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Taehyung moved his gaze away from the TV when their living room door was pushed open uninvited but a smile spread over his face when he sees yoongi walking in with a shopping bag hanging freely on his left hand, the pretty male smiles lovely , it amuses him how much cold min yoongi decided to appear even though he's one of the  most sweetest and nicest human Taehyung has ever met.

"Hey our pretty wifey" yoongi smiles and Taehyung shriek loudly when a knife flew pass his head to yoongi who dodge the attack like he was already expecting it and the knife get stuck against the door.

Taehyung snap his head back at Jungkook who was just walking down the stairs but his blank gaze was fixed on yoongi who has a teasing smile on his face, God knows how much he enjoy making his little one worked up by flirting with Taehyung.

" he's mine and I don't think I gave permission to anyone to call him wifey, next time I'm using gun to make the correction" yoongi chuckle when Jungkook pulled a shocked Taehyung towards him and hug him tightly like he's afraid yoongi is going to take him away with his eyes.

"You're so easy to mess with kook and you brat! I almost miss the attack , you wanna kill for real?!" The mafia leader shrugs his shoulder but a pout immediately make a way to his face when Taehyung forced himself out of his embrace.

Yoongi can't believe this is the person that almost store a knife in-between his eyes right now, only if Taehyung isn't a sweet boy and can see how much power he holds over this mafia leader then maybe him and yoongi can be the evil duo that'll stress Jungkook out of his mind.

But that pretty human is too sweet.

"Do you want to kill him!?" Taehyung scold moving his gaze to yoongi with a guilty expression.

"He's part of the mafia , a single knife won't kill him. If I wanted him dead I'd have pulled a gun already but I don't want you to have my head because I shot someone when the kids are around" yoongi and Taehyung stare at the male in disbelief, yoongi don't know maybe he'd be grateful the kids are around or not.

"Why'd you even think about shooting hyung in the first hubby!"

"He calls you 'OUR' wifey when you're only MY wifey " like his reaction was justify, Jungkook stated trying to understand why Taehyung is getting mad at him instead.

"That doesn't automatically make me their wifey, no?"

"Tell that to my heart who sees him as a threat the moment he said that" yoongi decided to step in before this turn to a very serious argument.

"Taehyung it's not really serious----

"It's fucking serious, I understand when he do this to outsiders but you're his friend! He can't just go around throwing knives and shit-----

"It's really not that serious, we mess around with knives almost all time. It's also part of training our reflexes, you need see how many times jin throw knives at your husband a day. It's part of our daily defense training, he get sulky when I flirt with you but I assure you he'll never get violence with me" yoongi explains laughing lowly when he sees Jungkook's sulking while glaring at his pretty wifey cutely.

Yoongi knows if that's how he glares at everyone, nobody would've take him serious in the mafia world. Guess this type of glares are only reserved for Taehyung and Taehyung only.

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