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Mine? : Such a dork !

Jungkook nervously tap his foot against the ground , he was hyperventilating as today's was the he was suppose to meet his soon to be husband for the first time , he really can't do this .

The door was pull open minutes later and Jungkook never been so relieved when he saw Mrs Kim , he'd have lost his breath if it's Taehyung.

"Oh Jungkook, he's also at home. Come in".Mrs Kim smile softly aside for him to enter but Jungkook instantly shakes his head and take a step backwards making the woman frown confusedly.

"I-i can't , I'll come back later ma .the little courage I've gather is no where to be found , I think I'd really act stupid infront of him please tell him his future husband is a coward and has ran away for today, I'll try again tomorrow" Mrs Kim really doesn't know maybe to laugh loudly at Jungkook's terrified expression and feel bad for the boy situation, Taehyung isn't even scary .

If there's someone that should be afraid here then it'll be them , because Jungkook have that blank and unapproachable expression on him even tho the younger wasn't trying to and not to talk of the strong aura that radiate around the boy .

" I don't really understand how this marriage is going to work when you can't even speak with him, you can't get marry to him if you continue like this Jungkook" the woman seriously stated and Jungkook eyes went wide at her words , it's true he have to spend time with Taehyung before marriage .father lord can the wedding hold without his present and he just want Taehyung in his house ?. Wait ? They haven't even conclude on wedding .

He take a deep breath .

"Jeon Jungkook you can do it , you can do this , you will do it-- you can't do this , no I can't" Mrs Kim really doesn't mean to laugh loudly at the boy that was encouraging and discouraging himself at the same time .

"Sorry I can't do this---" and Jungkook felt the whole world froze when he heard the voice from inside the room , as he was still standing at the entrance with Mrs Kim.

"Mama?" Taehyung call softly but he really didn't expect to see the is the young but sight pleasing man that look like he's going to pass out at any moment from now , who is he ?.

"Oh Tae , this is Jungkook- you know the person that came yesterday" Taehyung mouth form O shape as he take his gaze back to Jungkook who seem frozen as he stare at his face not even blinking, Taehyung really felt weak under the man's intense gaze .

"You're Jungkook right ?" Taehyung politely question hoping he did remember the name his parents had told him the last day , if he doesn't get it right then that'll be highly disappointed .

"No-- , my name's mine!" Jungkook absentmindedly stated but not really completely absent of his mind but he just decided on not thinking too much to avoid passing out in Taehyung's present , he can't fucking embarass himself.

Taehyung frown slightly.

"Mine?" The pretty male question staring at his mother who was just as confused as him , Mrs Kim can't help but mentally wonder which special drugs this boy is surely on .

"Yes my world , I'm yours ! All yours . My heart, body , soul and every single details are yours !" And if the older Jeon is present , he'd have smack the nonsense wide grin on his grandson face away with a harsh but mind resetting slap . Jungkook has lost it !.

Taehyung can't help but have his mouth agaped at the man's words , this better be some jokes because really now ? , Funny how he haven't even meet this person yet but the boy claimed he's inlove with him ?. Impossible!.

"Jungkook!" Mrs Kim exclaim and that seem to finally snap Jungkook out of whatever daze he had disappear into , his eyes went wide in shock when he realise he has just make a fool out of himself infront of Taehyung .guess his grandpa is all right when he calls him a dummy , he's really a dummy . So fucking dumb dumb dummy , can someone kill him now ?.

No, nevermind ! His world is still standing infront of him so everything will be alright !.

"A-h s..sorry I got lost , this is what I was talking about mum , don't make me speak with him now he's probably thinking I'm weird , I am not always like this. I am a very well mannered and cooperate man but your son present is making me loose my senses , I should've come back tomorrow- not like I won't make the same mistakes tomorrow but still?" Mrs Kim press her lips into thin line while Taehyung was staring at his mother for some explanation, this is the same mafia boss she was talking about ?.

Must be the funniest joke in the universe for the day .

"I heard you're some mafia boss , can't you pretend you're currently with your gangs and get yourself together? I mean you're acting so fucking unusual?" Taehyung was picky with his words trying hard not to insult the man infront of him in anyways, jimin said his words are always like bomb so he was been extremely careful .

"But I'm not with gang right now ?" Jungkook stated and want to pat himself for forming a full sentences without stuttering and that too infront of Taehyung? ,Gosh he did it !!.

"I said pretend Jungkook, I said pretend! Get yourself together or I'm going to get out of here right now !" Jungkook gulp closing his eyes tightly before pulling it open back , he straighten his back and Mrs Kim doesn't really mean to laugh but she was supposed to keep straight face when Jungkook was looking like he has got something stuck in his butt ?.

She thought jimin was the clown of the universe but this boy has come to take jimin's crown , no amount of clownness can beat Jungkook entire circus.

"Seriously?" Taehyung shakes his head unamused but nevertheless step inside and Jungkook didn't really want to be invited before he follow the boy with Mrs Kim behind the two .

"Have your seat and let's have a talk ?" Taehyung sits down opposite Jungkook and try hard not to make comments on Jungkook's eyes that were fixed on him, can't this boy look somewhere else ?.

"Can you like stare at something else and not my face ?" He question resisting the urge to roll his eyes , but Jungkook shamelessly shakes his head .

"You're the best view and why should I waste my sight on something else when I can just stare at you for rest of my life ? , I can spend the rest of my life doing nothing but staring at you " and Taehyung was left bewildered for the countless times that day , it's the way Jungkook is boldly complementing him but still afraid to stand his present .

"You are such a dork !".

"Your dork !".


Sorry for mistakes

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