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Arranged marriage : impressing his parents

Jungkook dramatically yell out when Mr Jeon throw the remaining water over his face , old man was terrified !.

"I didn't raise you to give me hypertension!".the man grumble loudly and Jungkook whines before settling down besides his grandpa , the said man was busy glaring at him .

"Grandpa I want to get marry , I'll die without him at this point "Jungkook said tugging his grandpa short sleeve and the man can't believe whatever he's witnessing right now , his son is still obsessed with that his imagination?.

"I-i stop being obsess with that boy that doesn't exist and you're too young to get marry boy" the man tiredly stated already tired to keep listening to his grandson whines about the pretty male for month now , and now he wants to get marry ? To his imagination?.

Jungkook jokingly glare at his grandpa before sighing out loudly .

"You don't have to believe he's real grandpa but I really want to marry him" older Jeon stare at Jungkook who was busy tugging his sleeve harshly , could this boy really be serious or what ?.

"Are you seriously saying the boy is real ? And you want to marry him?- I mean marriage is a life commitment and you want to marry him?" the man continue eyeing the younger suspiciously and Jungkook get down infront of the old man , he was sitting on the floor infront of his grandpa with his two hands clasped together.

"Grandpa please , I love him and him alone .I am not jobless to be messing around I just want him grandpa , I don't ask for much from you all these years- and you want to take one thing that might be bringing joy to me away?" The old Jeon stare at the younger bewildered and amused , what's with this blackmailing and Jungkook?.

This boy is really corny the moment he join his underworld work .

"Eh! Okay , what do you think we should do ?" Mr Jeon questions now seriously taking a deep interest into his son unexpected love life .

"I don't know grandpa but I want to marry him , I can see my beginning and end with him" Mr Jeon scoff loudly at the boy's words before rolling his eyes , vision viewer !.

"Weldone , the vision viewer .I am going to say this to you again , if you're not serious with him I'll advice you not to get me involved but if you're serious with him , let me tell again this is forever and if you refused to have him forever I'll curse you and kill you myself!" the younger mentally scoff but nevertheless nod his head firmly , he wasn't planning to let go of the younger anyway.

"Okay then , we'll go for an arranged marriage but you have to keep your underworld work a secret !" Jungkook instantly shakes his head disagreeing with his grandpa words , he can't hide anything from his world.

"No pa ! I can't hide anything from him , I won't hide anything from him. I want him to accept me all for all i am so no secret grandpa" Jungkook tilted his neck when mr jeon smile widely and clap his hands together amusingly , Jungkook think his grandpa is getting weird too.

"That's awesome ! that's a test and you pass my son , now I can tell you're extremely serious so we'll go for an arranged marriage proposal to his family" Jungkook stare at his grandpa for some moments before looking down at his laps .

"An arrange marriage?" He ask once again and Mr Jeon nods confirming his words once again for the boy .

"Yes Jungkook , an arrange marriage".

"The police said they'll take care of it soulmate , stop making unnecessary scenes in your head" jimin sighs for the countless times that day , he doesn't know it'd be this hard to get Taehyung to attend college after the issues of his stalker the last day .

They had report the case to the police and they said they'll investigate the matter as soon as possible but that doesn't stop the pretty male from being terrified of stepping out of the house.

"What if the person know I've report to the police and decided to kidnap me today ? I am just eighteen I don't want to be locked in a basement for the rest of my life" Taehyung grumble from under the bunch of blankets that he has been hiding himself , jimin doesn't understand maybe the boy believe his blanket will save him from the so called stalker .

"So we won't attend college today ?" Jimin asked again trying to understand the point of his soulmate tantrum this morning , father lord keep him sane !.

"C-can we take a break ? Let's go tomorrow Minnie " jimin been left with no other choice he just sighs jumping into the bed along to join his soulmate , he can't help but agree with anything his bestfriend.

"Whatever you wants but we'll still have to go out one day right ? , Do you plan of giving one of your admires chance ?" Taehyung glare at jimin at that words before turning away from the said male , he can't deal with jimin right now .

"You'll die single at this point !" Jimin stated as a matter of fact staring at the boy that has turn away from him , this brat !.

"You're also single and two months older than me , so find a boyfriend maybe then I'll follow your steps as the older one" and jimin should've seen that coming when he mentioned about boyfriend to Taehyung , over sassy !.

"Stop using that mouth with me , I haven't find my type yet !" Jimin accusingly exclaim but Taehyung only ignore him totally, that's the boy habit anyways , jimin is not surprised.

"I haven't seen my type too soulmate or you want to date me ?" Jimin softly smack the boy's shoulder after that words , his soulmate is naturally sassy without even trying much .

"I'll get us something to eat and convince Mrs Kim we are not going to college today" jimin stated and Taehyung finally slip the blanket off his body entirely to give his soulmate a big smile.

"That's why I love you!" Taehyung beams and jimin couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes before walking out of the room , now he have to lie to Mrs Kim.

The next day :

"Not trying to add to your ego but you don't really have to style your hair because you're naturally gorgeous, you got those genres from me" Mr Jeon stated looking at Jungkook who has been putting his hair style to different ones since morning , he can't believe Jungkook can be so fucking messed up but seriously it's about his Future husband.

"I know grandpa but I have to impress his parents" Jungkook mumble causing Mr Jeon to scoff loudly .

"Your second job is enough reason for them to be unimpressed".



Sorry for mistakes

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