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Jungkook kneel down besides taehyung who have his mouth over the the toilet , he gently Rob the younger male back until the boy stops the torture over his throat.

Taehyung immediately scrunch his nose up disgustingly moving a fast speed to flush down the sink but jungkook seem a little bit faster than him , he stares down at his feet--- feeling extremely bad for making his poor husband witness such a disgusting sight.

Jungkook being oblivious of his husband thought stretch his hand to get taehyung's tooth brush before holding it out for the pretty male.

"Here love , can you brush your teeth while I call the doctor to check on you?" Taehyung raise his immediately, eyes going wide at the mentioned of doctor again .

He's convinced jungkook have sort of obsession with doctors, he was not feeling any kind of sickness and probably vomited because he'd skipped both his dinner with breakfast....

Before he could even tries to stop jungkook, the male was already out of the bathroom after pecking taehyung's cheeks.

The doctor better be getting paid enough to even deal with jungkook's antics, he remembered a week after their wedding-- he had went out with jimin on weekends and eats beyond his stomach could handle which later lead him into defecating for three times under one hour and the doctor heard handful of jungkook's threats that day.

Because he couldn't find instantly solution to that... The pretty male sighs once again after brushing his teeth-- he returned the brush back to its original position before walking back into their room.

"Have called him , he'll be here in minutes. Before then ,you've to eat-- the dining is set already" taehyung just nods his head but let out a surprise sound when he was haul off the ground by jungkook.

"I'll be your lift for the whole day-----

"Even if I am going Tino the toilet?" Taehyung asks staring at jungkook's perfect jaw view since the male was carrying him in bridal style.


"You're disgusting" the younger grimace rolling his eyes when he heard the mafia boss laughing at him.

"And you're beautiful wifey"

Taehyung is done. Done with jungkook.

But he's more feeling bad for the poor doctor that perform full body check up on him with jungkook's deadly glares and every seconds threats, after that much stress, here is his husband asking the man to provide results for the tests right there , right there. As if the doctor have got a laboratory inside jungkook's house to do that.

"Can you please let him be hubby? You're really giving me headaches now" jungkook's attention moved back to taehyung instantly as he moved worriedly to examine his husband who was sitting on their couch , his legs folded under his butt.

"You're here as a doctor and he's having headaches? Have a wish to have both your license and head withdraw from you?" There goes again the doctor's peace of mind that he's just retrieving , why is he still here? Probably he doesn't wish for bullet to pass through his head the very moment he make a move towards the door.

He doesn't know much about jungkook but the man have gave him his words enough to know he'd really withdraw his head from him.

"I-- will bring the results to Mr jeon tomorrow, but his body temperature and blood pressure is just pretty okay for now" the doctor manage to explain without stuttering.

"Oh-- dare steps your foot inside this living room in my absent and watch how your hits the ground in your absent too" taehyung abruptly stands up walking towards upstairs, that's the 638277327th threats jungkook was throwing at the doctor just for the past ten minutes.

He's honestly not in for that.

"Drop the results with better written explanation at the entrance tomorrow, now get lost" the doctor have never felt so relieved hearing get lost , he doesn't even bother hearing the rest as he walk/run out of the house immediately.

Jungkook quickly run after taehyung meeting up the male before he'd enter their room , he gently pick the pretty male up in bridal style then step into their room before using his leg to shut the door.

"You're being too harsh with the doctor---

"He's asking for it with the way he was touching and staring at you--

"He's just doing his job and he wasn't really touching me , you wanted him to run through out check without drawing blood--- you were literally going to pull out gun on him because he drew my blood" taehyung mentally facepalm when he sees jungkook's offended face, here comes the dramatic crackhead he got married to.

"He literally sink that painful iron into your precious skin then draw out your blood , he'd be glad I didn't blow his head out instantly--- don't side with that asswipe , he was staring at you too much. His mate can treat patient with their eyes close better" Taehyung massage his temple with his fingers.

"And I think my headaches will be better if you shut up now hubby---

"Rude, so rude love--- this your precious and sexy husband is just protecting his treasure and world but yet I'm the bad guy, wow----this world is full of evilness and jeon sweet-boy jungkook is a victim" jungkook pouts sitting on the floor and place his head on taehyung's Laps.

"You're hopeless---

"Hopelessly in love with you" Taehyung just smiles shaking his head.

"Do you have in a place in your mind for---

Taehyung's words was cut off half way by jungkook.

"Nope! My mind is fully occupied by my husband, no place even for myself--

Taehyung stops his head torture by covering jungkook's mouth with his hand.

"Shut up please, I mean do you have any place in mind for our honeymoon? Or should we just forget about it?" Oh and taehyung make the hell break through with his last comments.

"Oh wow ! This is life! I've waited ! Like a good pretty boy only for you to have in mind to cancel it? That's it! I'm done" and there he falls dramatically on the floor besides taehyung's feet.

"I'll murder you"

"I'll gladly accept my punishment my Lord"

And taehyung wants a refund.


Sorry for mistakes

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