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"Why are you staring at me?" Taehyung finally raised his brows questioning at the man who has been staring at him the very they get into the car , with the driver who's driving them home.

The young CEO shrugs.

"Why? Do I need a reason to stare at my wifey?" Taehyung snorted at the reply before turning to stare outside the car, but a frown invade his features when he notices the driver wasn't taking the exact route to jungkook's house.

"Is he taking another route?" He asks to jungkook who shakes his head.

"No, this is the correct route to our house--

Taehyung pause trying to process this dork of a man words throughoutly , a second please.

"We're moving to New house?" He decided to ask in place of working his precious head too much trying to understand a man who doesn't even understand himself.

"What do you think? Isn't that what all couples does?" Jungkook wonder nonchalantly and all taehyung can do is press his lips into thin line , is it too late to revoke his words at the church earlier back--- never mind , he really wasn't in mood to deal with a familiar stalker.

"There's nothing wrong with your house before so I don't think new house was necessary tho---

"It's more closer to your college and will be easier for you every morning, you won't have to wake up early" the young CEO give an explanation on his decision but that only makes taehyung question again how his husband (animal husbandry) brain works.

"If it's close to my college, that means it's definitely far away from your company's new building-- do you think about that too?--

"Nope , I only think about your convenience--- mine doesn't matter so far you're okay" jungkook ability to say some words so easily like he was chewing gum is what always leaves taehyung speechless, what else was he supposed to say now.

"Marriage doesn't work like that hubby , we both have to be convenient and always considered each other in every decision. Next time always tell me before making any decision okay?" With jungkook smug expression, taehyung knows his words doesn't even register in this man's brain.

"Gosh , I don't even remember to bring my things--

"I have jimin take it our house since morning--

"Jimin knows about the new house?" Taehyung asked bewildered, when did his best friend and jungkook starts keeping things from him.

Wow really , when joy said short people aren't trustable, she wasn't lying

"Yes , he helped me with the house decorations-- he's your only friend and knows your taste---

"Since when?"

"Since the second of our first date" taehyung stare at jungkook like the man has grown out double heads , he haven't even agree to marry this dork and he was planning their lifestyle.

Suddenly jungkook look familiar--- yeah he resemble stupidity in person.

"And if we don't end up together?"

"I'd have continue chasing you around-- oh we are here" jungkook announce as the driver pull over infront of their new house , jungkook was the first to alighted from the car and he quickly walk to the other side to open door for taehyung.

"Thanks" taehyung smiles only to have his jaw meeting with the floor the very moment his sight finally fall on the building , jungkook  is definitely crazy--- yeah , you can't tell him otherwise.

HIS POSSESSIVE MAFIA✨[KOOKV]Where stories live. Discover now