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Getting stalked : not imagination

Taehyung shuddered slightly as he step out of the local store down his house , he tighten his hold on the papa bag he was holding and wrap his free hand tightly against his own body. The weather isn't friendly at all especially with the thin layer of clothe he was putting on .

He can't forget jimin's comment on his style Everytime, his soulmate always tell him his choice in outfits can get anyone on his feet which the pretty find stupid - but either way he has always known his soulmate as a stupid human , so nothing much to hear about that.

Trying much not to think about his dumb and stupid soulmate, he step ahead hastened his steps up . If there's one thing the pretty male can't stand then that'll be cold , he hates how it always left his body numb so you can say he's absolutely annoyed with the weather at the moment .

Everyone love snows but Taehyung only like it when he watch it through his window and nothing more than that .

But he frown tilting his neck slightly when he heard closer footsteps behind him and he didn't get chance to turn around when he was wrap in the most fluffiest and thickest coat , he frown more trying to spin around but the person at his back hold tighten just a little bit to tell him the said person doesn't want him to around.

"What am I going to do if you keep being careless this way my world ?, Please take care of yourself or I'm really going to get angry if you get sick" Taehyung eyes were wide open both in confusion and somehow terrified , is he being stalked ?.

When the feeling of the hands on his shoulder finally disappear leaving the coat on him , he turn around only to realise he's all alone aside from other people walking fastly away to also hide from the non so friendly weather .

Taehyung would've thought he was hallucinating if the coat on him didn't tell otherwise , someone was definitely here moment ago and the person called him my world .

Is he being stalked by one obsessed psychopath? Jimin always said his beauty is really tiring and Taehyung really can't deny his soulmate words since he have to stay inside all the times to hide away from the flattering compliments he received randomly anytime he steps out of his house , but today he was wearing mask for a reason but the person recognize him?.

Darting his eyes everywhere once again and catch no figure of any suspecting human , he decided to walk ahead to his house and inform his parents about it .he can't take risk , he had watched in movies where a psychopath get obsessed with a small boy or girl and then starts stalking them before he'd kidnap them, he needs to get to his house right now !.

Jungkook watch the younger walk ahead faster than he have ever done and can't help but chuckle staring at his hands that was on the boy's body minutes ago , he's breathing heavily- he can't understand how he was able to stand so close to the boy without fainting .

He wasn't going to act so careless if only Taehyung didn't decided to step out only in thin layer of clothes in such harsh weather , how is he going to survive if something happens to the boy ?.

He can't help but smile at the same time, Taehyung is indeed not in his imagination , the boy is real- more than real and Jungkook smiles still keeping his eyes on the road his baby has disappeared into . He need to have a talk with his grandpa about this boy again after a month- he can't stand it anymore.

Taehyung contemplate on taking the coat with him into their house but after some moments he decided against that idea and get rid of it safely dumping it on one of the flower vase at the entrance of their house , he can't the risk of carrying a spying camera infect coat into his house .

"Mama?"he call out and breath out relieved when he sees jimin sitting in his living room with his parents , thankfully the only important humans in his life are all present .

"I am being stalked !"he announced and the three head snap towards him almost instantly, having different impression on their faces .

"Another excuse to avoid getting out of your room?"Mrs Kim question the boy suspiciously because it's usual for the boy to come back with hundreds of excuses anytime he went out alone , even if it's minutes away .

"N-no mama , I am really being stalked. The man wrap a jacket around my body and said 'What am I going to do if you keep being careless this way my world ?, Please take care of yourself or I'm really going to get angry if you get sick' , and then disappear right after !"the boy explained his situation and the three head in the room rake all over his body before snorting simultaneously.

"And where's the said jacket ?"Mr Kim question and they all give each other look when Taehyung stand up before running out back to get the jacket from where he had dropped it , and his parents and jimin face finally show some concern expression.

"B-but why'd someone call you their world ? Isn't this scary ?"jimin questioned staring at Mr Kim who can't help but hummed along while Mrs Kim was staring at the jacket somehow with surprised expression and shocked at the same time .

"You sure? Because this coat is limited and only twenty people have it all over the world ?- and the person dump it on you ? , I don't think the person is really trying to hide or have a bad intension- I mean we can find out who own it because there'll be initial on--" Mrs Kim take the coat from Taehyung turning it around and check the sleeve where the initial was supposed to be printed and when she sees it .

She gasps staring up at Taehyung.

"It's KTH " Mrs Kim announce making the three heads turn towards Taehyung who was eyeing them with the most judging look he could muster up , because his family aren't thinking he bought the jacket right ?.

"I swear if this isn't almost same amount as our house I'd think you bought it yourself, but guess it's impossible to find the person anyways so-- we have to report the case at the police station"Mr Kim announce and they all hummed along agreeing with the man .

They can't take the risk of safety of their love one , no way .

"Don't worry soulmate, everything will be fine"jimin softly mutter hugging his bestfriend and the same male sighs nodding his head , he can't get that voice out of his head.

"Grandpa , I want to get marry"and Mr Jeon cough out the water he was drinking when Jungkook badge into the house just to throw that bomb on him .


Sorry for mistakes

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