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First date : successful?

Taehyung gaze around the big restaurant which was empty for some reason the pretty can already predicted but he really doesn't want to think about it much because it sound absurdly , but staring at Jungkook side profile again. The boy can't help but remember this man was far from any other human being so his prediction might be right anyways.

Let's enquire.

"U-hm , why is everywhere empty hubby?" Taehyung really doesn't understand how he get use to calling Jungkook hubby just under days , maybe it's the way the latter eyes light up Everytime those words escape his lips or the satisfaction he felt knowing how much power a single word from him can holds on the young mafia boss . But either way , he loves it.

Jungkook finally turn to stare at him as they were walking through another door in the restaurant , the older male stop walking only to tug Taehyung's stranded hair behind his hair.

"Why so pretty my world ?, do you perhaps have a bad angle ? If not don't you think you deserve to be arrested for being so perfect when no one should be perfect ? , My heart is weak for all these , so take it easy on my poor blood pumping machine" Taehyung press his lips into line , and mentally curse the redness that instantly invade his cheeks , can this man not be like all this time?.

"Oh defendant don't have any words to say since he was extremely guilty even without being charged yet ? , This is my final judgement" Taehyung silently wonder , maybe when he was agreeing to marry to this crackhead of a human , maybe someone can remember maybe he was a little drunk in-between the conversation.

Because , please don't tell him he'd have to deal with for devil knows how long?.

Jungkook totally ignoring the unamused look he was receiving from Taehyung straighten up his back , chest popped out like a kangaroo. Going through his invisible case files in the air , he use his middle finger to push up his fake and non-existent glasses before coughing dramatically.

Taehyung look around trying to find the present of anyone in the restaurant but they seem to have swallow by the world darkness.

"You Mr Kim-- no no , not Kim , Mr Jeon Taehyung , you've been find guilty of being so fucking perfect and sight breath taking which has taken your lovely husband Mr Jeon breath away as well , so therefore, you're sentence to stay and spend the rest of your life happily besides Mr Jeon . I rise!" When Taehyung was young , as he grows up close to teenage age .

He sometimes always take his times to think about how his partner will turn out , he wonder maybe it'll be someone as calm and easy going like him , or somehow someone calmer than him but he surely knows he didn't pray for a crackhead inform of partner so what in hole fuckery shit is he witnessing right now ?.

He can't even bring himself to say anything, his mistakes ? Asking a simple question to a crackhead man in hope he'd get a proper answer.

He doesn't understand maybe Jungkook intensionally and dramatically escape his question or the man's just decided to be himself , the real version crackhead of him.

"Now you're mine forever" Jungkook did a little victory sign until he heard a loud clearing sound of throat causing Taehyung to roll his eyes , what a good time that someone finally decided to show their face here.

"Welcome Mr Jeon , please I'll lead you ahead" Taehyung watch how Jungkook face change into his blank expression, something very far or incomparable with the same man that was giving him a free entertainment show earlier.

And Taehyung understand, Jungkook is indeed a man that have a different personalities where it needed , he snap out of his thoughts when he felt Jungkook's thumb massaging his hand softly . Wait when did they hold their hands together again ? , Guess he should really lock his thoughts and focus on the date then.

It took Taehyung minutes to realise they were now standing inside elevator with one of the restaurant staffs , he stare up to meet Jungkook's gaze when he heard the said male chuckles out of nowhere.

"You're looking so cute with a confused face but don't worry , I booked a room for us at the top floor" the pretty male roll his eyes at Jungkook's words but nods nevertheless, but hold on.

If Jungkook only book a place for them at the top floor then why is the whole restaurant empty ? , He'd have really like to ask that question to Jungkook but does he look like he wants to turn red in another person's present ? No .

They stepped out of the elevator just minutes later getting lead to their reserved room by the staff , the pretty male open his mouth awed when they steps into the room that was decorated with blue flowers and blue balloons ( tired of red everytime 🙄).

"Come here love" the staffs has already excuse herself from the room , walking away to prepare the meals that was already planned by Jungkook.

Taehyung let Jungkook lead him ahead closer to the transparent glasses that was giving the good view of evening in the city , but when Jungkook point down to him and the pretty male look down at the entrance they has passed earlier .

Same blue flowers are scattered all over the floor but they were forming words.

Thanks for accepting me

Taehyung jokingly roll his eyes before slightly elbowing Jungkook's side , this man.

"Damn so you basically rented this while building to do this?" Taehyung ask and shakes his head when Jungkook nods firmly which shows he's definitely more proud of himself for whatever shits he just pull, Taehyung just smiles.

"It's pretty tho , I love blues but you don't really have to go all the way , you must have spent a lot on these" Taehyung calmly stated pointing towards the decorated room and the outside.

Jungkook step closer to the younger , gently wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and study Taehyung's expression closely looking for any protest against the close position but when he find none , he smiles before speaking up.

"Nothing is always too much for you my world , this is my very first day in life and it just happened with you , I can't let it go so easily and we can have many dates but won't ever have our very first day again , so yeah this is little" Jungkook raised his brow questioning at the way the younger was staring up at his eyes but he felt the world broken when Taehyung get on his toe only to peck his lips .

Wait ! Lips.

Jungkook's arms around Taehyung's waist went limp instantly and for the moment he wants to know who he is , what he is and how did he get here.

"Don't be too dramatic the food is here and I'm hungry" Taehyung whines tugging Jungkook's sleeve when the man keep staring into space for the minutes straight.

"E-hrm , if I jump out from here , do you think I'll die?" And Taehyung laugh out loudly falling down while clutching his stomach .

He's in it for real.


Sorry for mistakes

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