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Somebody's request in my


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Taehyung was busy pacing back and forth inside their sitting room , jungkook was out to work--- he keeps reading the notes in his hands over and over again while glancing at their door impatiently.

Just seconds later, the front door was burst open by jimin who have a worried look all over his place , he was sleeping peacefully when he received taehyung's texts saying there's a big issue--

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Where's jungkook?---

Jimin questions are unstoppable as taehyung just drag him up the stairs into their room ,locking the door and make jimin sits at the edge of the bed.

"I have a problem---

Jimin cuts him off halfway.

"I've told you , your problem is always my problem. Whatever it's , it's not only your problem but ours" jimin stated as a matter of fact and the pretty male just nods.

"Okay , we have a problem"

"What's the problem?"

"We kinda got married you know?... And you know we on special case? And had sex with our husband then now we're pregnant when our husband doesn't know we can get pregnant----

"Fist gross! Second gross! Third gross!" Jimin make a puking sound at taehyung's words. We? Husband?.

"I guess this certain problem is yours only" jimin utters with a shrugs and taehyung regrets forgetting for a moment that he'd have drown jimin years ago.

"Jimin please , don't your understand me? I am pregnant---

Seeing jimin's eyes going wide in shock, taehyung guess his words has finally entered his soulmate head. Wow so fast.

"Oh--my fucking God!! For real!! Wow I'm calling aunty Kim!" Taehyung facepalm snatching the phone from a very happy jimin's hands.

"Stop it Chim , jungkook doesn't even know I can have his babies and now I don't know how to tell him" the pretty male explain his main problem with jimin who glare at him.

"Thought you told him everything then?"

"No! I only get to tell him about the main thing and he starts his dirty comments so I couldn't" Jimin hums leaning back to rest on his elbow.

"Well I guess that's your problem to solve, now give me my phone-- I need to announce this!" Taehyung pouts throwing jimin's phone on the couch inside their bedroom.

"You can't until I tell hubby about this--

"Okay then , I'm hungry"

Taehyung also wants a refund on this one too.

The pretty male keeps biting on his fingers sitting at the edge of their bed , jimin has left earlier with the promise of keeping the announcement until jungkook is aware of it. And that seem to be taehyung's main problem, how was he supposed to announce this to jungkook?.

His hearts beats rapidly and almost jogging out of his chest when he heard car horns from downstairs indicating his husband is finally back from work , usually whenever jungkook leaves him alone in their home--- taehyung always gets impatiently waiting for him but today , he just wished the time could've waited a bit for him to prepare himself more mentally than he's at the moment.

But jungkook isn't that type of person. He knows , the older male might seem weirded out at first hear but if jungkook can accepts his condition then he won't be angry with this right.

Taehyung might just seem so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice when jungkook has entered their room , until he speaks up.

"What's wrong love" jungkook request cupping tae's face , he didn't fail to notice how his husband eyes went wide in shocked when he finally notices his presence.

"I-- n-nothing" suspiciously, the mafia leader raised his brow questioning at taehyung who seem to be avoiding his eyes. Taehyung only does that whenever jungkook make a dirty comments and now he's doing anything like that , so obviously something is disturbing his husband mind.

Instead of saying anything, jungkook just hums standing just to put his jacket off then pop the three buttons from his shirt open. He then lie down on the bed motioning for taehyung to come closer with his hands.

Even tho taehyung seem hesitant about it , he move closer but puff out a breath when jungkook pull him to lay on his chest. Fully caged in his husband's body.

"How was your day? You didn't get bored while I was away right?" So softly, taehyung nods his head against jungkook's chest before sighing out loudly.

"Did any of the maids disturb you?" Jungkook starts softly, he knows his husband won't just let it slide when he seem just pressed.

"No" the pretty male grumble back.

"So what's wrong?" Taehyung doesn't even know what to say or how to starts with it. Maybe he should just announce it boom without hesitation.

"The doctor brought the report today---

"I knew I'll have reason to murder him , he didn't say anything bad to you right?" Taehyung pout raising his body up just to meet jungkook's mad face.

"This isn't about him! He said I am pregnant" there he goes , taehyung bites his lips waiting patiently for jungkook to process his words.

"Told you he's not even a good doctor, I should probably make him operate on himself---

"He's right"

Taehyung mumble before jungkook could continue his plans of murdering the poor doctor.

"He's not of course, that dead--

"Hubby, he's right. I am pregnant-- I don't know---, I guess it skips my mind to tell you that I can actually get pregnant. But I am!" Even taehyung couldn't help but surprise himself by explaining this to jungkook without his voice breaking.

Jungkook raise his brow , studying taehyung's expression kinly like he's expecting taehyung to laugh out loudly but when there's nothing as such as the minutes passes. Jungkook snap up sitting up fully.

"You're not messing around? L-like seriously? I mean-- you mean a jeon milk is going to turn into a baby?-- I knew a milk factory production is my way!!! Oh my God!!" Jungkook eyes holds a whole Galaxy even tho the words coming out of his mouth holds nothing like that.

But taehyung just smiles , this turns out easy than he had expected but again. When has things ever gets hard with jungkook?, He'd still have a believe behind his mind that jungkook is just a man of his imagination.

Perfection: jeon Jungkook.

"I thought you'll get angry because i didn't let you know about this before" the mafia boss stare confusedly at taehyung.

"I am supposed to get angry?" Taehyung nods his head with a smile staring at jungkook dreamily.

"I am so fucking angry at you right now love that I want to kiss every single part of your body--- I'll do that but right now I need to make an announcement" taehyung watch as jungkook impatiently fished his phone out of his pocket.

"Grandpa! My baby is having a baby"


Sorry for mistakes

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