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Successfully, jungkook was able to avoid having the conversation about the private jet he bought with taehyung. Also thankfully, taehyung didn't mention about the topic since last day and a smile spread across his face when he remembers he'll be bringing his complete family home today.

A whine from yeonjun snap him out of his daydreaming and he quickly pick the little boy up before his cry get louder enough to wake taehyung who was sleeping peacefully, jungkook rock the baby back and forth while checking the boy diaper at the same time. He frown when he notices it's not wet, what'd probably be the cause of his son discomfort then?.

He get the feeding bottle that was prepared by his husband and a happy sigh left his lips when the baby starts sucking on the rubber nipple instantly, jungkook balance the little boy in his arms. A humming sound left his lips as he stay still watching his boy enjoy his meal , it was only under minutes the baby empty the bottle and the mafia leader chuckle at that.

"Thank God my baby don't lactate, I'd have got mad if you suck my husband's nipple this hard" jungkook grumble out at the baby who just keep his wondering eyes on his father , definitely not understanding whatever bullshit has left the said man mouth.

Jungkook shakes his head at the thought that just pass his head , he'd have been really mad if the baby needs to share his husband sweet nipple with him. He huff at the thought but gasps when a pillow come in contact with his face before falling to the floor.

When he raised his head , he was met with taehyung's glaring face.

"How can you say that to a kid for Christ sake?! What are you trying to teach this kids?" Jungkook pout , really pout and sulk in one corner as taehyung keeps glaring at him. He was just being honest but his husband seem to enjoy scolding him too much , he doesn't know he wasn't supposed to say that to kid okay? The book he's currently reading 'How to be a perfect father' didn't mention he wasn't supposed to share his worries with his sons.

Taehyung sighs when he notices his husband wasn't being jovial , this mafia boss was legit about sulking on how he was being treated bad.

The moment taehyung tries to get on his feet by himself, jungkook was walking back towards him in high speed. Yeonjun still held carefully and safely in his arms.

"Just call me here if you need to smack me , don't stress yourself" taehyung almost cooed at the cute babies infront of him. The big bunny and the little bear in his arms.

"I'm sorry hubby , didn't mean to scold you but you know you can't say bad words infront of the babies" taehyung explain softly watching jungkook take a seat at the edge of the bed , he notices yeonjun was already dozing off in the comfort zone of his father's arms.

"I didn't say fuck , bitch , asshole-----

Jungkook clears his throat when taehyung pressed his lips into thin line , looking all so done with him now.

"Sorry but I didn't say all that, I hate when you went all serious on me" taehyung nods smiling softly as he move to quickly press a kiss against jungkook's lips , the mafia boss eyes light up instantly and taehyung ask himself the same question he has been asking for a year now.

Where did he pick up this big baby?.

"It's still bad words okay? Always whisper your words to my ears before saying it out, I don't want our babies to turn out like your perverted butt" taehyung mumble totally ignoring the whining baby besides him.

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