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Life is really good.

Jungkook can testify to that statement from his current location, head buried deep in-between his Wifey's fleshly thighs— the younger fingers was gripping his hair tightly as he chew his bottom lips nervously glancing towards the door every second here and there.

A nerve wrecking moan make way out of his mouth when Jungkook suck harshly on his clitoris leading him into satisfied orgasms in minutes, the pretty male chest rise and fall rapidly as he ride out of the feelings with his husband making sure non of the juice was put into waste.

Taehyung patted his lips slightly when Jungkook finally raise his head up with a small grin over his face, his eyes traces the move of the mafia boss tongue as it swap over his lips licking the stain clean.

He was just going to get dress for their mall shopping and he couldn't even remember how he ended with Jungkook in-between his legs but honestly, Jungkook's sexual activeness just seem to grow over the years.

He was snap out of his daze state when he heard rapid knocking on the door, a sigh left his lips while Jungkook grumble some curses under his breath. Jungkook sibling energy with his kids never seem to change even as the twins grow older, their babies are now ten years old and they never let go of chances to snatch Taehyung attention away from his husband and have a big sulky big mafia baby pouting all around the house.

"Here come the evil bunnies" the pretty male laugh slapping Jungkook's shoulder's softly before pushing the man away from him.

"I'll get change again" he informed walking away back to the closet while Jungkook went to open the door for their kids, the little bunnies frown trying to peek over their father's shoulder only to get their forehead flicked by their father.

"Appa!" The twins whine while Jungkook just roll his eyes before pushing them back and also step out of the room before closing the door behind him, he folded his arms over his chest and almost drop his facade when he sees the twins coping his position.

It's really heart melting how much his babies tries to follow his lead as their role model but always ready to throw him under the bus when it comes to their Mama's attention, it's much sweetness to Jungkook's heart.

"That's my room with my wifey, keep your nose out of it unless you want to witness how you were made-----

Jungkook couldn't finish his words when the door clicked open and a harsh smack landed on the mafia boss head.

"Your shamelessness is quite alarming these days, don't corrupt my babies" Jungkook scoff under his head rubbing his hit head softly, corrupting the babies? Are they even babies to begin with? Babies who only know plans about how to snatch Jungkook's wifey from him? Yeah Indeed kids.

Jungkook shakes his head when he sees the twins tugging their tongue out at him teasingly, he raise his middle finger up to them and Taehyung just happened to look towards him at the same time.

Take a wild guesss about who's sleeping on the couch tonight?.

Yeah that's right. It's Mr jeon taehyung's-baby Jungkook.

The drive to the mall consist of Jungkook fulfilling his chauffeur job while the twins were lost in trance staring at their Mama's face, the Mafia boss grumble looking at the scene through the rear mirror. It's always your family who go against you.

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