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"I swear if you don't breath right now , I'm going to slap you so hard that your hearing ability will be affected in thousands ways" Taehyung hiss slapping the frozen mafia cheeks softly to snap him out of his daze , the said male dramatically cough making Taehyung scrunch his nose up disgustingly.

"I swear you're going to kill me with your over dramatic ass" Taehyung sighs out relief glaring at the man who was now staring at him dreamily again , the anger he was pretending to have couldn't last long in those eyes present.

"Am I in heaven now?" Taehyung scoff at the mafia leader question before rolling his eyes , heaven his ass!.

"Bold of you to assume you'll ever make it to heaven" Taehyung grumble and Jungkook was about to say something when the pretty male tilted his neck challengingly at him , he press his lips into thin line after that.

"Time is gone already, I've to start going now or I'm going to miss last bus" Taehyung said running his fingers through his mobbed hair, the older male raise his brow frowning at that.

"Bus? Why'd you enter bus? I'll drop you at home" Taehyung was quickly to snap his head toward the male who ignore his glare slipping out of the bed , but wince slightly at the pain on his thighs and stomach.

"I'm fine love , I'll just drive you home and make sure you're okay , don't say no or I'll stalk to your house then. And trust me stalking is stressful than just driving" leaving with no choice , Taehyung just mumble something under his breath side glaring at the male who was chuckling silently.

"I'll help you downstairs" Taehyung said stepping closer to support Jungkook on his shoulder and wrap kook's free arm around his own waist totally not oblivious to the sharp breath the said male draw out instantly, this dramatic man.

"Do I still hold chance for my date?" Jungkook ask following Taehyung gently movement down the stairs ,the pretty male hum and that automatically causes a smile to break into the mafia boss face.

"Then I'll pick you up after tomorrow, the wounds are almost healed and i am also getting better" Taehyung didn't make any comments on that but just bow back to the guards who instantly strengthen their posture at the sight of their boss.

"I'll be the one judging that when the day comes , and where are we going? I need to dress unlike last time you picked me up unannounced" Jungkook chuckle knowing the fact that Taehyung is still bitter for not dressing up fully for their first date ,he pat the boy's softly and stop infront of one of his cars.

"Where is grandpa?" Jungkook question one of his men.

"He's taking nap--

The man stop talking when another black car drive into the compound making Jungkook frown slightly as he wasn't expecting any visitors, he softly pull Taehyung behind his back until the new person alighted from the car .

"Yoongi hyung?" He murmured watching the said male walk closer to him , he doesn't remember giving his address to the male but here he is inside his house.

"Dummy , phone isn't for decoration or is it ? After going against the initial plan and got wounded answering your calls to make me know you're indeed okay is highly expected isn't it ?, You fucking make me track your address?" Taehyung peek slightly from his back to catch the face of the person that was seriously scolding the mafia boss.

"I don't know you care about me? So you can really go through the stress of finding my house ? , That's new hyung but I'm alive" Jungkook chuckle when yoongi glare at him but his face mobbed into a deep frown when he catch another eyes slightly peeking behind Jungkook's back , but eyes disappear immediately he met the with his own.

Jungkook look over his shoulder when he felt Taehyung fisting his shirt tightly , he then look forward back and notice where yoongi's eyes were staring at.

"Hyung keep your eyes away , I don't like it! Stop scaring my husband" yoongi flinch from the younger sudden growl before an amused look overtake his face , when Jungkook has said he's getting married , yoongi had laugh loudly totally ignoring the male nonsense blabbing but he seem serious with this marriage of a thing.

He met Jungkook in a illegal club when the boy was sixteen , and the investment on his very first company that cost his grandpa house was done by him and yoongi , while yoongi contributed the little amount he have got. Jungkook goes over the board and they continue working together until Jungkook decided to adventure into dark world.

Afraid to leave the young boy he and taken as his own brother alone , yoongi was left with no any other choice than supporting the boy. Even tho they speak to each other like assholes , they definitely hold special place in their lives.

"You're really serious about getting married? Really kook? Like fucking for real ?" Yoongi ask bewildered and Jungkook gave him a what the fuck look , he told this cold hyung about his marriage and does he think he was blabbing.

"Hyung , I don't make jokes" Jungkook snarl through his tongue and yoongi chuckle before rolling his eyes.

"Your parents definitely enjoy making jokes , and you're living proof but anyways can your introduce your husband to me? Or you don't trust your hyung ?" Jungkook eye yoongi disgustingly for using the hyung card on him , but nevertheless he turn to face Taehyung.

"He's a very close hyung to me , he's always there through all my rash decisions and he's pursuing to build an entertainment company but he is also in my dirty business for the sake of me . After grandpa , he's the only human I can trust so you don't have to be intimidated by his appearance" Taehyung smile softly at the way Jungkook was giving a full explanation just because he wants introduce him to his friend , this man is going beyond tae's dreaming life and he's here for it.

The two turn to yoongi who couldn't hide his shocked.

"Damn , You've got a sister or brother or whatever? You know ? We can fix two weddings at the same time" Taehyung Chuckle slightly at yoongi's words ,at least he felt relax in the man's present .

"No I don't have , I'm Kim Taehyung , nice to meet you Mr ?"

"Min Yoongi, it's nice to finally meet you too . I thought this kid was going crazy when he said he's getting married but you look young , too much young and he's a kid too" yoongi commented carefully not planning to piss neither Jungkook or Taehyung off.

"I'm eighteen and currently in college studying art" yoongi nod smiling softly at the boy before turning back towards Jungkook.

"I don't have any words to say to Jungkook because I know he won't even start what he's not ready for , he's a boy with determination and I pray this Union work and last very long with happiness" yoongi spoke sincerely and even tho Jungkook roll his eyes , he still couldn't help the smile on his face.

"Thanks Mr min" Taehyung bow slightly.

"Call me yoongi hyung , and incase he messed up , I won't mind getting the second choice" yoongi laugh loudly when Jungkook swiftly off his wristwatch only to throw it at him.

"He's mine !!"


Sorry for mistake

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Waits , where's hoba and namjin 🕴🏻🕴🏻

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