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Reality check : rethinking of choices

Taehyung has always watched romantic scenes in movie , got teased by jimin anytime he open his mouth to show his enviness over the main characters love story. He had always thought those can only happen in his electronic box but meeting Jungkook just weeks ago , the male has taken him on ride of journey that makes him sometimes feel like he's living in his dream.

After arguing over the pointless facts of Jungkook buying stars in their name and renaming it , the mafia leader has give him a special performance as he mentioned to tae.

The pretty male had to stop the so called mafia leader from stripping infront of him , he need more energy whenever he plans to hangout with Jungkook. That man is one energy sucker--(you wanna know what else he can suck ?🌚).

He sighs dreamily before tearing his gaze away from the late nights lights that seem to be illuminating the whole city , keeping it pretty than it's on a normal day.

He look down at Jungkook's ringed hand that was place on his thighs , it's later in the night and Taehyung doesn't even want to think about how much he had enjoyed Jungkook's company to get lost in time checking.

"I am resuming back to work tomorrow , I mean office-- want to tag along with me?" He divert his gaze to Jungkook who take a quick glance at him before focusing back on the road , even tho he wished he could just park the car one side and admire Taehyung all night.

He was really trying hard not to show his distaste about the fact that he have to drop Taehyung to his house , he wants the boy at his side already.

"Uh-m I don't think so , maybe after our wedding ? Do you pick date yet?" Taehyung ask but bite his lips after , did he sound to enthusiastically by his questions?.

"Whatever pleases you my world and grandpa said he'll speak with your parents about that" Jungkook reply softly squeezing the younger's laps and the said male jump slightly at the sudden move , the two silently enjoy the drive back to Taehyung's house.


Taehyung frantically jump on his seat when he heard a loud bang sound , he tries to look back only to scream loudly and dug his head down when he sees a bullet piercing through Jungkook's car windshield.

His eyes went wide in shocked at that , he can heard Jungkook cursing under his breath and speed up the car faster.

"We are under attack babe , can you drive ?" Jungkook ask without tearing his gaze away from the road as he have to drive roughly to escape the gunshots that are aiming at his car tires , he can't be stopped in such a lonely road when he's alone with Taehyung.

"Do you think I can drive ?! oh my God!" Jungkook pinch his nose bridge when he take a quick glance at Taehyung and notice the tears that stream down the younger's cheeks , what have he done?.

"Unbuckle your seatbelt and get down very well love" Jungkook stated calmly trying not to get distracted between Taehyung and the two cars on their trail , but he groan when he sees the younger's shivering in his seat.

"Fucking do as I said Taehyung!" The pretty male flinch badly at Jungkook's cold and loud voice , he doesn't even register what the male was talking about but all he knows is that Jungkook yell at him.

"Don't shout at me ! This is all your fault! I don't have any involvement with guns shooters !" Taehyung yell back making Jungkook take a deep breath realizing he have done wrong by screaming at the younger male when he should understand the boy won't be able to function well in the present of such loud shooting sounds , he was in delimma.

How was he suppose to drive and keep Taehyung safe as well , asking Taehyung to shoot is definitely out of the options. He punch the steering frustratedly before glancing at Taehyung then the cars on his tail.

He kick on the gas driving at unbelievable speed that make Taehyung scream out his mother's name to safe him from a ruthless mafia leader , in another situation Jungkook would've laugh at the boy reaction.

He use his free hand to bring out his small gun out of his jacket and didn't miss the way Taehyung has gasps loudly at the sudden realization that Jungkook has got gun with him through their whole date , now the pretty male can't help but rethinking his choices now.

But he didn't have time to drown in his thoughts much when Jungkook speak up.

"Take the wheel babe" the boy snap his head towards the mafia leader to question him with eyes maybe he was really tripping or maybe he meant whatever just left his lips , didn't he just mentioned to him that he can't drive?.

This man got to be kidding him right now.


He was cut off harshly by Jungkook who has skillful pull him up to his laps and Taehyung shriek loudly, he was trembling when Jungkook sternly place his hand on the steering.

"Just control the steering , if you make a mistake we both are dieing" Jungkook said and without waiting for Taehyung's words or reaction, he press the button letting the glass whine down before he slight peep his head out with his foot kept on the accelerators- but he flinch slightly retreating his head from outside as another bullet that almost hit his car but Taehyung has manage to dodge it with his reckless driving skills.

Taehyung almost scream when he felt Jungkook slipping away from his back and slip into the passenger seat , the pretty male was force to place his legs on the pedal when Jungkook whine down the passenger side window before sneakily peeping out and shot the car behind them successful hitting the car's front tire which cause loud shriek on the road , and also manage to block the second car way.

While Taehyung was still sobbing loudly , Jungkook breath out relief before taking the wheel from Taehyung skillful and drive them at high speed to his house.

"Sorry I can't risk them following us to your house so stay here tonight" Jungkook mumble immediately he drive into his mansion , he alighted from the car and also help Taehyung down.

Some of his men run towards him when they noticed the state of the car he had taken out.

"Be at alert , we were attacked and call yoongi hyung and tell him to find out about the person behind ******* plate number" the men nod their heads and Jungkook turn back to hold Taehyung hand but was surprised when the said male smack his hand away.

"Your legs are shaking love , let me help you out" he softly mumble but gulp when Taehyung look up only to glare at him with his red and teary eyes.

"I said don't fucking touch me !"



Sorry for mistakes

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