I felt ashamed of myself for doing that too--

The older Jeon stand up hugging Jungkook gently.

"Don't cry bun , he just need moment to process everything. He'll come around , just don't let it affect you so much and don't give up" Mr Jeon knows his last words are likely useless , Jungkook was never the type to give up easily.

He can just hope Taehyung will consider his grandson once again.


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