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Welcome💜 ( 2:58am update, I can't sleep).

Clownkook : worried wifey

"See you later" jimin wave at taehyung as he alighted from Jungkook's car , the said pretty male wave back at him while Jungkook mentally roll his eyes . As always he can't help but scrunch his nose at jimin's figure that was disappearing into the small but cozy house , short humans are not trustable.

"U-hm , so shall we get going now?" Jungkook ask softly causing Taehyung's head to turn towards him and the pretty male sighs before speaking up.

"Can't I just step inside to change ? , I feel like I look like trash now , I am not dressed for outing" Taehyung whine staring down at his plain brown shirt with casual pants he was putting on , but he raise his head up worriedly when he didn't hear any reply from Jungkook.

He raise his brow when he saw Jungkook looking at him bewildered.

"What?" The young mafia boss snap out of his shock state before shaking his head.

"I don't know your definition of trash but if you think you look like one at the moment then what about us? , Isn't this unfair ? Looking so fucking beautiful and pretty without even trying and calling yourself trash is like telling the rest of us to stop existing , please you're the god of beautiful" Taehyung shrink in his seat instantly, what was he suppose to say back?.

Should he have engaged in an argument about how it's not true when Jungkook eyes and tone holds his affirmation?, Damn he's getting red.

"I came to spend some hours with you because I'm going for my first mission as the mafia boss" and Taehyung choke on nothing but air , Jungkook turn towards the boy worriedly immediately bringing his free hand closer to the boy and starts patting his back , he was driving with his second hand.

"Are you okay baby?" Taehyung side glare at the older who was snapping his eyes between Taehyung and the road rapidly , fuck he's on main road or else he'd have pull up one side.

"W-what do you just said?" The younger request after he finally was able to calm down from the shocking revelation by his so called soon-to-be husband , a what again now ?.

"I'm going on my first mission, I mean one of my importation was hijacked by another group and you know I have to snatch it back , I invested a lot to that shit" Taehyung really doesn't know maybe he should be worry about the fact that Jungkook was discussing such a serious matter with him so casually on their way to their very first date , a snatching means nothing less compare to war.

And this little crackhead is speaking about it like it's most normal shits in the whole world , does he have to rethink his life choices now ? It's not too late to take his yes back and replace it with a no right ?.

"You're going to fight other people with guns?" He asked and Jungkook take a quick glance at him before focusing back on the road .

"Yes baby , why ?" Taehyung couldn't resist the urge to smack Jungkook's head slightly and the act shocked Jungkook for a moment before he make a dramatic painful expression and sound , the pretty male scoff.

"You are asking me why ? Are you going to playground with water gun? Why are saying it so casually? , What if something happens to you?" Jungkook finally park infront of the building which Taehyung presumed their date will be taking place , but really he wasn't in a mood for that again after Jungkook's revelation.

The said male smile before turning to face him after getting rid of his seatbelt.

"I want to scream out loudly that you're worrying about my well-being , but I won't embarrassed myself again in your present I've done enough of that" the pretty male scoff and Huff out at the same time , embarrassed himself enough? Bitch you've used your embarrassement card that can last for hundred years just in days that he met Taehyung.

"That's not what I am discussing with you , I mean you said you've got a company why do you even get into such a dangerous work then?" Jungkook sighs as he can see the pretty male was serious with that discussion, he wasn't joking around .

"It's weird but you know every kids have dream while growing up?" Taehyung tsked , he can't believe his ears right now.

"So you mean your dream is to become a mafia boss?" He exclaim in disbelief causing Jungkook to stare down at his laps.

"I guess? , I've always wants to have my own empire , a lots of things under my control and the feelings wasn't satisfy when I started investing a company when I was very young so I tried this and , I guess I was able to satisfy that needs in me" Jungkook explained in a calm voice , he had never been sits down to discuss why he decided to embark on such a dangerous journey .

Anytime his grandpa ask about it he always wave him off , but Taehyung? He can't possibly keep anything away from someone he has wished to spend the rest of his life with .

But he has got a fear , the past days he have also got some fears. The fears of Taehyung rejecting their proposal but right at the moment he was scared , nervous and at the same time afraid.

What if Taehyung ask him to leave the mafia world ? , Then he'll have to choose between his husband and job.

"I really don't know what to say to this but I can't tell you to stop doing what you've always wanted to do or like but please , can you always keep yourself safe when I said safe , I mean with no single scratch on your body " Jungkook stare at Taehyung who was already looking back at him , he doesn't want to give false hope to the boy but at the same time , he can't deny Taehyung of whatever he ask of him.

"About the scratch , I can't promise baby but I promised no matter what , I'll always come back to you alive" Taehyung doesn't seem satisfy with his answer but he nods anyways , alive is better than dead . Wounds can always be treated , he just hope he won't have heart attack soon.

"Okay" he whisper and a smile break into Jungkook's face .

"Come on , let's get inside " Jungkook smiles alighting from the car and work around the car to open the passenger side door for Taehyung who is already down , gosh why so unromantic?.

Jungkook pout looking at taehyung who was using his hand to straighten his dress , but he pause looking up at Jungkook confusedly when he saw the mafia boss- big baby pouting at him .

"What's wrong?" He asked and Jungkook Huff , folding his arms against his chest before speaking up.

"Why do you come down ? I was going to open the door for you and help you down but you just come down by yourself, now I'm sad" Taehyung was speechless, he really doesn't understand what he was suppose to say in this situation.

But nevertheless, he open the car door getting inside the car back and close the door , he can see the way Jungkook eyes light up happily instantly.

He shakes his head amusedly as he wait for the mafia boss to open the door for him now which he did , then hold his hand out for Taehyung to take which the boy did without questioning.

"Now time for our date , my baby" Jungkook dramatically bow to Taehyung who was biting his lips back from laughing out loudly .

Jungkook is really a clown.


Sorry for mistakes

Thanks for reading

Please vote and comment (I'm going to try to sleep now 😂😂😭😭 , I like sleep but rain is a villain 😭😭😭)

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