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( 20k votes on ongoing story? Is my heart enough to appreciate y'all?💜)

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"Sweetheart" a smile invaded jungkook's face when he only gets another groan and pout again from his lover, this section has been going for nothing less than five minutes since he decided to wake taehyung up after cooking meal.

"So cute pretty thing , my pretty doll , my heartbeat---- and jungkook continue on with kisses all over tae's face with every single praises.

"Koo~~~ stop" the pretty male whines moving away a bit from jungkook only to have himself pulled back into jungkook's embrace, a chuckle linger over the Mafia boss lips.

"You need to eat baby , the food will get cold" taehyung blinks his eyes open to meet jungkook's soft ones, a weak smile grace his morning face and jungkook pathetically let his heart goes mayhem at that again--- taehyung's got him down really bad and there's not even anything to complain about.

"Good morning my babies , feeling refreshed?" Tae nods his head letting jungkook help him to sits up, a soft like petal kiss pressed against the pretty male neck and his little baby bump too— jungkook's ways of greeting their baby everyday.

"You need to brush your teeth first"

"Don't wanna" tae mumble as he move to lie down back only to get stop by jungkook.

"Eh? Why?"

"Tired" jungkook hums and slowly gets down from the bed carefully with taehyung still in his embrace, he leaves another peck on his wifey forehead.

"You don't have to worry about that , you have your loyal servant here. Don't you" the pregnant male circle his arms around jungkook's neck before shaking his head. "You're not my servant" he replied as jungkook walk into their bathroom.

He sat the younger down on the closed WC while he gets his toothbrush and toothpaste for him.

"Then what am I ?" Jungkook asks walking back to taehyung , he bend down a little infront of the younger.

"My husband"

"Oh there goes my poor heart again" jungkook has always find it hard to drop smile off his face whenever taehyung is around or whenever he's thinking about the boy, love is the best feelings in the world and if you think he's wrong.

You probably never loved someone enough or you have never truly being loved.

"Baby do ehhhhh--- taehyung do as he was told letting jungkook brush his teeth for him and rising his mouth after, while his responsible husband do all that , taehyung eyes were trapped on the mafia boss body and his mind asks the same question like always.

Which nation did he saved in his past life? Probably joy-nation 😂😂🤦( okay , ignore this drunkard called joy).

"By the way , two maids quits working this morning" taehyung pauses his movement as he was about to rise to his feet before his husband sudden announcement, two maids quit? More like jimin has definitely run his leaking mouth to his husband. Wow , and someone wonder why taehyung has asked for refund on that pretty little betrayal. Pfft.

"Why?" He asks innocently, trying to make jungkook believe he didn't know there's chances that those two probably goes missing under his husband deeds.

"Don't know , don't care either.... They just quit" the pretty male keep his mouth shut and he lets jungkook walk him out of their room , he have a question lingering over his tongue but does he have any right to ask it out?.

Honestly, he was well informed about what he was getting himself into right before he jumped in right? , He knows who jungkook is right from the beginning. The chances of those maids being dead is hundred percent and taehyung just feel stupid for not wanting to accept that.

He raise his head to stare at jungkook's side profile but the mafia boss also turn to stare at him at that same moment, the mafia boss blank face instantly get intruded by the brightest smile in the world.

"You didn't killed them right? You just fire them right ? They never really hurts me in anyway, I'm not the type to take people's talks to heart--" taehyung licks his dry lips when he felt jungkook's arm around his waist tighten a bit, the thunderous look on kook's face make taehyung nervous for some reason.

He didn't just initiate an argument, right?.

"What do you think? What do you think I did with them? For ever thinking of hurting my husband? Fire them? , Sure I do fire them so there's nothing for you to worry about" oh he kills them. Taehyung thought.

That was the reason why he decided to kept all this from jungkook, jungkook has shot one of his own men for staring at taehyung so killing is only chances those maids have and why does he feels this was his fault?.

If he didn't look this pretty then he won't have caught jungkook's attention, and this house won't even have existed for those maids to work and there won't be chances of them knowing to ever get jealous of him and they'd still be alive till now!.

"E-h eh! Look at me baby , why are you crying? Wifey---

Taehyung blinks his eyes confusedly at jungkook and that's when he finally feel the tears rolling down his own cheeks , oh he's crying?.

He sniffs wiping his tears only to have more running down his cheeks and the silence cry turn to a full sobbing section leaving jungkook to question himself.

He make the pregnant male sits down on his laps on the floor just outside their room.

"Don't cry or I'm going to cry for real" that only makes the pregnant male cry louder leaving the mafia boss to wonder exactly whats he did wrong.

"Wh-y am- I so p--retty?"

"Eh?" The mafia boss sixth senses seem to have leave him and went to explore the whole.

"T-aetae so pretty and everyone jealous--" the pretty male hiccups with running nose and it took Jungkook's brain minutes to process that.

"B-but that's not your fault baby--

"I know!" Taehyung whines whipping his tears aggressively , a pout now sitting prettily on his face.

"Then why are you crying love?"

"I don't know , the tears just come out" jungkook smiles through the pain running through his eyes , this better not be one of the pregnancy antics his yoongi hyung was talking about.

"Oh the tears? Should I scold the tears baby? Why are they coming out when my baby obviously don't want them?" Not like jungkook have any sanity left with him but if he did he'd still be willingly to go insane for taehyung.

"Don't be rude to them Koo" jungkook smiles nodding his head at that as he just settle on soothing his crying baby, he can't be rude with his baby tears.

"My cute cute baby mama, my gorgeous love... My ethereal beauty... Should I go out and get you some chocolates?" Jungkook frown when he felt taehyung shaking his head against his husband chest.

"So what does my baby want to eat?"

"You" and jungkook chokes on his breath , while his heart leaves his chest to run thousands miles race and his soul disappear to God knows where.

Hopefully he comes back alive.


Sorry for mistakes

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